Earth Dimensional Snack System

Chapter 302 Chapter Two Hundred and Eighty Nine Half

"How do you feel, I am always targeted."

In the initial space, recreate the new name Yun Tian and Yun Jiu, who is three meters away, and Yun Jiu who is looking at him with no expression on his face.

[The host does not have any luck to maintain luck, so there are more emergencies]

Yuntian: Is that more called?

Yuntian: Forget it, the indiscriminate war with thermal weapons will be suspended first. The new ship is basically killed by stray bullets or bombs that fly over suddenly. There is no hope of becoming stronger. For a better gaming experience, I'll play other modes.

Yuntian: I feel that it would be good to create a few more numbers. Operate more. From Yun2 to Yun9, I am an army.

(Dahan Guoshiyun: The code number I booked before is so gone?)

(Yun Tian: You are a avatar separated from the Lord, what kind of bicycle or bicycle do you want? But it's not a problem if you don't give you a name. It's not easy to call you. You will call Dahan Guoshi from now on)

(Dahan Guoshi: ............. dare to perfuse)

Yuntian: By the way, what are they doing now, Xiaohei?The system helped me to open a live broadcast, and I wanted to find some fun to soothe the unhappy mood of the face-riding helicopter gunship.

[Starting live broadcast]

[Selected live broadcast candidates, the final work]

[Live broadcast failed to start]

System self-test

[The system detects that the cold weapon cannot be connected to the subroutine in the indiscriminate war]

[System reconnects cold weapon indiscriminate war subroutine]

Connection failed

[The system cannot confirm the connection between the system and the subroutine, it is disconnected due to external factors]

[According to Article 3089 of the system, the system needs to confirm the status of the subroutine, and if the subroutine is defected, it will be erased]

[The system calculates the winning rate of our highest combat power through the indiscriminate war channel of cold weapons]

[The host is ready, three seconds later, the main body will be launched and the attack will start, opening up the indiscriminate war channel connecting cold weapons]


Sky Cloud: Bridge Bean Sack

Yuntian: Before you put me in, let me know how the winning rate is!

[Flying Dragon Riding Face]

Yuntian: Throw the cloud over. Since it is a flying dragon riding a face, the effect on the cloud is a little worse, but it is safer.

[Comparison of Tier 5 and Tier 6, 100 million points]

Yuntian: Anyway, the main body can’t move. The universe is dangerous. No one knows. When I went out, would I suddenly meet a 7th and 8th boss, and that 7th and 8th boss was not in a good mood. Okay, slap me to death.

[Host, you have committed a delusion]

Yuntian: Not afraid of 10,000, just in case, even tens of trillions, it is possible, for example, the system you are not just met by me!

[Even if all of the host's body is dead, there is a strand of host's soul saved by the system, the system can resurrect the host]

Yuntian: This body of mine has been with me for decades. It is emotional and reluctant.

[The system will forge a body exactly the same as before]

Yuntian: Couldn't there be an existence where even the system can't protect my soul?

[Host, you are arguing with the system, right]

Yuntian: Anyway, the main body cannot go. If you want to go, Yunyi will go.

[The host is ready to launch the clone cloud three seconds later to start the offensive, and open up the indiscriminate war channel connecting cold weapons]






The blade of the sword came out of its sheath, and a handful of spears shone cold under the light of the stars, with the sharpness of metal, it was close to my eyes.

Put directly into the enemy line?The system is not afraid that after he is teleported, he will be ambushed by the top combat power of the dirty clone for a while, and he is really less and less particular.

He dodges thirteen spears sideways, Yuntian is facing the one in front of the ordinary technology world, still carrying his schoolbag to school, but here, he is expressionless, his body holding one is completely out of proportion to his body. The eight- to nine-year-old boy with a two-meter spear in his mouth let out a breath.

Black spots appeared on the little boy's face. In just three seconds, the whole body of the black little boy swelled and burst open.

Black matter sputtered on the bodies of the surrounding dirt clones, and black spots appeared on them. Three seconds later, they exploded.

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