Yihua said with a smile, and after watching Er 2 Nai leave, she closed the door with her backhand, then turned her head, the smile on her face disappeared, and she stared at Su Mu in front of him without a trace of emotion.

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The bathroom is very small, only a few square meters, because Shiyu of Kasumigaoka usually uses it alone, so there is no shower curtain.

At this moment, the two were huddled in the small bathroom, and Su Mu could touch each other as long as he raised his hand.

Although Su Mu had taken advantage of Senior Sister many times before, this was the first time he had seen each other's body.

Her stature is exceptionally outstanding. She is [-] meters tall, which is rare among all the girls Su Mu knows. People gulped.

At this time, Shiyu of Kasumigaoka seemed a little panicked, her cheeks flushed, and her hands subconsciously covered her chest.

The hot water scoured her crystal clear, creamy and fragrant skin, mixed with foam, and flowed into the sewer along her long straight legs and slender toes.

"Brother Jun, you suddenly broke in and made me very distressed. At least I have to wait for me to take a shower first, and then let's talk about it."

Rarely showed a nervous and flustered look on her face, she stammered.

"Uh, sorry, senpai."

Su Mu said a little embarrassedly, wanted to scratch his head, and suddenly found that he was still holding shoes, hot water splashed on his body, his face, and the air was filled with the strong scent of shampoo, mixed with the body fragrance of a girl.

"Shi Yu, what's wrong with you, I'm in."

The sound of footsteps gradually entered.

"Wait...wait a minute! I'm taking a shower now and can't come in!"

Kasumigaoka Shiyu finally reacted, her face was full of shyness and panic, and because of her nervousness, her whole body showed a nice pink color.

If her mother walked in at this time and saw Su Mu in the bathroom, she really couldn't explain it anyway.


The footsteps stopped outside the door, "What were you calling just now?"

"Well... I was startled when I heard my mother's voice."

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu clutched her body and explained nervously.

"Is that so I've put dinner on the table for you.

But why is there a strange smell in your room that seems to be a boyish smell."

Her mother's voice with a hint of doubt came from outside the door.

"Ah, this...it's the earthy smell of rain, I'm getting wet from the rain."

A trace of panic flashed across Xiazhiqiu Shiyu's face, and he quickly explained.

"You child is too careless. In such a cold weather, you get wet from the rain. Be careful of catching a cold."

Her mother's caring tone came from outside the door.

"I see."

Kasumi Hill Shiyu said.

The sound of footsteps gradually went away, and finally came the sound of the door closing, look.

The mother should be gone.

Su Mu was also relieved.

He turned his face, looked at his sister with a smile, and said, "Fortunately, it's all right now, I was startled just now."

What responded to him was a small white foot.

"Since it's all right, why don't you go out quickly?"

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu raised a foot, put it on Su Mu's face, and cried out in shame and annoyance.

"I...I know."

Su Mu's indistinct voice came from under his feet.

A little embarrassed, he walked out of the bathroom, Su Mu wiped a handful of water from his face, and was speechless. Is this a foot wash for Senior Sister? He carefully recalled the moment when Shiyu of Xia Zhiqiu lifted his foot, and shook his head with regret. She lifted her foot so fast that she couldn't see clearly.

But after such a fuss, his body is even more wet now.

He took off his outer clothes and put on the bathrobe that Shiyu Kasumigaoka had handed him before, and he felt a lot more comfortable all of a sudden.

And the bathrobe is fragrant, full of the unique fragrance of girls.

After a while, Kasumigaoka Shiyu came out of the bathroom, wearing a white bathrobe, her chest almost jumped out, her long black hair was wet, her bare feet were white, and a few drops of crystal dew still remained in her white flowers. on the calf.


Her cheeks flushed slightly, leaning against the door, looking at Su Mu, a faint light flashed in her wine-red pupils.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu came over, sat on the edge, and wiped his wet long hair with a towel.

"Nei, brother-in-law, are you going to wash?"

she asked.

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