Nakiri Alice said triumphantly, feeling that although she has always been compared with her since she was a child, in this regard, she obviously won! Broken, "I will definitely knit very well in the future!"

"By the way, Su Mujun, this is for you."

Tian Suohui said suddenly, and then gave him a red amulet, "This is what I asked for when I went back to my hometown the day before yesterday."

"Thank you, Xiaohui."

Su Mu thanked him and took it. The last time her mother gave her an academic talisman, this one is a peace talisman.

"Also, this is my mother's entrustment to me."

Tian Suohui suddenly blushed, and shyly shielded him.

"Hey, Yukihira Sou, who was beside the love charm that prayed for a smooth relationship, was really scratched and blurted out his debut.

Su Mu was a little embarrassed, remembering the sins he had committed, and coughed lightly.

Tian Suohui's little face was as red as an apple, and she was almost buried in her clothes with her head down. In fact, her mother asked for two talismans, and the other was with her.

When she returned to her hometown this time, everyone was very disappointed that she did not bring Su Mu back.

Then, Yoshino Yuki and Sakaki Ryoko also gave Su Mu a gift. Yoshino Yuki's gift was very speechless. It was a chicken she bred by herself, and when she took it out of the bag, it screamed.

Sakaki Ryoko's is the natto that she fermented by herself, and Isshiki gave her the vegetables she planted... Yukihira Soma touched his pocket and found that there was nothing in it, and he was a little embarrassed.

"Xiaohui, this is for you."

Su Mu handed a gift box to Tian Suohui.

"Hey give it to me"

Tian Suohui blushed and took it.

"Hurry up, hurry up!"

Yoshino Yuki hurriedly came over and urged.

Sakaki Ryoko also came over curiously.

Tian Suohui originally wanted to wait until no one was there to open it, but couldn't stand everyone's urging, so he had to open it, and then a bright diamond-like fruit appeared in front of everyone.

"Wow! So beautiful!"

Yoshino Yuki instantly widened her eyes, and Sakaki Ryoko also looked envious.

"Will this be too expensive?"

Tian Suohui's face was flushed, and she was a little uneasy.

"It's okay, just accept it."

Su Mu was serious and authentic.


Tian Suohui could only accept it, her little face was flushed, but she was very happy, and there was a gentle look in Su Mu's eyes.

Nakiri Erina and Nakiri Alice were a little sour. They thought Su Mu gave them the only one! But there are other girls too! But considering that Tian Suohui is Su Mu's classmate, it is also considered Can barely accept this unusual treatment.

"Jun Su Mu, you are really unusual for Xiaohui!"

Sakaki Ryoko looked at Su Mu with a half-smile.

"that is...."

Yoshino Yuki also nodded hurriedly.

"You have it too."

Su Mu had a headache, "On the Christmas tree, you can take it yourself."


Yoshino Yuki immediately became excited, and immediately went to pick one from the Christmas tree with Sakaki Ryoko.

"Hey, Su Mujun, can I get one too?"

Nakiri Alice looked a little greedy, although she had already received it, but she also wanted one.


Su Mu said with a smile.

At this time, another guest came.

It was Kobayashi Rentan, Akira Kubo Tao, Si Yingshi, Jiuga Zhaoji, the four top ten heroes, and the others had already left because of vacation or graduation.

"Hey, how many of you are here?"

Xiaolin Rentan was surprised to see so many people arriving, but then she was attracted by the gifts hanging on the huge Christmas tree.

"Wow! There are so many gifts! Little brother, is there anything in it for me?"

"There are very rare ingredients in it, and it also includes extremely precious ingredients, but what you can pick depends on your luck."

Su Mu smiled.

After hearing Su Mu's words, everyone's eyes lit up, but they knew that Su Mu had a lot of precious ingredients. Needless to say, the gifts he gave everyone must be good things! Even Yoshino Yuki and the others who were picking gifts, I also hesitated, not knowing which one to choose.

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