Nakiri Alice said with a genuine smile.

"What nonsense are you talking about? Anyone with normal aesthetic ability will think mine is prettier."

Nakiri Erina snorted softly and said with a proud face.

Well, I take back my previous thought.

Su Mu thought helplessly.

Just thinking about it, Kang Na, who was holding his shirt by the side, stopped again and looked at the beautiful amulet on the booth.

"Hey, Su Mujun, what is this?"

Conner pulled up her sleeves, raised her face, and asked curiously.

"It's a talisman."

Su Mu said, "Uh, do you want it?"

Small stars began to appear in Kona's blue eyes again.

"All right."

Although it felt strange that a dragon from the evil camp wanted an amulet, Su Mu still bought her an academic amulet.

Conna, who got the amulet, hung it around her neck and lowered her head from time to time to take a look at the amulet, her face shining brightly.

Then, Su Mu bought a few lucky bags and gave them to everyone.

There is an amulet inside the lucky bag.

"It's an academic talisman! Hmm! I will definitely work hard on cooking next semester!"

Yoshino Yuki took it apart as an academic charm, and couldn't help clenching her small fists, serious and authentic.

"Xiaohui, mine is also an academic talisman, what's yours?"

Sakaki Ryoko came over and asked curiously.

"Yeah, it's a love charm."

Tian Suohui's little face was flushed, and she couldn't help but secretly glanced at Su Mu.

"what the hell.

Mine is also an academic talisman, and I am clearly learning how to cook every day!"

Nakiri Alice muttered softly, but happily hung it around her neck.

Su Mu couldn't help rolling his eyes. When did you study seriously? The funniest thing is... you're okay! "Hey, Erina, what's yours?"

Nakiri Alice leaned over and asked like a curious baby.

"Well... let me see."

Erina Nakiri opened the lucky bag and took it out.

The drawn out amulet is upside down, so the three characters of the vertical peace amulet are exposed first.

"It looks like a peace talisman."

Nakiri Erina muttered to herself.

"Hey, Erina, can I change my academic symbol with yours?"

Nakiri Alice's eyes were sparkling, and she discussed with her.

"Why do I need an academic talisman and it's useless."

Nakiri Erina glanced at her and muttered.

Now that she has become the commander-in-chief of Yuanyue, she really doesn't need to use it.

"Erina is so stingy!"

Nakiri Alice puffed out her face and said angrily.

Then, Erina Nakiri took the amulet out of the lucky bag.

However, when she saw the words on it clearly, her whole face instantly turned: red.

"Mother... Mother and son are safe, where is the peace talisman, it is the birthing talisman at all, okay?"

She looked at the amulet in her hand, blushed and stammered.

"Uh, what do you think, Su Mujun, to give a girl a natural birth charm?"

Sakaki Ryoko also stared at Su Mu with a strange expression.

"How do I know that the lucky bag is a safe birth talisman"

Su Mu said with a depressed expression.

"Well... Alice, didn't you just want to change?"

Nakiri Erina looked at Nakiri Alice and said.


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