Chapter 217 The Great War Will Begin

Lin Chen also turned around and returned to the upstairs room. He had to make some preparations for the upcoming war.

What Lin Chen didn't notice was that, in his eyes, Chen Shiyu, the landlady's daughter, had been looking at the back of Chen De leaving with complicated eyes, and hadn't recovered for a long time after his figure completely disappeared.

"Old Chen, why didn't you talk when you saw your daughter? It made me, an uncle, too embarrassed to say hello." Duan Jibo suddenly said while walking on the road.

"After this girl became a player, she broke up with me." Chen De pouted.

Duan Jibo was silent for a long time before he spoke again: "There's nothing wrong with being a player. Do you still care about Ah Zhe?"

The cynicism on Chen De's face suddenly subsided, and he looked a little depressed, even sad. After a long time, he calmed down again and said: "Azhe's death has passed. Since Shiyu became a player, I have I'll take care of you all the way, so you don't have to worry."

Duan Jibo nodded and stopped talking.

"What, those two old dogs Chen De and Duan Jibo stopped you?"

In the Sakura Country Building, a middle-aged man with an inch hair asked with a look of shock and anger.

The samurai lowered his head and said, "Yes, we don't have evidence, that's why they stopped us."

"Damn Huaguo player! That Lin Chen is obviously a big suspect. Four of us died. Isn't it even allowed to investigate?"

"Huaguo is too strong, that Duan Jibo even exploded his ghost power directly at us, without any sympathy." The warrior head was also full of anger.

"Damn it!" The middle-aged man with long hair scolded, feeling quite aggrieved for a moment.

At this time, a young man sitting next to the two spoke up and said, "Actually, although the death of the Sishishen is strange, the Chinese man is indeed just suspicious. Being able to open the door of the player's room is definitely not the case. A three-star player can do it."

This person is handsome, with a fair face, and a red circular mark on his head, which looks like he has a third eye.

It is the three-star player with a high status in the Sakura Kingdom, Shenmei Maru!

A character who can be compared with the Huaguo sequence, the three-star peak, is about to enter the existence of the battle of Tianjiao.

The samurai head and the middle-aged man with long hair nodded.

They naturally understood this, and they wanted to bring Lin Chen back because they wanted to use this to speak out to the outside world.

The four shikigami died suddenly, obviously assassinated. If they didn't make any movement at this time, it would undoubtedly be tantamount to embarrassing Sakura Country.

"Lan Yi, we shouldn't provoke him, but this player named Lin Chen is not difficult to deal with. I will find a way to find him when the battle of Tianjiao is over. At least, he did have conflicts with Sishishen, right? For the time being, just leave him alone." Shenmei Wan said with a faint smile on his face.

After finishing speaking, he got up and left here. His figure was slender, his back was tall and straight, and he looked full of confidence.

In a new conference room.

A group of black-clothed congregation gathered here with ugly faces.

If Sishishigami died at home for no reason, which seems unreasonable, then they also encountered extremely strange things here.

A priceless holy lamp disappeared out of thin air in front of a four-star player and a group of two-star and three-star players.


This can be called a supernatural event!

These black-clothed congregants, who have been dealing with ghosts all year round, feel even more suspicious of life.

Worse than hell!

And the most frustrating thing is that they are an organization in the dark.

People in Yinghua Country can stand up and scream twice when they encounter something, but they can only be incompetent and furious behind their backs.

Even last night, this group of people changed positions overnight like frightened birds.

At this time, all the men in black present had sullen faces, and their hearts were particularly heavy.

"Damn it, who the **** has such a means to steal the holy lamp out of thin air in front of so many of us." Someone said angrily.

"It can't be a high-star player above five stars." Someone said with a serious face, looking a little scared.

"Impossible, if it's a five-star player, all of us will die." Someone said with a sneer.

In the end, the leading four-star believer sighed and said: "The strength is not clear, but this method should be the power of space. That person used space to capture the holy lamp, and I didn't even perceive it beforehand. It's just hateful!"

After speaking, his tone became gritted.

The holy lamp was related to their next mission, but before it was officially used, the holy lamp was lost like this, which was too embarrassing.

To put it bluntly, they are almost ready to leave Banjie Mountain and return to their hometown. Due to force majeure, the mission has ended...

"The Holy Grail is gone, so we don't need to do our mission. For the time being, please don't act rashly. Let's wait until the outcome of the war comes out." The four-star believer said.

The men in black nodded upon hearing the words, and they all seemed in a bad mood.

Of course, there is also an example, at least Zhao Youcai's mood is different.

He seemed silent, but in fact he was already laughing in his heart.

When the Holy Grail and the Holy Whip were lost before, he didn't think it was caused by his own subjective factors. As a result, no matter which time, he was blamed for everything.

Even later, the top management in the organization asked him to go to the orphanage to interview the guard, in the name of guarding the gate, to investigate the clues of the Holy Whip.

It's just too deceiving.

Fortunately, God has eyes, when the sacred artifact was lost this time, he was the farthest away, and it had nothing to do with him.

So he looked at the dull believers one by one, not only did not have the annoyance of losing the sacred artifact, but he felt a sense of elation.

Let's see who is daring to let Lao Tzu take the blame!

However, what he didn't know was that there were quite a few people secretly looking at him at this time, all of them had strange looks in their eyes.

Looking at Zhao Youcai, the corners of the mouths of the leading four-star believers twitched.

While secretly regretting, he began to slander:

"If I had known earlier, I would not have let him enter Banjie Mountain even if there was a lack of manpower! The rumors in the organization are indeed good, this old boy is really bad, he is known as a specialist in the destruction of sacred artifacts, he is simply too evil!"

A bowl of blue ghost blood exuding strong energy was placed in front of him.

Lin Chen is refining talismans with the ghost king's blood.

The battle of Tianjiao is about to start, and he has to prepare some things.

When sending the fallen ghost kings away, Lin Chen left behind a lot of their blood.

Using the blood of the ghost king to draw the talisman has an excellent effect.

First of all, what Lin Chen first refined was the disguise talisman.

Tomorrow's Tianjiao battle, there will be too many strong people watching the battle.

Although he has a ghost-level ghost to avoid spiritual prying, a black cloak.

But adding a disguise talisman made with the ghost king's blood is naturally safer.

He was extremely fast, and after a while, several disguise symbols came together.

These are all for my own use, not for Qiu Ziwen and the three ghosts.

The name of Uncle Chen has long been exposed, and he has entered the sight of some ghosts in the horror world.

It doesn't matter if there are tens of thousands of people, or if you take the highest captive.

These honors have already gathered on "Uncle Chen", and they can't be concealed by keeping a low profile.

As long as Lin Chen uses symbolic abilities or shows a strong side in front of outsiders, he will probably be recognized as Uncle Chen immediately.

Therefore, Lin Chen never thought that he would be able to participate in the battle without anyone noticing, without any existence noticing.

That's unrealistic.

But Uncle Chen is a mask, so it doesn't matter if he is exposed.

Ever since he came out of the Dungeon Restaurant dungeon, his name has been circulating in the player world.

His goal now is to keep his original appearance from being seen by others.

In this case, no matter what "Uncle Chen" does, it will not affect him.

When necessary, he can turn into Uncle Chen at any time, and if not necessary, he will change back to Lin Chen to restore peace to life.

Uncle Chen was exposed, but Lin Chen was not.

This is also the reason why Lin Chen entered the public eye with another identity.

One by one, the Yi Rong Talisman was drawn.

Next, Lin Chen refined a few more talismans containing thunder, and planned to hand them over to the three ghosts for self-protection under special circumstances.

Lei Fa is powerful and consumes a lot of ghost blood.

Lin Chen collected a lot of Ghost King's blood, but when the nine thunder talismans came down, Lin Chen's stock was completely exhausted.

It's really scary.

However, the power of this kind of thunder talisman is naturally extraordinary. Even if it is just standing still, the faintly visible bursts of lightning on its body and the terrifying fluctuations radiate prove its extremely terrifying power.

"Let's go here."

Lin Chen handed the talisman to the three ghosts and let them leave.

And he rested.

Stealing the sacred artifact or killing the four shikigami was just a coincidence, and he did it casually. His real thoughts have always been on the ghosts in the opposite ghost clan domain.

For the next time, Lin Chen spent in peace, waiting for the start of the battle of Tianjiao with anticipation in his heart.

The emotions of the players outside in the blue star field have also changed over time. They are either preoccupied or full of fighting spirit. Generally speaking, the atmosphere is gradually becoming dignified.

The same is true for the evil spirits in the ghost domain, but relatively speaking, the atmosphere is much more relaxed, and many ghosts are even looking forward to the start of the battle.

Human beings are weak, especially those below four stars, and it is even more difficult for them to fight against ghosts.

On the other hand, for this battle of Tianjiao, the ghost clan has won over the digital supreme, and some legendary ghost with the human side, their combat power occupies an absolute advantage!

For many ghosts, this time can be called a must-win battle.

Some ghosts even showed bloodthirsty and greedy eyes. Human flesh and blood are very nourishing to the ghosts, and they are already hungry and thirsty.

One night passed.

Early the next morning, the entire Blue Star Territory resounded with the sound of war drums.

The drum beats are touching, as if they are hitting everyone's heart.

Lin Chen slowly opened his eyes amidst the sound of the drum, and a flash of light flashed in his eyes.

The war will start!

I finally got home. I traveled long distances from Xuzhou back to NMG. I drove for a whole day, but I was exhausted. Even yesterday’s chapter name, I just noticed that I made a mistake. Chapter 213 was written as chapter 203..., but it’s good. Maintained the update of the two updates every day, then adjust it and try to add more updates! ! Thank you for your support. In addition, if you have monthly tickets, can you vote? When you reach 1000 monthly tickets, you will be satisfied. Thank you

(end of this chapter)

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