Chapter 237 Death of the Extreme Ghost

When the human race saw this, they were all stunned.

After reacting, everyone's blood boiled with excitement.

Even Zhou Geng and other five-star players blushed with excitement.


It's so fierce!

Lin Chen played really beautifully.

Some five-star players even looked up to the sky and laughed, their voices were incomparably carefree.

The battle of Tianjiao is completely over, and mankind has won!

And Mu Wang and other ghost kings were so angry that their faces were almost purple.

Not only because of the defeat in the battle of Tianjiao, but also because of Lin Chen's posture at this time.

This foot is not a ghostly step, it is more like stepping on their hearts!

Many low-level red-clothed ghosts and ordinary fierce gods, when they saw this scene, their pupils trembled wildly, and their hearts were full of throbbing and frustration.

Even the ghost king fell silent when he saw the invincible figure.

Between humans and ghosts, it has always been ghosts who overwhelm humans. Few human beings can fight against ghosts. This is a fact, and it is also a deep-rooted idea in the hearts of ghosts.

This is also the reason why ghosts are proud, rampant, and bloodthirsty.

But all of this was broken by the human being in front of him.

Under the eyes of everyone, he forcibly fought across platforms. If he didn't go up to the highest level, it would be an instant kill, and the highest level in front of him was as easy to defeat as cutting melons and vegetables.

Even the extremely ghost, which should be absolutely invincible in the fierce **** state, can only compete with it a little bit.

Lin Chen's slap and the scene of stepping on the ghost almost broke the hearts of all the ghosts.

On the side of the ghost clan, the atmosphere became extremely gloomy. Many ghosts looked at Lin Chen's figure and stepped back involuntarily.

He looked completely terrified.

Seeing this, Mu Wang and other ghost kings became even more anxious, and when they looked at Lin Chen, the murderous intent in their eyes became even stronger!

Why did they work so hard in front of everyone, forcing the human arrogance to turn into a ghost, and what was the reason for inviting the extreme ghost Shi Ting ghost and other invincible fierce gods into Banjie Mountain?

Isn't it just to break the heart of human beings and make human beings slump and no longer have the heart to resist?

But all of this was broken by Lin Chen, not to mention, but he stepped on them severely, killing ghosts and killing their hearts!

Let the momentum of the ghost clan drop sharply.

Completely counterattacked their mind-attacking methods to their own hearts!

Mu Wang's eyes were gloomy, and he thought for a while and said: "Chen, you are too rampant, and you showed your victorious posture too early, but you know that above the extreme ghosts, there are ghosts who are in the world, that is my ghost clan. The pride of heaven."

He wants to set up another banner and set up a new direction for the hearts of the ghost clan.

This big banner is the legendary Hunshigui, an invincible existence that overwhelms the extremely ghost on the list of vicious **** potential.

Sure enough, as soon as the voice fell, the eyes of all the ghosts suddenly glowed again.

Hearing this, Lin Chen almost burst out laughing, and asked sullenly, "What about the ghost?"

Mu Wang snorted coldly and said: "It is enough for the ghost to kill you. This is a new species of ghost that has never appeared before. It is so terrifying that you can't imagine it."

"That's right, I couldn't imagine it. How did you know it? You know a lot." Lin Chen said, his face full of ridicule.

Seeing Lin Chen's expression, King Mu's heart skipped a beat. For some reason, he always had a feeling that something was wrong.

But on the surface, he still calmly said: "I have seen the ghost of the world, he is retreating in a certain place in the horror world, and his ghost power is stronger than yours, but he has a special situation, he is not willing to enter the half world mountain , otherwise, you will not be able to stand and talk to me now."

Lin Chen was dumbfounded.

He stared blankly at King Mu.

Seeing the old boy's swearing, Lin Chen almost had the illusion that he was not a ghost.

This is too bragging, isn't it, which eye of yours has seen a ghost?

However, Lin Chen looked back at Zhou Geng and Chen De, who were looking at him excitedly, and let go of the urge to show off their identity as ghosts and jump up and slap King Mu on the mouth.

There is no need to expose one's biggest hole card with the advantage of words.

Even if the identity of the ghost of the world is exposed, it will not be exposed under such circumstances. The identity of the ghost of the world is of great use to him.

"Then I'll wait for the ghost you mentioned to come to me." Lin Chen laughed.

"I'm afraid you won't wait until that time, I won't let you walk out of Half World Mountain alive!" Mu Wang snorted coldly, let go of the harsh words, but in his heart he was thinking about how to get rid of this ghost Find out ahead of time.

"You should collect the corpse of your ghost first." Lin Chen said.

After that, he put down the foot that was stepping on Jigui's body, and kicked Jigui's broken body into the sky.

At this time, the extreme ghost was not completely dead, but his state had already entered a trough, his injuries were too serious, and he couldn't even mobilize the ghost power to warm up his injuries.

He looked at all this powerlessly, and his heart was full of humiliation.

But Lin Chen didn't care about it, and captured the other two, Shi Ting Ghost and Abyss Ghost, who were slightly more injured than him, but not too bad.

Lin Chen slightly opened one hand, mobilized the ghost power, and nailed the bodies of the three ghosts in the air. As long as he clenched his fist violently, the three ghosts would explode completely.

"you dare!"

"Let them go!"

"Human, you are trying to die!"

All the ghosts are in a hurry. The identities of these three ghosts are more special than the other, and they must not be lost.

"Mu Wang, do you still remember the grand fireworks I set off for you in Changyin Mountain?" Lin Chen's fingers slightly bent, and blue ghost blood oozed from the three ghosts at the same time.

"Wait a minute!" Mu Wang stopped, and then looked at Zhou Geng: "Zhou Zu, let the three of them go, I can promise you one condition, let you drive."

The human players who were watching this scene with a happy face were all stunned, as if they hadn't thought of this scene at all.

Zhou Geng also had a flash in his eyes, and finally shook his head and said, "You asked the wrong person, I can't make a decision for him."

Mu Wang and other ghost kings were shocked. They didn't expect Lin Chen's status in the human race to be so high. Even five-star players were unwilling to distort their wishes.

But right now they couldn't allow them to think too much, so they hurriedly looked at Lin Chen and said, "Chen, let go of the three ghosts, and you can do whatever you want!"

"50,000 regiments of effort." Lin Chen spoke, and with one sentence, the ghosts almost fell from the sky.

King Mu's breath stagnated, and then his face showed a ferocious expression, he gritted his teeth and said, "Do you know what you're talking about?"

5,000,000 ghost coins are a group of mind, you want 50,000 groups, how do you speak?

"5000 regiments, one less regiment will not be sold!" Lin Chen said, with a look of lack of interest.

The 5000 regiment has a lot of effort!

This is 25 billion ghost coins, the kind of sky-high price that he can't even get together after selling Mucheng Mansion.

"What's the use of your mental strength as a human being? For another condition, can you use the flesh and blood of Yin beasts? I'll give you 5,000 catties!" Mu Wang said anxiously.

"5,000 catties!" On the human side, all the players with four stars and above gasped for breath, and there was a burning look in their eyes.

Mental strength is useless to humans, but the flesh and blood of Yin beasts are indispensable resources!

According to normal calculations, a three-star player breaks through four-star, and 500 catties of Yin Beast flesh and blood are enough to break through. As soon as King Mu opened his mouth, he gave away ten servings, which is indeed very sincere.

"Mu Wang, you know, I don't lack these things here." Lin Chen smiled.

King Mu's expression froze, and then he remembered that in Changyin Mountain, Lin Chen was the Yin Beast that swept the entire ghost domain. Although he only took the essence, in terms of the energy contained, it was comparable to a 2,000-jin Yin Beast. flesh and blood.

Even if these yin beasts are not fleshy enough for Lin Chen to break through to four stars, with Lin Chen's status on the human side, it is not too difficult to obtain the resources to break through to four stars.

"I'll give you the Grass Cultivation to help your students recover their original source." Mu Wang endured the pain and said, there are too few holy objects that can restore the original source of power, and the price is extremely expensive.

To restore the three Legendary Supremes to their original sources, the cultivation grass consumed by them is also a sky-high price, and the total will not be less than 4 billion ghost coins.

"I can let you change one." Lin Chen thought for a while and bargained.

"Three!" King Mu said angrily.

"One!" Lin Chen shook his head firmly.

In the eyes of all the people, the originally tense atmosphere turned into a bargaining store.

Mu Wangqi's face turned green. If he had a choice, he didn't want to negotiate with Lin Chen with such an attitude. This would lower his status too much, but the status of the three extremely ghosts is indeed very high, and it is impossible to ignore them.

And what made him even more angry was that Lin Chen's mouth was too rigid, he refused to let go of a word, and he would never let go!

Just when the two sides were at a stalemate, the half-dead ghost in the air suddenly spoke. He started to laugh lowly, and then the laughter became louder and louder, touching the wound, but he still didn't care.

Seeing this, Lin Chen squinted his eyes and looked at Jigui. The Jigui's state was very strange at this time. Of course, this was talking about emotions. In terms of physical condition, no matter how strong Jigui was, it was impossible for any disturbances to arise.

After laughing for a long time, Jigui stopped panting. He looked at Lin Chen with scarlet eyes and said, "How can I exist as Jigui? I can let you trade like goods. Chen, I will remember you." .”

After all, the Jigui's body suddenly lit up, and it actually aroused the source, and blew up on the spot.

"Hmph!" Seeing this, Lin Chen directly surrounded the Ji Ghost with extremely strong ghost power, forming a strong defensive wall.

Not long after, I heard a thunderous sound in the ghost power wall, and a large amount of energy burst out, but its power was only to make the ghost power wall dilapidated, and then dissipated. cause too much impact.

The remaining ghost power spread out, and the inside has become very empty, and there is no sign of the extreme ghost anymore.

He forced Sequence One to death, and he ended up in a self-destruct situation, which can be regarded as a perfect ending.

The death of the extreme ghost made the audience become silent, Mu Wang's face turned sour that it turned freezing point.

And Zhou Geng, who had gone through the pain of bereavement, let out a long sigh from Yang Tian.

Will you remember me?

This is a sentence from Ji Gui before he died, which makes Lin Chen a little suspicious.

Then he took a closer look at the position where Jigui blew himself up, and then looked at the list of vicious **** potentials, and found that the other party's ranking had indeed disappeared.

Then he also came back to his mind.

In any case, Ji Gui would not be his opponent, even if this guy could escape with death, Lin Chen still wouldn't care.

Looking at the time-stopping ghost and the abyss ghost, Lin Chen thought for a while, and said with a slight twitch: "Mu Wang, can this deal be done? It is enough for my three students to recover the cultivation grass. This condition , whether you want to change Abyss Ghost or Time Stop Ghost, you only have one chance to trade, and you can only choose one.”

Lin Chen's voice sounded like a devil, showing his shocked fangs, and with one sentence, King Mu was pushed to the edge of the cliff.

Caught in a dilemma!

(end of this chapter)

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