Elf Town Has Big Problems

Chapter 1054: supernatural

"It's some kind of paranormal phenomenon..."

Li Shisan began to tell a story.

I once got a very special magic weapon (GS ball), which will suddenly glow in certain situations.

I didn't know why at first, but after using it slowly, I vaguely felt that the magic weapon indicates that there is a gap in time and space with supernatural phenomena. This kind of gap in time and space is prone to demon owls, and it will also accelerate and close in the later stage.

Every time the magic weapon shines, it wears out once, and the prediction may not be correct.

Until Li Shisan roughly figured out the way, he reminded Furong No. 2 Middle School and Chuangqiao Hotel to verify the two time-space cracks, and the magic weapon was exhausted and vanished.

It sounds like there is a bit of basis. In the end, the GS ball was used as a medium to send Li Shisan to the withered world, and it really disappeared.


The conference room in the official tent fell silent.

Li Shisan also has a clear conscience. He tried his best to tell the process of reasoning and evidence within the range that can be informed, and artistic processing was carried out in places that were not allowed to be stated, which was not outrageous.

If someone else said this, arrogance and coldsickness are all nonsense.

But Li Shisan really predicted the rift in time and space.

If someone who has a plan has another plan to get the magic weapon, there is no need to show it in front of the official and the anti-magic group.

In view of Li Shisan's great contribution and several life-saving graces, Zhang Kuang felt that things were strange and strange, and his credibility was very high.

Cold typhoid is also a positive attitude, and there is no need to tell such a lie.

If you really don't want to reveal the magic weapon to the public, you should hide it by yourself, there is no need to say it, or find a better reason, such as an expert's guidance, and then leave.

"I'll investigate a few more videos..."

In Zhang Kuang's eyes, Li Shisan not only rescued the scene many times, but also gave important reference information, which is definitely not an outsider, so he openly opened another record of the time-space gap that has haunted the demon owl.

This time-space fluctuation record has no so-called special peaks, peaks and valleys. After repeated searches in the video, there is no green light group at the end.

Li Shisan couldn't understand the fluctuating frequency spectrum. The first thing he noticed was the recording time. Nearly 20 years ago, the location was District 9.

"Zhang Yuchang, does the demon owl rarely appear?"

"Of course, otherwise human development will not be at the current level, and it should have suffered long ago."

According to the historical subjects of the college entrance examination, human beings have advanced to the restricted area several times, and the big battle to crush the restricted area was defeated because of the encounter with the demon owl.

The background of the times is backward, and the level of practice and technology is insufficient. The magic owl rushed into the human battle formation and killed it, and it took hundreds of times of combat power to change its life.

Besides, at the moment, the official cultivator department and the demon-suppressing group have been established and have a considerable scale. If you encounter a demon, you will not run away first, but it is also difficult to deal with.

Take the "chaotic armour" as an example, at least three 9-star cultivators have to make a move, and then a few 8-star cultivators can cooperate with each other.

This is still based on the development of modern practice and technology, and the sufficient supply of battle suits and spiritual tools.

Zhang Kuang opened another frequency spectrum recording the time-space crack of the demon owl, and there were abnormal fluctuations.

Watching the video again, at the end, the space-time rift closes, and there is a small green light group that cannot be detected.

Comparing the five space-time breaches with a time span of several decades, four of them have abnormal fluctuations, there are special spectrum records, and there are corresponding green supernatural phenomena.

Hanshang asked, "Mr. Li, do you have any understanding of that supernatural phenomenon?"

"I'm not a scientist." Li Shisan spread his hands and expressed helplessness.

"You can only look at superficial things. For example, when the Demon Owl appears, nine times out of ten, there is a green light. In the end, the green light will speed up the healing of the space-time crack. You can also see these superficial phenomena by comparison."

Li Shisan said everything he could, and he also got some of the things he wanted.

Including the time and space gap record of Chuangqiao Hotel, Zhang Kuang displayed nearly ten materials.

Li Shisan had previously guessed that Celebi was preventing the demon owl from invading the human world. The guess was based on the two space-time gaps in Furong City No. 2 Middle School and Chuangqiao Hotel, and the accuracy was hard to say.

Now comparing such a large time span, the conclusion can be drawn.

Celebi has been working hard to prevent the magic owl from harming human society for decades or even hundreds of years.

It seems that there is no direct effort to kill the demon owl, but the ten or dozens of times to stop the demon owl from advancing, the survival and development time for mankind is incalculable.

Speaking of killing... God knows if Celebi reluctantly used the power of Godhead to kill a demon owl in an unknown place.

In short, Celebi is trying his best to keep the world from dying, even if it's not his world.

Li Shisan also wanted to help it.

No wonder when Natural Bird spoke, Celebi replied that he had no time to play with the children.

As expected of the withered world, in addition to the more mature characters, the other Celebi is also more mature.

Let's look at our Celebi again. Back then, he was flying around looking for his good friend Manaphy. This is a big difference...

And it took me so many star fragments for nothing.

"There's only so much intelligence right now."

Li Shisan made a conclusion and looked straight at the arrogance.

If you don't speak, the meaning is very obvious. Your official practitioner department must be kind, everyone is contributing to the human society, you can't be empty-handed.

"Brother Thirteen, what do you want to ask?" Zhang Kuang knew that he was right, "I will tell you to the best of my ability."

Asking directly about Mo Xiao's ins and outs would definitely exceed Zhang Kuang's bottom line, so Li Shisan found a more appropriate angle.

"Why do you say that the 'Ranbing Armor' that appeared in Honghai City more than five years ago is the same one that appeared in the Chuangqiao Hotel?"


Zhang Kuang was stunned for a moment, he didn't say this information to the outside world, how did Li Shisan...

With a clear understanding in his heart, he turned his head arrogantly to look around, and Hanshang immediately assumed a disrespectful attitude, whistling at the ceiling, as if it had nothing to do with him.

"Director Han, you're not being kind. Standing behind you and reminding me not to exceed the limit, you're letting go."

"What's wrong with me?" Frostbite stopped whistling, "I said maybe, probably, there is no official conclusion about this matter and the Demon Suppression Team. I'm testing whether the little brother knows a deeper secret."

"You can pull it down~www.readwn.com~ Where are you testing? I guessed that you were pulling people in."

Zhang Kuang murmured, "I didn't bring the Thirteen Brothers into the official side, but you did it first."

Just kidding, Zhang Kuang is still honestly telling the inference that the 'Ranbing Armor' belongs to the same one.

Humans have soul fluctuations, which are different.

Fingerprints, tooth marks, and DNA are all signs of identity, and soul fluctuations are signs of soul.

In addition to humans, ordinary animals and monsters also have soul fluctuations, which are also unique among individuals.

Even if the two 'frost giants' are the products of division and proliferation, their soul fluctuations will only have a certain similarity and cannot be equal.

Insolently opening such a prelude, Li Shisan roughly thought of the meaning of the follow-up.

"You mean, the 'chaotic armor' killed by Honghai City and the 'chaotic armor' at the Chuangqiao Hotel two days ago have the same soul fluctuations?"


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