Elf Town Has Big Problems

Chapter 1057: two-wire system 1

"Eat, eat."

Li Shisan threw out the smashed pumpkin, and a large number of fragrant pigs gathered.

humming, humming—


Wang Wang Wang!

Besides the crowing of roosters and pigs, Li Shisan has a sticky golden retriever guide dog beside him.

A few days ago, Zhang Kuang asked Liu Yuan to come to the Koi Orphanage for rest. Due to the injury of his eyes, he had to apply for a guide dog.

Of course, Li Shisan didn't say anything, and found the Golden Retriever who lost his original owner after the battle at Chuangqiao Hotel.

It also recognized Li Shisan and jumped across the cage.

With Zhang Kuang present, the adoption of a guide dog was exempted from the formalities, and it was actually registered under Liu Yuan's name.

Along the way, the golden retriever stuck to Li Shisan, and he didn't know whether to pick a guide dog for Liu Yuan or a pet dog for Li Shisan.

Leaned down and patted the golden retriever on the head.

"You have to stay by Liu Yuan's side. Her left eye is temporarily completely blind, and her right eye is limited to five hours a day."

Wang Wang Wang.

Golden Retriever has received professional training from the guide dog school and can understand simple instructions. Li Shisan's words are too complicated, and his response is to sit and stick out his tongue.

Today, the medical staff came to change Liu Yuan's medicine, and the little golden retriever really couldn't stay in the room, but Celadon heard that there was such an admirable female warrior and ran to help the medical staff.

In the enclosure, the seventy or eighty fragrant pigs look spectacular, but they don't actually consume much food.

I don't know what to eat when pigs are poking around in the forest. Every day, their stomachs are bulging, and they can't even eat pumpkin and cabbage.

After chatting with Zhang Kuang and Han Shang, Li Shisan thought quietly for two days.

The magic owl should be studied as much as possible, otherwise there will be magic owls in the normal world. The basic strength is strong, and it feels a little undead, and it will gradually master the fighting skills.

There is such a catastrophic thing, Li Shisan doesn't want to open a farm on a small hill in peace.

Fortunately, the magic owl's combat power did not break through the constellation system framework.

It is very reasonable to think about it. Taking fantasy novels as an example, the human world is at most in the period of tribulation, and no matter how high it is, it will either fly to the fairy world, or it will stop.

Immortal world to an Immortal Venerable, Immortal Emperor or something, can't go up;

The last example is an online game. The current version has a limit of level 60. Typical hard-working players: Classmate Moxiao is a dungeon every day, Tiantian bricks, and kryptonian gold.

Another good news is that Celebi is tracking the demon owl. It doesn't want the world to be destroyed.

Then, Li Shisan's research on the magic owl and searching for Celebi are the same thing, and they have to meet each other.

The game interface, the plot began to promote.

It has nothing to do with the activities of the evil forces in reality. The Pokémon Ocean Selection program of the Ocean Group is almost over, and they start recording the second round of competition.

Find a tree and expand the text dialog:

I've already figured out my tactics!

Kazuki's words were full of confidence, and a crooked smile appeared under the half-mask that covered his eyes.

His plan is to become the champion of this Pokémon draft and become a well-known figure in the town.

At the critical moment of the Masked Man project, Kazuki intends to use his charisma to spread words to control people's hearts and assist in the implementation of the plan.

Objectively speaking, it wasn’t unreliable. The Masked Man’s plan could be successful in a certain period of time. Kazuki’s cooperation was limited to the corresponding time, and the residents of the town could be used at one time.

Do you despise my speaker cricket? !

Hearing about Kazuki's plan, Speaker Cricket stroked his whiskers in anger.

It was the runner-up of the previous session. If it was not suppressed by the pot, it would definitely have won the championship.

Every once in a while, the music skills of the speaker cricket will improve a lot. This time, with stronger violin skills, the popularity crushes most of the Pokémon.

The second place on the popularity list is: guitarist-high-pitched salamander, bassist-low-key vibrato.

Kazuki's bite was in third place, and he was so powerful that the blind jier had no confidence.

The natural bird flapped its wings and flew: Boss, there is a garlic next to the tree fruit field.

"Huh? What garlic? Frog seeds?"

Control the game character to go to the forest direction, and Sakura Bao chats with the timid lily root doll.

For two consecutive Pokémon drafts, Lily Root dolls came to the competition alone, and they were eliminated from the qualifying auditions.

Its dance is not very skilled, and it is very nervous and afraid of life. Of course, it does not perform well.

Especially seeing the beautiful flowers led by Li Jia, that is called a real high-level dance, which caused a critical blow to the Lily Root Doll.

In this competition, the audition lottery swayed behind the speaker cricket again, and went home alone again.

Only Sakura Treasure was present, and the Lily Root Doll could still stay cautiously. As soon as the player approached, it immediately turned around and slipped away.

"Hey, it's all bad for the sparrow gods, open their mouths to call others garlic, look now."

Natural Bird: It doesn't matter to me, Manaphy started calling first.

It seems so...

In the first Pokémon draft, Manaphy was late and happened to see the Lily Root doll leaving, saying that a grapefruit ran past.

The three bees flew to the player with the fruits and vegetables and sweet fragrance: The garlic girl was really afraid of life, very afraid of life, and appeared several times, only Sakura Treasure could try to get in touch with it.

"Oh? Can't the sea rabbit be so cute?"




The three bees said no: So far, only Sakura Treasure can get close to Garlic Girl.

"No, there is an exception."

On the edge of the tree fruit field, an elf stayed there all the time, and it was there when Sakura Treasure and Lily Root were talking.

Tulong brother...

"As expected of Tulong's younger brother, he didn't scare the Lily Root doll at all."

Tulong brother: ashamed, ashamed, I'm sorry.

"Little scholar."

When Celadon's call came from behind, Li Shisan turned his head and was startled.

"You look so bad."

When the medical staff came to change the dressing, they simply took off the gauze on Liu Yuan's body, scrubbed the whole body with medicinal water, and replaced it with a new gauze.

The step-by-step breakdown is a bit like putting an elephant in the refrigerator in three steps.

The injured are high-star practitioners, 3-star medical staff, 3-star celadon, stand by and help me so that my face is not so tired~www.readwn.com~Little Scholar. There were tears in Celadon's eyes, "Sister Liu Yuan is so miserable, how could she be hurt like that. "

Liu Yuan's injury looked really scary, and Li Shisan had seen it for the first time.

The valiant short hair was almost burnt out, and even if there was some left, it had to be removed for treatment.

The severe burns on the facial skin spread to the left half of the face, and the back and arms were all burned areas.

Thanks to Zhang Kuang's contact in advance, the reinforcements from the official cultivator department came quickly, otherwise, regardless of the bone and visceral injuries, the burns of the flesh alone could kill Liu Yuan.

"how is it now?"

Celadon still had lingering fears, and it was only when he stayed by Li Shisan's side that he felt much more relaxed.

"The medicine has been changed, and the medical staff will use the treatment technique regularly. Sister Liu Yuan's skin will grow quickly. What really needs to be rested for a long time is the bones and internal organs."

"Alright, let her rest in peace, I hope she can return to her former heroic demeanor by staying with us for a while..."

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