Elf Town Has Big Problems

Chapter 790: 4 levels of dungeon

Apart from the importance of the stone carvings on the island, Li Shisan thought of another possibility, that there was something important under the island.

In other words, the energy and magic circuits that support the island's enchantment are underground.

Fortunately, the elves can pass through the barrier, and the villa barrier in the base camp of the Knights Guild is opened to the maximum extent. Except for its own magic attacks, it isolates everything, so even the elves cannot pass through.

The enchantment of the island is limited to living creatures, and non-living creatures can pass.

Change the team composition...

"Follow the wind ball, Ghost Cicada. Fly in and see."

There is no problem for the elves to pass through the barrier. The ghost system can adjust its state and pass through physical objects. After entering the barrier, it will pass through the rock formation for about 30 meters and enter an underground space.


The ghost cicada screamed, and the grievance Baba hugged the ball with the wind: "Yeah!

With the wind ball: We are also ghosts, so what are you afraid of?

Ghost Cicada: Ghosts restrain each other!

The underground space was like a simple dungeon. The thin figure who fell to the ground was wearing a messy white robe, and his hands and feet were twisted and paralyzed in a posture that normal people could not do.

The handcuffs and shackles have been accumulating dust for many years, and they are still as clean as new, showing that the quality is tough.

Aware of the movement, the lying old man sat up like a puppet and looked at the two strange things in front of him.

"Magic...thing? Summoning...beast?"

The old voice blurted out, but Suifengqiu and Guichan couldn't understand. They couldn't share the translation function of the instant messenger, and they couldn't let Li Shisan hear what the guy in front of him said.

After speaking several times, the old man found that he couldn't communicate. He looked at the shackles in his hands, and then looked at himself, his sloppy eyes became resolute.

With his fingers on the ground, he cut out a ditch from the hard rock, and wrote a few words.

Gui Chan looked aside carefully and quickly returned to the outside of the barrier.


"Ah? Didn't you say you couldn't understand what the old man inside said?"

I write to you.

The ghost cicada painted and painted on the ground with its small claws, and the crooked text of area 15 appeared in the mud of the cave.

The instant messenger translates…

"No, your words are too ugly to recognize."


Gui Chan's expression became even more aggrieved, she went back and forth to the underground cave and wrote it again.

"No... uglier."


The ghost cicada left, and this time came back with the wind ball. The soft floating and neat fonts were drawn, and the instant communicator really translated:

I am the former extreme king of the Knights Guild, and I have something to ask for.

"Ah? Extreme King...!"

Above the district-level president and the final knight, the real leader of the Knights Guild: the Extreme King.

The previous extreme king was imprisoned under the island?

Li Shisan couldn't help but make up a big drama of conspiracy to usurp the throne. The question is, if the usurper succeeded, why didn't he kill the previous extreme king, instead he was imprisoned.

"Um... so."

Li Shisan wrote a series of words to the effect that he asked Ji Wang if there was a way to enter and exit the barrier.

Go back to the underground cave with the wind ball and write the rough font with sea mud.

The eyes of the previous generation of extreme kings lit up, "It seems to be a certain summoning expert..."

Write down the text: Go up, it is now the fourth floor of the dungeon, and there is an enchantment room on the first floor of the dungeon, but the enchantment there is very strong, isolating everything, and there are technological methods that I don’t know as insurance.

Seeing such a long list of unknown words, Gui Chan almost fainted: How do I remember this and re-enact it for the boss?

After taking a few glances with the wind ball, he returned to Li Shisan and wrote all the fonts as they were.

Li Shisan was also quite surprised to see such a large amount of content.

It stands to reason that for unknown fonts, the intuitive feeling is like the symbol of a strange and mysterious group, how can it be remembered all at once.

"Go with the wind... how did you do it?"

My body is filled with the ghosts of many children, let them help me remember.


Before the evolution of the wind ball, the general content of the picture book of the fluttering ball is: if a child treats it as an ordinary balloon and holds the rope, it will be gone forever;

Pokémon created by the spirits of Pokémon coming together;

Called the signpost of the soul…

Li Shisan looked at the words on the ground, and could roughly think of what the first floor of the dungeon was mentioned by the previous generation of extreme kings.

As for the unknown technology written in his text, it may be some modern electronic anti-theft door and other techniques. He has been underground for too long and has never seen many electronic devices.

"Ghost cicada, you go up and take a look first."

Li Shisan hadn't figured out how to reply to the previous generation of extreme kings, so let the ghost cicada investigate the situation first.

The ghost cicada continued to fly up, and several people were also locked on the third floor of the dungeon, much younger than the previous generation of extreme kings, and fell to the ground like an uncontrolled puppet.

On the second floor of the dungeon, the scene is similar. Counting the previous generation of extreme kings, ten people were locked up on the third floor of the dungeon. I don’t know if that counts as human.

On the first floor of the dungeon, the wind ball that passed through the wall was squeezed outside the enchantment:

boss! It's a barrier with the highest shielding specification, I can't get in!

"Any electronics nearby?"

The ghost cicada looked at the entire space: there is a computer inside the enchantment, which is connected to the circuit of the spell.

"What kind of mechanical fantasy style is this..."

In any case, try interfering with the computer first.

Li Shisan switched his nose to the north, and the computer on the basement floor was definitely within the radiation radius of magnetic interference.



Li Shisan tried to stop it, and let the magnetic interference exert its effect for three or four seconds.

"What's going on on the ground floor?"

Ghost Cicada: The computer screen fluctuated a bit, and the enchantment... seems to have changed in style.

Li Shisan roughly understood that the notebook computer changed some key parts of the surgical circuit, so that the enchantment switched between different modes.

The computer must not be damaged directly, otherwise the enchantment will operate completely on its own, and without electronic equipment, there will be no possibility of being manipulated from the outside.

Greatly facing the north nose, possessed, released!

"how is it now?"

Ghost Cicada: The computer screen fluctuates a bit, but nothing seems to change.

Li Shisan felt that he was simply drawing a lottery, just to see if he could choose the correct option by chance.

Okay, boss!

In Gui Chan's field of vision, the barrier on the ground floor fades and disappears, leaving a shallow honeycomb texture, the same style as the large barrier on the island.

This also means that elves can come and go freely.

Passing through the barrier smoothly, the ground is a surgical circuit comparable to the scale of a circular musical fountain pool, and the complexity makes Guichan dizzy.

There are large and small monster crystal nuclei for power on every important articulation hub. The crystal nuclei placed in the center are the smallest, but they are the most difficult to look at.

If the core of the monster in the center is pulled out, all the enchantments on the island may disappear, but Li Shisan is not sure if the Knights Guild will stay behind. , don't move the central nuclei, just take two ordinary nuclei. "

No way, boss. All the crystal nuclei are fixed on the key points of the circuit by the spell and cannot be pulled out.

"Try attacking a crystal nucleus."

Ghost Cicada: I have no attack skills.

"I ca, use the poison!"

Toxic has been replaced by spinning.

"Ghost fire!"

Anyway, the ghost fire can be used, and the ghost cicada calls out a few **** that alternate between light blue and purple red, hits the small crystal core on the edge, and explodes a small range of fire.

Li Shisan felt it carefully, and the enchantment in front of him fluctuated obviously.

A crystal nucleus is destroyed, and the enchantment is shaken, which means that several crystal nuclei at the corners and corners will not affect the existence of the overall enchantment, but it will cause the enchantment to be unstable...

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