Elf Town Has Big Problems

Chapter 816: tyrannical energy

As soon as the big-tailed raccoon debuted, it was washed away by the sea water, and the diving mode was turned on to barely hold it.

Boss, where have you been? !

"Lilac Forest!"

Li Shisan didn't talk nonsense, the game character stayed above the lilac forest, waiting for the big tail raccoon to turn on the diving mode and go into the water synchronously.

It has been confirmed before that the cave of the sea under the lilac forest still cannot be entered, and the text prompts that the real one needs to arrive...

It meant that Li Shisan was still some distance away from the island that summoned Manaphy at that time.

Throw the sea hare.

Huh - the exciting current swept across the body...


The stability of the sea hare is much stronger than that of the big-tailed raccoon. After all, the strength of level 56 is obvious, the impact is justifiable, and the actions can be controlled, but it is not as comfortable in the water in normal times.

The level 58 Thorn Dragon King is more stable than the sea hare, and the violent turbulent currents hardly affect it.

It's not just two levels higher, the Dragon King's water-repelling ability at a lower level is already much stronger than most elves.

"Everyone spread out to find the last island! After being found, the remaining rock mass on the island is about 80 meters below sea level."

After a long period of exploration, Li Shisan swayed westward in the water. Except for the trip to the sixth restricted area where the earthquakes continued half a year ago, he has not felt this kind of motion sickness and seasickness for a long time.

No, motion sickness and seasickness are too shallow. The experience is like fried noodles in an iron pot at a roadside stall.

The boundless turbulent sea water, the gloomy darkness, and the ferocious water dragons that explode from time to time are even more exhausting.

For three or four hours of searching in the sea, Li Shisan felt that it was more exhausting than running at the limit speed for a day.

"It shouldn't be! It's been four hours, why can't I find it?"

Li Shisan knew that his search efficiency was low, but Sea Rabbit and Thorn Dragon King were different. They were purely home battles.

The Dragon King sent back the stream of consciousness: Boss! Your information is wrong.

"What's up?"

I saw a fractured rock mass next to an oversized shipwreck stuck in the silt.

"Yes! That's it!"

Li Shisan was overjoyed and finally found it.

Before the detonation of the Kojima self-destruction technique, the Knights Guild sent a large ship to land, destroyed by the explosion, and plunged into the deep sea.

"Wait, what did you mean when you said my information was wrong?"

Li Shisan dived while holding the steel bar while asking questions.

Thorn Dragon King: The rock mass broke all the way to the bottom of the sea, not 70 to 80 meters underwater, but 700 to 800 meters underwater.

"Ah? Is the tsunami that powerful?"

Not quite like a tsunami.

Li Shisan had already dived into the deep sea, and under the guidance of the Dragon King, he saw the shipwreck of the Knights Guild two months ago.

At a depth of seven or eight hundred meters, the water flow should logically be safer than shallow water, but the level of turbulence here is simply frightening.

Not to mention the big-tailed raccoon, the sea hare couldn't stabilize his body at all, and the Thorn Dragon King had to spend some effort to stay in place, so it was obvious that he was approaching his destination.

Li Shisan was holding three thick steel bars in his hands, weighing up to 1.5 tons.

Near the sunken ship of the Knights Guild, the silt was plowed out for hundreds of meters, and the strong current pushed the large ship no less than a luxury cruise ship to the distance.

Li Shisan grabbed the rebar, and with the help of the Dragon King, it took nearly half an hour to barely reach the broken mountain.

The old fishing rod and the intermediate fishing rod were thrown out at the same time, hooking the rocks on the bottom of the sea. Otherwise, a large current and a small current might still send Li Shisan thousands of meters away.

The feeling now is almost like being in a huge tornado, with two fishing lines fixed to the ground, and the body fluttering like a kite.

"It's really not caused by the tsunami."

Li Shisan blocked the flying rubble with his hand and could see the scene in the distance.

The tsunami caused by Haihuangya can roll the barrier stone tablet into the sky, and it is not a problem to break the rock mountain.

The broken rock should have irregular fractures with jagged teeth, but the base of the rock mountain in front of Li Shisan's eyes looked like it was bombed and pitted, an obvious surgical technique.

Knights Guild…

Or the Eight Desolate Sects!

They wanted to completely destroy some kind of trace, so they smashed the entire seabed rock mountain!

Li Shisan was so angry that his teeth were itching. No wonder he went back and forth in the shallow sea on the top so many times, but the game characters still couldn't enter the sea cave.

"Damn knights guild, if you leave a few rocks, you will die. This is a good time. Where do I go to find the place to start the story of the sea cave?!"

Not being able to grasp the sea emperor's teeth is enough of a humiliation. The tsunami continues to rage, and it is another earth-shattering catastrophe for the 15th district.

The surrounding sea water was surging, and Li Shisan was harassed until his scalp became numb, and he couldn't even tell whether it was a persistent auditory hallucination in his mind or a bubble sound that really kept looping in his ears.

"Go ashore first! Blow up the Knights Guild, and come back to find a way!"

Blast the royal court!

In normal times, Li Shisan would never have similar thoughts. Now that the tsunami is in progress, Tengchao City is in chaos. It's just the right time...


calm down…

Li Shisan's mind became a little stiff after several hours of searching.

Even if the underwater rocks and mountains are completely blown up, the time and space nodes corresponding to the beasts will not disappear.

It's like a game item attached to a cup. If the cup is smashed, the game item is still in place.

In other words, the time and space nodes are still there, and there is still the possibility of controlling the Sea Emperor Ya.

After clarifying his thoughts a little, Li Shisan thought of the obvious answer. When the game characters landed in the Lilac Forest, the real island would have been blown up long ago, and the Manaphy plot would still be triggered normally.

In the same way, even if the entire submarine mountain is blown up, it will not affect the location of Neptune Ya.

It doesn't matter if there is no ocean group to guide, the unusually strong sea flow around is the best sign.

Find the central area of ​​the powerful ocean current, which is the space-time node corresponding to the sea cave in reality!

But... this is too terrifying, the ocean current continues to strengthen, even holding the Thorn Dragon King.

The sea hare's water diversion feature cannot be triggered when placed in a tsunami~www.readwn.com~ at most guarantees that it will not be injured.

Li Shisan finally leaned over the sea hare and dragged the Dragon King to reach the middle of the original rock mass, but found that the more powerful current had to move to the left.

The current position is nothing but the outer range of the surging ocean energy!

The rolling ocean currents were able to tear apart the steel armor crow battle suit, and Li Shisan suffered a deduction of his health when the sea hare was possessed and the Devon diving equipment was turned on.

If you continue to move forward, you may not have to die in the tyrannical ocean energy.

How to catch this...

If you can't enter the cave of the sea, you can't touch the emperor's teeth, and you have a hundred master **** on your body, it's no use.

Perhaps when Li Shisan's basic ability value increases to the strength of a six or seven-star cultivator, plus the elves and Devin diving equipment can barely pass through the ocean energy field.

But at that time, let alone the large territory of the 15th District, the power of the godhead left in the real world was exhausted, and the time and space nodes may even be changed...

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