Elf Town Has Big Problems

Chapter 828: control exercise

"Is this the Dark Stone?"

Meng Yao shook her head and said she didn't know, it was very important to herself and the child in her belly anyway.

"Well, it's hard to find."

Only one of the black pieces is produced by a character like the tenth generation of extreme kings. Where can I find others?

You can't dig the Eight Desolate Sects, can you?

It may be possible to scrape together some of the Eight Desolate Sects, but the problem is that it is too difficult, and it is impolite to destroy people's mountain gates.

Li Shisan is very gentle, and he doesn't do much when disturbed by the knights' guild...

What? You said that the headquarters of the Knights Guild and the royal court in Suhuai City, Jinhang City, and Honghai City were destroyed?

It was done by Scar Rabbit, what does it have to do with me, Li Shisan.

The fossilized pterosaur swept across the open sea, with a big nose to the north, indicating that walking in this direction is not far from the coast of the fifth forbidden area.

Looking at the endless sea, Li Shisan thought of using the indigo orb to manipulate the ocean energy.

Great is great, but with a 5-point special attack and 5 special defense, who can stand it?

Li Shisan also has a special attack of 56 and a special defense of 58. Originally, special defense exceeded speed, but now it is 4 points lower.

"Sea Emperor Tooth!"


"Can I use the Indigo Orb?"


At the seaside of the town, Haihuangya came to the shore, and the huge body flew lightly to the side of the game character.

Pokemon is set like this, the fish in the water, the thorn dragon king, all float away after landing. This kind of floating has nothing to do with the characteristics, and has no effect on the battle. It is purely an appearance setting.

Li Shisan did not dare to bring the indigo blue orb in his backpack to the real world.

"I use a special attack and special defense to go crazy!"

Haihuangya: The little boss itself is too weak... However, the human beings can reach the current strength of the little boss, which is already worthy of praise.

"Can you teach me how to control the Indigo Orb?"

No problem, if the little boss summons me to the real world one day, I'll have to control the Indigo Orb to make the original return.

Both Neptune Tooth and Gulaton have the original state of return, which is activated by indigo blue orbs and vermilion orbs.

The racial value of the original return to the sea emperor's teeth has been increased from 670 to 770, of which 180 is allocated to special attack, 160 is allocated to special defense, and the physical attack racial value has also reached a scary 150.

"With the indigo orb, you can return to the original in battle, what else do you want me to do?"

Haihuangya floated at a low altitude and thought: After all, it is a different world. The indigo blue orb should be charged in the world of the little boss, etc., in order to open my original return state.

Don't talk about it so far... The divine beast is summoned to the real world, and the eight characters have not been written yet.

Learn how to control the Indigo Orb first.

Haihuangya: The boss takes the beads outside first.

"You won't deduct my special attack and special defense directly, will you?"

No, as long as you don't have to connect with it mentally, it's just like an ordinary decoration in your hand.

Li Shisan carefully took out the indigo orb from the backpack interface, and a bead with a special symbol appeared in his hand.

Little boss, try to penetrate mental power, and then quickly release.


When it comes to quick relief, Li Shisan has a bottom line.

In the official comics, the reason why Chi Yansong and Shuiwutong were continuously controlled by the vermilion orbs and the indigo-blue orbs to a state of madness is purely because they were too addicted to them, and finally did not have the energy to force the two beads out of their bodies.

Li Shisan was different. Even if his mental strength was insufficient, he could easily retrieve the indigo orb from the backpack interface.

Penetrating his consciousness into the indigo blue orb, Li Shisan felt that a large special sea area existed in another world.

It's like opening a small window in a wall, not only can you see the scenery outside the window, but you can also stretch your hand through the window to fiddle with it twice.

"Is this what it's like to master the energy of the ocean?"

little boss!

The sound of Haihuangya's warning exploded in his mind, and Li Shisan immediately regained his senses and retrieved the indigo orb from the backpack interface.

"Huh, it's a little empty."

It was as if the mind had completed a high-level math mock test, and the answer sheet was done very seriously. The mind was a little stiff, and the brain was slightly hot.

Neptune Tooth Tip: You can't be addicted to power, you can't be swallowed by power, you have to maintain an objective attitude to control it.

"Well, I'll try again."

The indigo blue orb appeared in Li Shisan's palm again, and he carefully communicated with it, and the window to the unknown ocean world opened again.

Li Shisan did not let his will float through the window in a foolish way. He had experienced it twice before, and opposite the window was a vast energy that made people fascinated, and it was also an abyss that swallowed the spirit.

Keep an objective and calm attitude, use a small piece of spiritual power as an emotionless tool, and carefully perceive the ocean outside the window.

Neptune continued to express:

Little Boss, the ocean you perceive through the indigo orb is not the real ocean, but the water energy at the divine level, which controls the ocean, the river, and all the water elements.

So... just thinking that the Indigo Orb has something to do with controlling a tsunami or two is too narrow.

The sea is a very open thing, but the imagination should be boundless. If the sea limits your thinking, it is only a narrow cage.

Listening to the narration of Haihuangya as if floating from ancient times, Li Shisan calmed down until he felt that his mental power was a little weak, and rationally retrieved the indigo orb through the game interface.

"Oh... so tired."

The brain is warm and hot, as if a low-grade fever has occurred. Entering the spirit center can only relieve it, and it needs rest or sleep to completely restore the spiritual power.

Haihuangya expressed his praise without hesitation: Yes, the time I occasionally wake up is extremely long for humans, and I have seen a lot of human trainers, and you are outstanding among them.

"It's too exaggerated."

Hai Huangya: No exaggeration, although he is very young, he seems to know many secrets of Pokémon, and he knows the world of Pokémon very well, which I have never seen from other trainers.

Li Shisan originally wanted to be modest, but what Haihuangya said was no exaggeration. Compared with the elves and trainers in the Pokémon world, Li Shisan really knew astronomy and geography.

If it weren't for the fact that the current version is too strange, Li Shisan would have cleared the level several times.

Haihuangya: Little Boss, the practice of Indigo Orbs should not be too frequent, and keep as far away from the Orbs as possible before you get started.


After flying at sea for a whole day, Li Shisan put away the fossilized pterosaur and let it rest.

There is no need to worry about not being able to confirm the distance to the land. When I switch to the water bike ~www.readwn.com~ I can already see the mountains in the distance.


The energy injection of the rechargeable bicycle is fully activated, and the limit propulsion distance of maintaining the injection state is 500 kilometers.

In fact, the eyes can see the peaks of the fifth restricted area, which means that it is only a few dozen kilometers away from the land.

Before Li Shisan could experience the smoothness of jet propulsion at full speed on the water bike, the bike had automatically switched to the normal land mode, continued jet propulsion, and rushed into the forest.

"Huh?! Monster!"

Without the magic element detector, Li Shisan was already very close when he felt the magic element fluctuate while the rechargeable bicycle was running at extreme speed.

"Ehhh, let it go!"



With the dull crashing sound, the monster was spun and flew out...

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