Elf Town Has Big Problems

Chapter 856: stranger strong

The bright red "R" on the chest indicates the identity of the Rockets, and Li Shisan is more concerned about the characters' clothing.

This Rocket uniform is a bit high-end. Most of the ordinary members of the Rockets who are repeatedly modeled are wearing black full tights and a helmet like Kamen Rider.

There are also black tight dresses, most of which are members of the Rockets with a name.

And Nazi, Ma Zhishi and others don't even wear uniforms, they all dress up individually.

"This purple hair kind of looks like Musashi."

The most classic villains of Pokemon, Musashi and Kojiro, have to say something when they appear: Since you asked the question sincerely...

However, Musashi's hair was like grilled octopus legs, with a large bundle tied almost vertically behind his forehead, with a little curl at the end.

The soft purple hair in front of him was loose.

Seeing a new NPC, Li Shisan would always guess the identity of the other party in advance. Out of interest, he was also afraid of being caught off guard by a battle with some strange attributes.

If you can't see it, let's talk directly.

The text box pops up:

Um? Anyone else?

In a simple sentence, the battle process unfolds, and the portraits of the characters on the opposite side become clearer.

"Does the Rockets still have such a beautiful big sister?"

Li Shisan looked at the female trainer opposite, and the more he looked, the more he looked like Musashi, but he didn't show his name. There were 4 Poke Balls.

It's definitely not Musashi. In the game, Musashi and Kojiro have never been separated. In the normal version of the battle, they each only have Abo snakes, gas bullets, and a common meow.

On the opposite side, the purple-haired Rocket Team members have four elves.

"And doubles?"

A single trainer can also play doubles, each throwing two elves at the same time.

The members of Team Rocket threw out Abomon level 40 and cross bat level 43.

"Damn it, the lineup is so good?!"

Arbomon is an evolved version of Arboa snake.

The cross bat has a race value of 535, 130 is allocated to speed, 90 attack, and 80 double defense. It is a very good speed attack wizard.

To say that the pre-evolution Abo snake and the supersonic bat are the iconic elves of the Rockets, but they have to evolve to the cross-shaped bat, and there seems to be only one red flame pine on the lava cluster.

Kind of awesome.

Li Shisan threw the Pokeball.

Level 63, the sea hare is...

Class 13 speaker crickets.

"Uh, I forgot to put it away when I listened to the music just now."

Replace the speaker cricket, and change the nine tails to eat experience.

The cross-shaped bat took the lead and attacked with its wings.

The sea hare is attacked by the turbid current, the level is suppressed, the Abo monster is killed, and the bat is disabled.

The opponent replaces the third elf: double-bomb gas, level 44

They are really not weak guys. Double-bomb gas is pure poison. Only the ground and super power are restrained. However, they have a floating feature and are immune to ground damage.

The racial value is very good, 490, and the physical defense is also strong.

In the second round, the cross-shaped bat still took the lead in attacking with the advantage of speed, and the cross poisonous blade hit the nine tails.

The sea hare turbid current took away the cross-shaped bat and destroyed the double-bomb gas.

Nine tails: Burn out, the fire group attack ends.

"Huh, it's a good second, otherwise the double-bomb gas will explode in the next round."

The opponent has the last elf left.

"Sakura fish?!"

Pearl oysters carry deep-sea scales to communicate and evolve, completely detaching from the normal elves category of Team Rocket... Who the **** is on the opposite side?

Sakura fish, level 45, pure water.

Water and fire skills only deal half damage to it. Fortunately, the sea hare still has the power of the earth and the top of Mount Tai.

Mount Taishan hits the top!

Li Shisan wasn't worried that Sakura fish would attack Jiuwei, and the water attack would be sucked away by the sea hare.

Sakura fish asked for rain and changed the battlefield to a rainy day. Before it could be operated, it was solved by Sea Rabbit.

Text Dialog: You are amazing.

"No no no, eldest sister, you are amazing."

Compared with Li Shisan, Chi Yansong may not be able to beat this Rocket team member. After all, there is an attribute restraint, or even quadruple restraint, and Shui Wutong will definitely win...

The problem is, this is just a Rocket Team member who Li Shisan looked at.

Like Nazi, Ma Zhishi, Domino, etc., they are very impressive, and only small roles will be ignored.

The strength of the person in front of him is obviously not a small role.

The text dialog continues to scroll:

you are not malicious?

"Ah nonsense, you started the fight directly."

The NPC in the game couldn't hear Li Shisan's complaints, and knew that there was no danger, but cautiously retreated to the corner of the cabin to make way.

Talk to her again, only the ellipses roll.

"Strange character..."

Li Shisan began to search inside the abandoned ship. In the normal version, the ship is called "Cactus", and some props can be found in it, as well as the detectors that the researchers need.

Different from the practical treasure hunter, the detector is an in-game task item. It is said to be a device for scientific research on marine life. It is exchanged with Curator Kusnogi for good things.

For example, deep-sea teeth and deep-sea scales, the cherry blossom fish just now evolved from pearl oysters.

In the fork version, the detectors exchange for transparent bells or sea bells.

The transparent bells correspond to Ho-oh and Suicun; the sea bells correspond to Lugia.

Li Shisan is not sure if he can find it here...

Deck layer, get: Water Stone, Piercing Rope.

The next layer was submerged a little by the sea, probably to the player's knees, which was completely different from the normal version of the abandoned ship.

Obtained: diving ball, move learner.

"Well, in the normal version, there is a Qiuyu, I already have a Qiuyu learner..."

Open the corresponding list of backpacks, and add a new move to the new semester: Great Sunny Day.

Well, begging for rain, sandstorms, hail, plus this sunny day, the weather skills should be ready.

Big Tail dives down to the second level of the abandoned boat, and there is nothing underwater.

"No, can the big-tailed raccoon float up?"

Yes, after floating, it will return to the entrance of the dive.

"No, no, there should be a hidden floor."

There are 6 guest rooms on the hidden floor, 4 of which are locked, and the keys are obtained in a staggered manner according to a specific rule, and the last room 2 is opened to obtain the detector.

The big tailed raccoon took Li Shisan for another round, but there was no place to float.


No matter how you change the terrain of the scene, the key items in it should not change. Abandoning the ship has nothing to do with the main storyline. The biggest use is to obtain probes to exchange props.

Without the guest rooms on special floors, the abandoned ship is an ordinary place where general consumables are scattered.

In the normal version, you can also use the treasure hunter to find out whether there are hidden items, but in the current version, hidden items have never appeared in the game, and the treasure hunters are all real game items.

"With such a big gimmick, you can't just give it a sunny day, right?"

boss! There is something underwater!


I can't find the special floor~www.readwn.com~ The pokeball icon representing the prop appeared in the corner of the bottom of the boat that was submerged by the sea.

All non-hidden items, including Da Qingtian, are represented by such icons, and you have to pick them up to know what they are.

"What props can I put on the bottom of the water?"

Pick up the prop, text prompt: get the girl's photo.

"Eh? What is this?"

Click on the backpack, and the girl's photo is classified as an important prop.

View the details The picture is still clear:

In the photo with some pixel style, there is a little girl with purple hair smiling happily, and the two large wavy hairs that can be pasted with at least a bottle of hairspray are draped behind her back...

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