——— the Tohara family residence in Hinu City———

"Patriarch, look at this!!"

"How many times have I told you, don't panic when you encounter something, be calm, and panic what kind of system. "


"Tell me, what happened to make you so uneasy. The patriarch of the Tohara family picked up a teacup and took a sip of tea gently.

If Inagaki still has Kojiro from the original anime here, he will be very surprised that the patriarch of the Tsuchihara family, who specializes in cultivating the carp king, is actually the carp king uncle who often sets up a stall at temple fairs and ceremonies people to buy the carp king.

"Patriarch, that's right, Ash, who was highly rated by you before, has just put a new service on the shelves of his skill online store, which is to help the carp king learn the impact skill. "

"Haven't our Tohara family been searching for carp kings who have mastered the impact skills, and want to screen and breed the carp kings who are born with impact skills through laying eggs?"

"I think if we can go to Ash's online store and place a batch of orders, it will be much easier for the clan to carry out the carp king cultivation program at that time. The frizzy young man who was trained calmed down and said slowly.

"Mmmm~ Yes, now we are an upper-class family in the Kanto region, and we are no longer the scammer family that used to deceive people to buy the carp king at the temple fair, and we must speak and do things in style. "

"You mean...... Uh, Ash's skill online store can help King Carp learn to ramble, slot...... ......!!"

"How can you kid still be calm about such an important matter, why don't you hurry up and place an order at Ash's online store now!!" the patriarch of the Tohara family rebuked angrily after bursting a few foul words in a row.

"It's the patriarch, you told me not to panic in case of trouble, to be calm and stylish......"

"You kid still talk back to me, go and place an order for me at Ash's skill online store, if you don't succeed in placing an order, you see that I won't pump your ass into bloom." "

"But Ash only received three orders over there, and he was already robbed. "

"Ash's skill online store, help the carp king learn the impact skill, what is the target of the service price?"

"5W, but this price is tentative, and the online store bulletin board says that the price will be greatly increased in the later stage~"

"Is 5W? This price is indeed ridiculously low, so you go and contact Ash now, 10W...... No~50W, 50W million, you sign a long-term cooperation with Xiaozhi in the name of our Tuyuan family, and no matter how bad it is, your kid will sign an order for at least 100 carp kings for me. "

"Otherwise, you see I don't suck your ass. "



King Carp in the Pokémon world is a very awkward and special Pokémon.

First of all, the carp king is the most numerous, one of the most sprites in the Pokémon world!!

Secondly, although the strength of the carp king that has not evolved is very weak, once it evolves into a tyrannosaurus, it is really a carp jumping over the dragon gate, and its strength has been strengthened in all aspects.

It stands to reason that there are very many carp kings and they are very strong after evolution, which is a proper pet of the common people, but the more embarrassing point is that 99.99% of the carp kings can only learn the chicken rib skill of water splash jumping, and the difficulty of cultivating the carp king without attack moves is simply sky-high.

This also leads to –

Obviously, the Carp King was super strong after evolving into a tyrannosaurus, but as a result, no one was willing to accept it and cultivate it.

Even when the anglers by the river go out fishing every day, if the first rod catches the king carp, they will scold the bad luck.

It can be seen that the carp king, who originally had the potential to become the favorite of the common people, was so embarrassed and disgusted by people.

There are as many hopes as there are disappointments, but the reverse is also true.

How big the disappointment, how much hope there is, after learning that Ash's skill online store can help the carp king learn to hit, after learning that the garbage carp king can really carp jump the dragon gate.

The attitude of the trainers in the Kanto region towards the carp king came to a 180 reversal in an instant, and one by one they rushed to the river to fish for the carp king, and when the time came, they made an appointment to help the carp king learn to hit at Ash's skill online store.

In just one or two hours, the news that Ash could help King Carp learn to hit spread all over Kanto and all over the Internet.

This breeze that blew from Shinshin Town is gradually turning into a super hurricane and blowing throughout the Pokémon world, and the number of ordinary trainers who know Ash's name is increasing, and the number of fans who follow Ash's skill Miaoya is also growing rapidly. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

120,000 ...... 150,000 ...... 200,000 ......

250,000 ...... 300,000 ...... 350,000 ......



How many people are there in the entire Kanto region and how many people are in the entire Pokémon world, although the 3 new orders on the shelves have been snatched up, but this does not affect people's attention to Ash, a small online store that has been open for less than half a month. []

Although Ash had already expected that after he released the news that he could help King Carp learn Skill Impact, it would cause a very big sensation, and his skill online store would completely become famous and enter the entire Kanto and even the entire Pokémon World Professional Trainer circle.

But when he released the news that he could learn the impact skill for the carp king.

Ash realized that he still underestimated the power of this news, and still underestimated the influence of helping the Carp King learn to collide.

King Carp is the Pokémon with the largest number of Pokémon in the Pokémon world, and everyone knows that King Carp is an underrated Pokémon with very high potential.

But the potential of the Carp King seems to have been sealed by the heavens, and now Ash says that he can help unlock this seal.

This is no longer an ordinary business to help elves learn skills, Ash's superpowers can help King Carp learn to hit, which is enough to change the overall pattern of the Pokémon world and can improve the combat power level of the entire Pokémon world by a large margin.

It can be said that Ash is changing the world!!

——— Quartz Plateau Kanto Alliance Headquarters———

"'Guys, what do you think about this matter?'" As soon as the news that Xiaozhi's skill online store could help the carp king learn to collide was released, it caused a sensation in the Guan (Nuoqian Zhao) Dong trainer circle, and the Kwantung Alliance also received the news as soon as possible.

Because of Ash's previous performance in the Pokémon Summer Camp and the fact that he was given a 100% champion talent rating by Dr. Ohki, the Kanto League headquarters attaches great importance to Ash, and it can be said that he is the No. 1 seed talent.

A week ago, when Ash went to Tokiwa City, he was attacked and chased by Team Rocket, and the alliance paid more and more attention to Ash, and sent a lot of alliance search team members to protect Zhenxin Town.

And also sent a lot of ghosts and super Pokémon who are good at hiding to protect Ash secretly.

During this time, Ash has lived so peacefully, except that Ash has stayed in Zhenxin Town and never left, another reason is because the alliance has protected him very well.

......... Adorn...


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