"And since Ash's online store put on the shelves to help the carp king learn the impact skills, many families in Kanto, including the alliance, have signed big orders with Ash, and Ash should not be short of money now. "

"Why did he suddenly open a clinic?" the girl asked, tilting her head, a little confused.

"Oh!!I didn't expect you to pay so much attention to Ash's affairs, it seems that you approve of this husband. Next to the patriarch of the Joey family, the girl's mother said with a smile.

"Oh!Mother, you're making fun of people again, Ash, he's so good, people don't look down on me at all. The girl said shyly.

"How come, our family is so beautiful and virtuous, how could he not look down on Xiao Zhi, the last time he refused only because his superpower bloodline could not be passed on to the next generation, so he refused the marriage contract. "

"If Ash had seen our family, he would have been fascinated. Joy Lian said with a smile.

"Ash, this kid is really good, he opened a clinic in an online store, not to make money, but to treat Pokémon for free. 03"

"With such a kind and loving heart, why don't you reincarnate in our Joy family. Joy Rong said with a look of regret.

"Reincarnate in our Joy family? don't want it~" Hearing her grandmother's words, the girl said with her mouth crossed.

"Haha, mother, if Ash was reincarnated in our Joy family, she would be a girl, and even if she was really a boy, she would have an older brother or younger brother at most, but she would have one less husband. "

"Haha, yes, yes, it's better for Ash not to reincarnate in our Joey family, so that we have a husband in Chun'er, and we don't have to worry about choosing a husband in Chun'er. "

"Oh!Mother, grandma, what husband is not a husband, you just like to joke about Chun'er, I haven't seen Xiaozhi or I, and we don't know each other yet?"

The girl threw herself into the arms of her mother, Joy Lian, and said with a blushing face.

"Haha, we haven't met yet, we haven't officially met, we have already lived in our hearts, and when we meet, we will have it~(*^▽^*)"

"Oh, mother, grandmother, I won't let you say any more. "

"Okay, grandma won't talk about it, what is the matter with our family coming to find grandma today. Joy Rong asked.


"I came to find my grandmother and mother today, and there is indeed one thing, as the heir of the Joey family, after my debut at the age of 10 in the future, I need to go down to the Pokémon Center below to work for five years. "

"But in that case, wouldn't I be able to get out and travel? "

"I came here today to ask my mother and grandmother if there is anything I can do, but now this question doesn't bother me anymore, and Ash has already sent me the answer. The girl said.

"Although it is a family rule that the heir of the family needs to work in the Pokémon Center for five years, compared to the husband, this is obviously flexible. "

"But Chun'er just said that Ash has sent you the answer to solve this problem, which means, Ul'er, you also want to open a mobile Pokémon center in the form of an online store like Ash?" asked Joey Rong.

"Uh-huh, yes. "

"That way, I can travel without restrictions while working and training, although I can't carry too many medical equipment and deal with too serious and complex conditions.

But every time I go to a town with Pokémon on my trip, I go to the Pokémon Center to help out and make up for this part of the work. Joy said.

"The idea is good, but there is another point, that is, under normal circumstances, after you turn 10 years old, you will go down to work in Pokémon centers in major cities, and someone will guide you. "

"If you maintain the Pokémon Center on your own in the form of an online store, and there is no one to take you to the teacher in the beginning, you will not be able to handle a lot of things. "

"So if you want to run an online store independently in the form of an online store after your debut, then in the next four years, you will have to at least pass the Junior Breeder exam, and at the same time, you will immediately go down to the Pokémon Center to learn and experience. "

"In that case, would you still be willing?" asked Joey Rong.

"I do~" As the heir of the Joey family, in addition to the cute appearance of the girl like a porcelain doll, her personality is also very decisive and courageous.

"Okay, it's worthy of my Joy Rong's granddaughter, responsible, courageous, in order to reward you, the next Pokémon center experience, in order not to let Chun'er you be too lonely, grandma decided to arrange a partner for you. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Suddenly, something came to mind, and a smile appeared on Joy Rong's face.

"Partner, who is it?Yue'er, or Sister Ru?" the girl asked curiously.

"No, this partner that grandma arranged for you, you will definitely like it very much. Joy Rong said mysteriously.

"Oh, grandma, don't hang people's appetites, just tell me~" The girl took the old woman's hand and said coquettishly with her cute mouth.

"No, no, if you tell you now, there will be no surprises. "[]

"Anyway, Chun'er, you go back and pack your luggage, tomorrow I will ask your aunt Rou to send you to the Joban City Pokémon Center, and for the next four years, you will stay in the Joban City Pokémon Center to study. "

"Ang...... Why not Jinhuang City, but to go so far away from Joban City. "

"Okay, okay, where are you so many girls, why are you, wait for you to go to the Tokiwa Pokémon Center, 327 You will know your grandmother's good intentions, and you will definitely thank your mother and grandma for arranging this. "



——— Zhenxin Town———

"Doctor, I'll go. "


After solving the matter of setting up a clinic in the online store, the pressure in Ash's heart dissipated slightly.

Next, all you need to do is go to the Tokiwa City Pokémon Center, cooperate with the people of the Joey family, or the staff of the Alliance's Medical VIA Department, to try the power of Tokiwa healing technique.

Then at the Tokiwa Pokémon Center, after doing some training on basic medical treatment and some helping Pokémon to deal with injuries, and so on.

At that time, his online store will not only be able to set up a clinic openly, but also have the help of the Joey family and Alliance Medical VIA, which can be said to minimize the risk he takes.

"After the third free clinic of the online store opens, I believe that the speed of Tokiban's cultivation will be much faster, and I don't have to worry about no sick and injured people for me to treat when I make my official debut in the future. "

"However, for the next period of time, we will be busy. Ash shook his head.



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