
A blazing fireball blasted in, and a [Spiral Pill] shot out from Ash's side.

"Bang!!" The two energy bombs collided in mid-air, directly emitting a violent explosion roar.

Xiao Zhi turned a deaf ear to the explosion in front of him, whether it was the momentum generated by the explosion, or the dust and smoke generated by the explosion-

was not taken seriously by Ash, let alone caused any hindrance to him.

As soon as the waveguide is opened, it will be in position!!

The power ......of the waveguide turned into a gas package to protect the whole body, and the qi wave generated by the explosion was directly separated to the two sides.

And Ash, who turned on the waveguide's line of sight, the smoke from the explosion could not affect his vision at all.

Ash, who rushed into the dust and smoke of the explosion, rushed straight towards the girl opposite with a clear target.

After Ash rushed into the "zero-zero-zero" fog of the explosion smoke, his figure had already disappeared, but the girl on the other side of the field was also very experienced in combat.

Seeing that Ash was able to rush into the smoke of the explosion with great confidence, then she could easily guess that Ash's superpowers allowed him to see through the smoke.

Therefore, the girl did not wait for the explosion smoke to dissipate, and did not wait for Ash to rush out of the explosion smoke and reveal her body before attacking.

Instead, as soon as Ash rushed into the smoke of the explosion, he directly chanted a magic spell and launched an offensive in the direction of Ash's advance-

"Passionate flame elves, lend me your power...... [Fireball]!!"




Because she didn't know where Ash would rush out of the smoke, the girl's side directly increased her firepower to the strongest and largest.

Bursting fireballs the size of an adult's head blasted straight in the direction of Ash.

However, what the girl didn't expect was that Ash's offensive was even more fierce than her.

"Xiu Xiu ......" The girl still needs to chant spells to cast magic here, and Ash has not many skills, and every skill is passed through the system panel, and the proficiency is increased to perfection.

And the waveguide skill does not need to be channeled by chanting magic spells-

The girl's side confidently blasted out four fireballs, and Ash, who was in the smoke of the explosion, quickly advanced and hit five [Spiral Pills] attacks with a wave of her hand.





The four spiral pills accurately intercepted and detonated the fireball opened by the girl, while the remaining one spiral pill blasted towards the girl through the dust and smoke of the explosion.

"Ah!!" The girl didn't expect that such a fierce attack from her side not only did not cause trouble to Ash, but was intercepted by the other party one by one.

At the same time, Ash's firepower was stronger than her side, and an energy bomb actually hit her.

"[Flame Shield]!!" Ash's counterattack was too fast, and the girl didn't have time to chant and cast magic, but fortunately, as a child of the ancient clan, the girl was also equipped with a lot of magic alchemy props.

The heart-shaped ruby on the necklace on her chest is activated, and the fire elemental converges, and in the next second, a flame shield is generated in front of the girl.



"Whoa!!" the spiral pellet struck the flame shield, and although the shield blocked the attack, it didn't last long.

Soon, the flame shield was like a fire glass crystal, shattered and scattered all over the ground, and the residual energy generated by the explosion was also vented on the girl, lifting the girl upside down and flying out.

"Huh~" Just when the girl was knocked away by the explosive power of [Spiral Pill], Ash's side happened to rush out of the explosion smoke.

"Qiang Qiang!!" clapped his hands and pulled them to both sides, and in the next second, two slender and soft lines of the waveguide long knife appeared in Xiao Zhi's hand.

Behind him, with the smoke from the collision and detonation of the [Spiral Pill VS Fireball Technique] as the background, Ash had an expressionless face, sharp and firm eyes, and quickly rushed forward with two waveguide lancets in his hand.

This scene has to be said to be extremely impactful and shocking-

Although the old women who were watching the game from the sidelines, Yan Kai, Willy, and Kebaton had bright eyes and their hearts were full of admiration and appreciation, their faces were not too exaggerated.

But Bill, Charlie, Percy ...... and others, looking at Xiao Zhi, who was full of momentum with artillery fire as the background on the field, all of them had bright eyes and looked excited and excited.

Unconsciously, the brothers have become fans of Ash....... (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Stomp and Stomp ......" When Ash rushed towards the girl, the girl who was swept away by the explosion quickly stabilized her body, and the magic wand in her hand pointed forward.

Quickly adjust your emotional state, then chant a magic spell and prepare to cast a spell~

"[Passionate fire elves, please lend me your power, fire element, under the command of the elves, turn into an invincible burst of flame...... Burst of flames!!]"

Seeing that Ash was about to burst in front of her, the girl waved her magic wand in her hand and chanted magic spells in her mouth.


In the next second, flame grenades that were even bigger than the [Fireball Technique], the size of a basketball, hotter, and more explosive, quickly blasted towards Ash.

The lethality of [Burst Flame Bombs] is amazing, and after the girl used this attack, Ash also felt a threatening and dangerous aura from these flame bombs for the first time.

Therefore, Ash did not have a frontal hard connection, but chose to dodge for the time being. []

There were really flame bullets that couldn't be dodged, so Ash chose to use the attack to counteract.

"Boom Boom ......"

"Whoosh Whoosh ......"

The five flame bombs bombarded in a flanking angle, and Ash dodged left and right, successfully dodging the four flame bombs, while he couldn't dodge the fifth flame bomb, so he could only choose to connect hard.

"Don't underestimate 5.0 me. After muttering in a low voice.

"Qiang!!" The waveguide lancet in Ash's hand slammed to the ground, and the blade, which was originally just over a meter long, suddenly lengthened and turned into a long knife that was three or four meters long.


"Bang!!" The two knives crossed and waved, and the next second, the unavoidable flame bomb in front of him was directly cut into pieces by the double knives in Xiao Zhi's hand.

The internal stability of the flame bomb was destroyed, and the flame bomb that was chopped into pieces was directly detonated, turning into a heat wave and sparks sputtering everywhere.

And the surface of the body is protected by the waveguide Gangqi, and Xiaozhi, who has the waveguide perception as the eye, kicked on the ground and rushed towards the girl in front again.



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