End of the Sky

Chapter 134: Jason murders like hemp, 10 evils, but he is a good boy

The appearance is a bit low, but the evaluation of the character's strength cannot be based only on the special effects, the world is invincible, and the number of people who will take the next second will be.

For example, Wang Chongyang had five years of innate magical powers during the retreat. He was the first in the world to use force.

So don't look at the evil knights full of hellfire, arrogance, and eyes of judgment, but that's all vain. Why don't you say Jason is worse than him?

Russell admits that bitcoin Jason is completely defeated, and the costumes are sold, but he also has the advantage that the evil knight can never surpass, that is ...

Height and weight!

Hawson, who is with Jason, is 1.96 meters tall and weighs an astonishing 450 pounds because of the Edman alloy skeleton. Uncle Wolf is only 300 pounds because it is too short, he is only 1.6 meters, saving a lot of money on the cost of Edelman alloy.

The Ghost Rider is 1 meter 88 and weighs 220 pounds.

After a comprehensive analysis, the gap between the two is visible to the naked eye. On the court, Jason can knock the evil alive and die!


"Go on, what are you doing?"

Russell pushed Jason's shoulders to let him lead to death, and cheered him through contractual communication: "Don't be afraid, there is nothing to be afraid of with my support behind him. He is so thin that there is only a skeleton skeleton left, and he must fight But you, you can cut his head off as a urinal in one shot. "


"Of course I know that you don't pee. Can I use it?"

Jason was reluctant to go, he was a little panicked. He was a standard **** creature. The evil knight looked disgusting but he was paradise. If his attributes were overcome, he would be beaten into a dog if nothing unexpected happened. .

"Deep death, wouldn't you want him to deal with the evil knight?" The sorcerer laughed and let the evil knight do something.

"Wow quack -----"

The evil knight opened his skull and opened his mouth, made a giggling laugh, and flung the chain around his head. The wind helped the fire, rolling up the red waves of the sky, and the sky was very amazing.

On the other hand, Jason kept the silence in a gold style, pulled out the slotted machete, and slammed it, shining a 40cm cold light.

Jason didn't say a word, making the evil knight feel that he was despised, and took the lead in launching an attack, wielding the chain to sweep Jason.

The flames flew through the air, and the hot air waves made Jason dare not connect them. He was a **** creature, and he recognized it as the famous hellfire.

Jason raised the machete to resist, the evil knight laughed strangely, and manipulated the chain to entangle the blade. Jason was about to wrestle with his opponent, and saw the red flame easily burn the machete into molten iron.

In the first round, Jason's iconic machete was destroyed, and the battle progressed in one direction. The style of painting was one-sided.

Russell didn't care, Jason was an enhanced version of Wolverine, and the presence or absence of a machete did not affect the combat effectiveness. On the other hand, the evil knight is definitely a weakened version, not just the ability, not even a motorcycle, what kind of knight.

Hellfire melted the machete, and the evil knight grinned, throwing the chain again and sweeping towards Jason, chased him and started to fight. Jason was afraid of hellfire, and he didn't look down on life or death, understandably, after all, he was still a child.

Jiu Shou must lose, not to mention Jason did not even defend, after seven or eight strokes, he was entangled in the trunk with chains and dragged to the evil knight.

"You're guilty ..." The evil knight reached out and jabbed Jason's chest. Hellfire erupted on the chain and devoured Jason's flesh. He laughed wildly: "Sinner, return to your hell!

The flames soared, the heat wave rolled, and Jason was quickly burned into a metal skeleton. The evil knight retracted the chain, turned the skull to an eighty degree, and looked at Russell with empty eyes, a giggle in his mouth.

"Unbearable! Your pet is useless, and it's you next." The female warlock shook her head. The battle was dull and the evil knight didn't warm up.

Russell frowned, and Jason was not useless, as long as his soul wasn't destroyed, he wouldn't die.

Flesh and blood grew rapidly on the metal skeleton, and Jason slowly stood up from the ground without the hockey mask, revealing a strangely ugly face. This is probably one of his curses. No matter who he is on, he can immediately become extremely ugly, and even the three major magics of Asia cannot be saved.

The female warlock smiled at this, and did not remind the evil knights, but looked forward to the next development. She was convinced of the knights she had built, hoping that the battle would not be one-sided, and seemed too boring.


When the evil knight heard the sound, he turned his head and saw a cake face that was so ugly that his legs were soft, and then pierced his skull with three sharp claws from his jaw.

The flame of the evil knight's body extinguished most of the moment, and the flameless part, the skeleton was smoky, and was picked in the air and struggled hard.

He grabbed Jason's arm, ignited Hellfire and burned more than half of his arm to the skeleton, but Jason ignored it and continuously pierced his chest with steel claws on the other arm, cutting all the ribs.

In the end, Jason's two arms were all burned into a skeleton by hellfire, unable to release the evil knight, and the evil knight also kicked Jason away after repairing.

Perhaps it was that Jason had not been able to kill him before, but he suffered a few claws, which made the evil knight very angry, and the burning hellfire was more fierce.

"You are guilty ..."

He stepped over to Jason, grabbed Jason's head, stared at each other, hoarsely: "Look into my eyes! Your soul is defiled by the blood of innocent people, feel their pain. ! "

Eye of Judgment!

The evil knight's signature skill is the ultimate use of hellfire by the evil knight. Through the eyes of the evil knight, he directly burns the opponent's soul with the fire of hell.

The principle is that the evil knight looks directly into the eyes of the wicked, so that the evil knight can see and let the target recall all the crimes he has committed before, and make his soul feel all the pain he has done to the innocent. To achieve the effects of trial and punishment.

Heavily guilty will be killed by trial on the spot. Lighter ones have other effects, and the severity can be controlled by the evil knight!

The ability to directly talk to the soul can't be defended. The evil knight has a rare defeat with this trick, and can basically achieve a spike.

Of course, if the soul resistance and magic resistance are strong enough, you can also ignore the eye of judgment, such as extermination.

The older version of Destroyer suffered an eye for trial, recalling the past years, and sighed, turning his head to slap and draw the evil knight to doubt life, it can be said that he was not completely harmed by the eye of judgment.

Other special cases are not mentioned for the time being. If the manga is referenced completely, the punishment is not a matter of trial. He had no regrets for his actions, believing that those people were dead and that he was doing justice himself.

This is obviously a bug, the eye of judgment has nothing to do with the will of the individual, the neurosis cannot escape the judgment, and Jason naturally ...

It's not impossible, after all, he is a good child with a pure heart. Even if he kills people like hemp, treats people like grass and mustard, cuts people to stop and keeps his hands, he keeps his hands and swords every day, but his heart is still pure. A piece of white paper.

Yes, it is like that!

The Eye of Trial started, and Jason's struggling action came to an abrupt halt. His eyes were immediately carbonized and cracked, and his nose, ears, and ears spouted flames. They burned from the inside out, and soon became a pile of immobile metal skeletons.

Russell was a little disappointed. Jason was still on his knees and couldn't stand up like the punisher. However, he dare to let Jason challenge the evil knight naturally has his reasons, the slavery contract still holds part of Jason's soul, and the latter can still be resurrected.

Russell raised his hand and slammed his fingers. The Edman alloy skeleton shook a few times, flesh grew and texture spread, and Jason stood up again.

Without a part of the soul, Jason will definitely suffer from some sequelae. Amnesia, loss of language ability, decline in logical thinking ability, etc. are all possible. But if you think about it, is it true that Jason is the same? He hasn't heard him say a word since Russell got along with him.

"Knight, catch him. I want this pet."

The sorcerer's eyes were glorious, she was interested in Jason, and she was of average strength, but she wasn't worse than the evil knight, and the Edelman alloy skeleton was a buildable material.

The Ghost Rider was taken aback by Jason's resurrection. He was convinced to destroy Jason's soul, but his opponent was still alive and kicking.

Can you live without a soul?

The Ghost Rider couldn't understand it, obeying the order of the female warlock, and waved the chain again to launch the attack.

Without a motorcycle, the evil knight's motive is very poor. Jason's Wolverine has a faster body than him. The two men circle you in pursuit of me, and finally start a suicide attack. The flames were flying all over the sky, and Jason was finally able to pull back a game on special effects. His resurrection was frightening, and a few tons of meat were burnt and he could regenerate himself.

Russell watched the two men stand still. He was delaying, and the time limit for the Superwoman characters had already passed. If you must fight, you can only use the female warlock's character card, he is a bit reluctant, ready to wait for Shen Menghan to recover, with a resistant meat shield is also good for black guns.


On the other side, Shen Menghan had no evil energy to erode, and her physical strength was no longer reduced, leaving only a negative buff to affect her performance. The magician Yong Fan is helping her to remove the curse. The girl's poison has not healed, and the magic cannot be performed, but there are many magical items in the space ring. It is only a matter of time before the curse is removed.

Shen Menghan stared at Russell's back. The latter was covered in a black robe, and it was difficult to tell who it was from the body type.

When the voice fell, her shoulders were patted heavily, and she turned to see Duan Xinlan's poor color, and she looked at her class enemies.

"what happened again?"

Duan Xinlan stared at the dead fish and exclaimed, "Captain, I heard you just now."


"I'm here first!"

Shen Menghan was silent ~ www.readwn.com ~ Abandoned the treatment of his teammates: "Knowing you came first, I didn't say I would grab you."

"you swear!"

"Okay, okay, I send ..." Shen Menghan was about to perfunctory, and suddenly instinctively told her that things were weird. He changed his words: "Why should I swear, if I don't rob, I won't rob, love or believe."

Duan Xinlanpi smiled but did not smile, despising: "Hehe, woman!"

Shen Menghan: "..."

It's as if you're not a woman.

Shen Menghan didn't want to talk nonsense with Duan Xinlan. He just wanted to resume the fight as soon as possible. He had just been kicked on the chin by a female warlock. This revenge must be reported by himself.

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