End of the Sky

Chapter 153: Eyes deep and thoughtful

On the streets of Chicago, the conflict between humans and robots is in full swing. The citizens of the United States held up two iron fists, ‘freedom’ and ‘human rights’.

Russell ran on the thunder beast, NS-5's anthropomorphic steel body was in front of it, his fangs and claws were like tearing a piece of paper, tearing a piece of NS-5 into pieces.

Spooner followed the locomotive, staring at Ray's **** and drooling. Don't get me wrong, he was envious of Russell's mount, not for any other reason.

Calvin was somber to this day and finally responded: "What happened to Officer Russell, his style of painting is different from ours, I always thought it was a science fiction channel."

Spooner himself was wondering, how could he answer this question, Quan Dang didn't hear and continued to drive. Calvin consciously ignored him and was very angry. With a rage, he straightened his chest forward, causing Spoon to yell in pain.

Just then Russell stopped suddenly.

"What's wrong, man?" Spooner suddenly braked, and almost breathed his breath away.

Russell turned to look at the side of the road, he heard the system prompt, and met a plot character.

【Ding! 】

[The host contacts the plot character Fabo and triggers the draw. Are you drawing now? 】

Who is Fabo, who obviously didn't even trigger the lottery?

This is the finale, I still have missing plot characters?

Russell thought about it, and saw a young man riding underneath by NS-5. His face was very similar to the first three actor in [Transformers].

Russell felt embarrassed. After all, the camera still had a lot of restricted-level pictures of the heroine of the Transformers. Although not the same person, he always felt that he had given a youth a hat across the plane.

"Hey, Fabo, why are you still on the street and hurry me home to sleep." Spooner shot NS-5 and shouted at the youth.

Fabo is a slum slum, part-time Spooner informant, and the two have a good relationship. Whenever Spooner lacks clues, he will spend $ 10 to buy information from him.

Fabo nodded again and again, looking at the thunder beast full of fur, swallowed, and crawled towards the alley.

When Spoon turned around, Russell was riding away from the Thunder Beast, he cursed, and turned the handlebar to catch up.


In front of the USR headquarters square, densely packed NS-5 robots surrounded the building, and at least tens of thousands of robots gathered here. The red light was connected into one, and the sky in this area was illuminated.

The Thunder Beast shrank to the size of a cat and crouched on Russell's shoulder. Spooner and Calvin followed closely, and it was clear that the scene was frowning.

"It's been a long time, and the government actually has countermeasures. Where are the Marines and the Air Force? If the machine is controlled by the computer, the cavalry can also come!" Spoon complained, but it was more like the government of Tucao Perish.

Calvin's face was very embarrassing: "The Ministry of Defense order has been taken by the robotics company. It is estimated that they are trying to find a way. Maybe the pilot is adapting to the old aircraft ..."

Spooner was extremely speechless: "That's great, even the Ministry of Defense has fallen, it might as well give the earth directly to the robot!"

"Spooner, don't count on the Department of Defense ..." Russell pouted. "Even if the Air Force drove the plane of the last century, it was useless. I suspect that without computer assistance, they wouldn't even aim."

"I think so too!"

Calvin was extremely embarrassed by the two. At first, she insisted that the robot would not hurt humans. As a result, the robot implemented the three-light policy worldwide.

Calvin secretly said that he could not continue this topic. Russell and Spooner were straight men with advanced cancer. Then they went on to execute double bets and shifted the topic: "Two police officers, I know how to enter the company and follow me."

Spooner was keenly aware of what Calvin was covering up, and he recalled it after thinking about it: "Wait, I remember betting that you were going to take two servings!"

Calvin trembled, anxious to grab the gun and spun out, but after all she was a highly educated person and said flatly, "Sorry, I don't know what you're talking about."

"You want to play tricks, right?"


"Then why don't you dare look directly into my eyes?"

"Sorry, go on talking nonsense, I'll let the lawyer sue you for sexual harassment."

Spoon narrowed his eyes. He had never seen such a brazen man, and Russell also narrowed his eyes. He had never seen a steel straight man like Spuna. No wonder his wife divorced him. It is already a miracle to get married!

Calvin led the two back to an open space at the back of the square. She knew that there was a fire passage leading directly to the company's interior. There was no monitor, which was very suitable for sneaking in secret.

It is a pity that when the three people pushed open the entrance of the fire passage, they found that the four sides of the gate were welded to death, the people inside couldn't get out, and the people outside didn't want to go in.

"Is there another way?" Spuna didn't want to give up, giving up meant waiting for death.

"No, we have no choice but to rush in." Calvin shook his head sadly, three people with three guns, breaking through the blockade of tens of thousands of robots was not easy, and switching to three Rambos was not enough.

It is normal for the fire passage to be blocked. Russell thinks this situation is very reasonable. If it is easy to enter the USR headquarters in the original book, it is called BUG.

Wiki is not like other robots that can move freely. USR's headquarters is her last fortress. Once a person rushes in, she can only sit back and wait for a smart computer with super-computing power.

In fact, Wiki's defense measures seemed like a joke to Russell. Instead, he was a Wiki, not to mention tens of thousands of robot guards, and it would not be safe to give him a million units.

USR's headquarters has a good geographical location, which is very suitable for humans to use beheading tactics. Humans can simply suppress a robot rebellion by sending a bomber or using space-based weapons and meteorological weapons.

Vicki was too hasty when planning the robot rebellion, she should first dig a nuclear defense fortress and move her host underground. She doesn't need food and water, and she doesn't need sunlight. As long as she has enough energy to run, there is no better place for her to hide than underground.

"Russell, can this cat on your shoulder ... can this cat break through the blockade of the 10,000 robots?"

Russell shook his head: "It has limited energy, and I plan to let it deal with Wikipedia and not waste it on the soldiers."

"That's right, but we can't even see Wiki's face now."

Russell grinned. "It's just a door. Wouldn't it be good to explode it?"

"I know, but we lack heavy weapons, you can try your knife ..."

Spooner stopped in half, because Russell pulled out a bazooka from the back and filled it with shells.

Calvin: "..."

Spooner: "..."

[Item Card: RPG Bazooka (There are no aircraft carriers in the world that cannot be solved with one RPG! If so, then two!]]

"The two of you are looking for shelter. Let me say hello to Vicki ..." Russell squinted, kneeling on one knee and carrying the bazooka on his shoulder.

Spooner and Calvin didn't speak, and looked back at Russell's buttocks three times in a row, both eyes were deep and thoughtful.

boom! !! !!

The fire burst, the welded door was blown away by the explosion, and the entire wall collapsed in half. The rubble splattered and the dust rolled up. The Thunder Beast enlarged and blocked in front of Russell. The scattered rubble was stopped by its body, and the flying dust was adsorbed on the surface.

Thunder beast presence MAX, but big and small will sell cute, Russell has forgotten who Jason is.

"Dr. Calvin, what are we going to do next?" Under the imaginative gaze of Spooner and Calvin, Russell patted his butt, and the bazooka disappeared.

"Dr. Calvin! Sergeant Spuna! Sergeant Russell!"

Just then, the collapsed steel door was pushed open, and a NS-5 handheld cutter stood up from the rubble.

Calvin lowered Spooner's gun and hurriedly explained, "Wait, don't shoot, it's yours, and Sonny is in charge of us."

This NS-5 is Sonny. He should have been destroyed by Calvin, but the latter felt that he was a masterpiece of Dr. Longning, a unique existence. Came down.

Spoon lowered his gun and gave an unexpected smile: "It turned out to be you, I thought you were dead."

"To be precise, I have never lived ..." Sonny mocked himself ~ www.readwn.com ~ Robots have never been recognized as living, they have always been regarded as dead and tools.

Several people walked through the gate and looked up to see the spirally rising steps. Visual inspection ... There was no end to visual inspection.

"Three, two hundred and eighty steps!" Sonny gave detailed data.

Spooner froze: "Look, this kind of thing needn't be said, it will only make people more negative."

"Spuna, less than three thousand steps, shouldn't you be seduced?" Russell sneered, sitting on the enlarged thunder beast, who rushed straight upstairs.

Spooner's face was darker, and the inner shadow area was in urgent need of solution. Fortunately, he had a way to decompress it, so as not to be too depressed.

When he was hit, find a worse person to hit the past, and his mood will immediately improve, so he turned to Calvin and decided to ridicule with sharp words.

Sonny stooped slightly and came up with Calvin, several steps up the stairs, leaving a back without knowing what to slow down.

Spooner: "..."

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