End of the Sky

Chapter 184: Young people need to remember temperance, it's too late to get old

"Endless pages, endless magic books ..."

Russell murmured, and tried to turn the [Book of the Weishan Emperor] to the last page. This book really has an extraordinary magic power. There are about twenty or thirty pages in the eyes. Each page can be turned, the first one. The page will fit into the cover and a new page will be added at the end.

Endless, never ending!

Russell closed the magic book and carefully placed it back on the shelf. He suddenly felt hungry. He did not eat for many days, the main thing was thirst, and his throat was almost smoking.

It feels strange. The body and the spirit seem to be in two worlds. The body is very tired and seems to fall at any time, but the spirit is extremely active due to excitement. This is probably the charm of knowledge.

Russell knew that it wasn't that time was getting faster, the time flow rate was always the same. It is only because he is focused on thinking that he is too concentrated and indulged in the vast ocean of magic, ignoring the things around him, he will forget time.

As Einstein said, sitting with the beauty, time will pass quickly. Russell knows this a little. When he and Natasha cracked for three days, the time was really fast!

"You haven't slept for ten days, and you haven't slept. Your physical fitness is amazing!" Gu Yi said with emotion: "I can do it when I'm young, but I can't do it when I'm old. Young people should remember temperance It's too late to get old. "

This seems to point out something, Russell frowned but did not vomit: "Gu Yi, Master, can I come back next time?"

"Yes, you can come in at any time. Let's take a rest now!" Gu Yi took Russell out of the library and handed a simple black key to him.

"this is?"

"Open the key of Karma Taj, close the gate outside the temple, and use the key to open the passage." The two came to the gate in front of the square, and Gu Yi said with a beard. "I was planning to wait for you I ’m hungry and I ’ll take you out, but your people seem to be unable to hold back. If you do n’t show up, they should blast the temple. ”

"I'm so sorry. I'll go out and reprimand them." Russell's face turned black, and the men under Gu Yi must be Natasha and Jason. Considering that Jason can only play a big knife, the demolition personnel must be Nata. Sha no doubt.

Isn't this a mess?

The portal didn't open. Which one could you blow up Karma Taj, can you get it?

Russell felt that he needed to talk to Natasha and really wanted to blow up Karma Taj. It would be more likely to send a parcel and write ‘Ancient Ones’.


The following days became extraordinarily peaceful. Russell stayed in Camar Taj to study magic, and had a sense of isolation from the world.

Of course, his isolation from the world is indirect, leaving Camar Taj every five days to meet Natasha. In addition to doing a few daily physical and mental health exercises, Natasha will also be instructed to pass back Hydra, so that he will not show up for a long time, which will cause people's instability.

Regarding the Siberian portal, Russell asked Gu Yi, which is too far away and colder than the Himalayas. He had been sinned in the past, so he simply stayed in Kathmandu. At least the climate here is pleasant, and you can relax after reading tired books.

Originally, he also considered the development of the Hydra force in Nepal to control the surrounding area of ​​the temple, but this is the ancient site, but in the end he did not dare to implement it.

[Book of the Emperor Weishan] There are too many spells recorded, and Russell is addicted to it. He wakes up every five days and learns only a handful of spells, but he has a deeper understanding of magic.

Not every time you see a magic, you can learn it. Russell, for example, has no support for his teammates at all. Fight alongside him. Don't expect to increase blood and defense. Thanks for the negative BUFF.

For life spells, Russell is always able to handle it. For example, he learned to be a tailor, and found some materials to sew the damaged black robe. Master Gu Yi commented that he had chosen the wrong profession. Whether it was a warrior, a tailor, or an alchemist, he had a better future than a wizard, and he chose the most difficult one.

Russell sneered at this, don't think you are the Supreme Master, you really understand magic. The real mage should have both magic and martial arts. The mage who only repairs magic and spirit is evil. A portal and backstab can send them on the road.

Although he hasn't learned the portal yet ...

Gu Yi's original evaluation was very correct. Russell was talented in magic, or the spells recorded in [Book of Emperor Weishan] were not suitable for him. In addition to broadening his horizons, this book's only role is to increase during meditation. The magic in him.

[Book of the Emperor Weishan] is too long, Russell consciously can't finish it in his lifetime, plus a handful of spells that can be learned, he turns to other magic books. In all fairness, it is not that [Book of the Emperor Weishan] is not good enough, but that it is so good that it is not suitable for a semi-suspender like Russell. He should find some easy-to-understand introductory books.

[Proverbs Quotes], [Magic Usage Guidelines], [Spell Analysis], [Witchcraft Guide], [Star Cosmology], and [Solomon Classics] these novice readings are in line with his current state and understanding.

After a brief indulgence in [Book of the Emperor Weishan], Russell quickly realized that in the magical world, don't always think about powerful spells. Only the one that suits you is the strongest. The magic in the book is always for others, and can be borrowed but not copied. The spells suitable for Russell can only be found by himself. With enough magical accomplishments and theoretical foundations, he can open up his own path.

And these foundations are in the library!

To figure this out, the bookshelf in front of Russell automatically changed, and the books on it had changed a lot. [Book of the Emperor Weishan] no longer appeared, replaced by some alchemy guides, curse runes, Easy-to-understand books such as the analysis of magic theory.

However, there was a book that surprised Russell, a death book that was unlucky by its name, and the origin of many black magic books.

[The Book of Darkness]

It is said that billions of years ago, a fallen ancient great **** wrote that books can affect the earth's release of energy channels, borrowing the power of that great god.

The magic book that ascends to the sky in one step is very powerful, but the price is also very strong. The power of the ancient devil will corrupt the soul, kill the user, and use its body to let the demon's projection come to earth.

Russell hesitated for a moment. His strong curiosity caused him to look over a few pages, and the blank pages appeared layer by layer with text, which could be any kind of text, directly into the viewer's heart.

This book was too evil, Russell pressed down his increasingly strong desire, put it back on the shelf, immediately left the library, and found a cup of tea for Gu Yi to gradually ease it down.

"Master Gu Yi, didn't you tell me that reading is still risky!" Russell complained: "If I take it away, I will probably summon the evil **** to the earth."

The mage Gu Yi was calm as usual, taunting casually: "No, you can't do it ~ www.readwn.com ~ You don't have that ability."

Russell was so angry that he finally managed to calm down and collapsed again. He left Kama Taj to find Natasha, and fooled around into the time of the Sage before he really calmed down.

Sure enough, there is no way to depress the tea!

In the end, the desire disappeared, everything was empty, everything seemed to be boring, what pressure was there!


In this way, Russell spent a year with Karma Taj, and the time was incredibly fast. If it were not for a meeting with Natasha, he could hardly believe that it had been so long.

Through the information passed by Natasha, he was aware of many major events taking place outside. The moustache head had cooled, and Berlin had been conquered, and he drank himself in the basement. Neon was also severely beaten a few days ago and was tortured by 'fat' and 'little boy'. The issue of unconditional surrender is currently under discussion.

The Second World War is not far from the official end. As for the last three giants of the Axis Powers, nothing is left for nothing.

With the rapid passage of time, Russell's strength generally grew up on a rocket. Even the mean Gu Yi improved his evaluation by one level and upgraded from half a bucket of water to entering the hall, barely calling him a mage.

It's not that Russell is really inferior. In fact, he is better than many Karma Taj's mage in actual combat, but Gu Yi's criterion for judging the mage's strength is magic attainment, not how much destructive power bursts.

Like a monk in Shaolin Temple, a monk will not be called a master even if he fists three abbots with his abbot!

Russell pulled down the property bar: "It's time to leave this world and go shopping elsewhere ..."

[Host: Russell]

[Force: 45 (30 + 15)]

[Body: 64 (50 + 14)]

[Chi: 60 (42 + 18)]

[Fortune: 97900]

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