End of the Sky

Chapter 189: Zheng He goes to the West with Onepiece

Jack regained his ship and was happy in the sea, which proves that the first part of Pirates of the Caribbean, the cursed gold coin, has ended.

Russell's information on Howling Wind roughly inferred that the current timeline is between the second part, but the third part must not have started.

What ’s more, Xiaofeng ’s information is not accurate. Captain Jack will never be happy. His deal with David Jones is about to expire. He will have to work on the flying Dutchman for 100 years. Into the Mediterranean.

David Jones is a demon at sea and a strongman that all pirates are unwilling to provoke. In fact, the reason why Jack did a deal with East India Company Chairman Lord Beckett is in it.

At that time, Jack Zicheng inherited his father's business and became a wealthy Caribbean Pirate King, but he was keen to take risks, did not like killing and plundering, and was unable to bring wealth to his subordinates.

The East India Company owns a trading ship named ‘theWickedWench’. When translated into Chinese, it ’s better called ‘bad girl’, or almost ‘bad girl’, or ‘lost girl’.

Jack became the captain of the ship and delivered a batch of goods from Africa at the request of Beckett. He discovered that the so-called goods were actually African slaves, and out of their sense of justice, let them go.

Jack paid the price for his actions. He was imprisoned by Lord Beckett and branded with a ‘P’ tattoo symbolizing the pirates. The bad girl was also sunk by Lord Becket ’s order to be destroyed.

After Jack escaped from prison, he was determined to find his own ship. He made a deal with David Jones on the condition that David Jones helped him to save the bad girl of the Shen Hai, and 13 years after he became captain again, his soul wanted 100 years of service on the flying Dutchman.

David Jones agreed, and he helped Jack rescue the Bad Girl and renamed it the Black Pearl!

To be honest, the deal Jack made the blood, he got the fastest boat on the Caribbean Sea, and David Jones got only a dispensable soul.

But the bad is in the middle. There is an adventurer's blood flowing in Jack. He is not interested in plundering and treasure. What he enjoys is the adventure process. Because of this, no one was willing to work with him. After being a captain for two years, he owed a lot of debt, and the enemies caused a lot of trouble.

Finally, the man appeared ...

Hector Barbosa!

Barbosa, like Jack, is one of the nine pirate kings, but his territory is not as rich as that of the Caribbean Sea, and a little bit biased. He is the Caspian pirate king.

What the **** is the Caspian Sea?

It cannot even be called the sea, the lake, the largest lagoon in the world. It can be imagined that Barbosa can make a difference in the Caspian Sea, so he went bankrupt early and went to Jack to become the first officer, the second leader of the Black Pearl.

There are two pirate kings on a ship, destined to beat one rhythm. Jack, who cannot bring wealth to everyone, was abandoned by the crew, and he was exiled to a desert island with a flint pistol with only one bullet.

After that, it goes without saying that Jack took back the Black Pearl in 10 years and killed Barbosa with that pistol.

Becoming the captain of the Black Pearl again, Jack happily embarked on a new adventure. Tragically, he had to figure it out, and it was time to repay the debt.

When it comes to paying off debts, the first thing Jack thinks of is recklessness. Rum and adventure are still waiting for him. He can't just die like that. But David Jones is not easy to mess with, he can only hide in Tibet, flickering the crew around the world.

So, he must be hiding in what pirates to be a savage now. As for the inland ... that's impossible. Jack can't see the sea all day.

"People collect the information of Jack Sparrow. I want to know his current position." Russell gave the cat a command and the world mission was temporarily unknown. Judging by the accumulated experience, the protagonist or the people around the protagonist, Is the group most likely to trigger world missions.

He wants to see Jack!

"Yes, sir!"

Xiao Feng and Tai Huang bowed out of the room, leaving twin sisters Lotus and Park in charge of taking care of Russell's daily life. Russell did not intend to accompany the Xiaofeng fellow, waved his hands to let the two women step down, and began to study the map of the sea in the center of the house.

At this moment, he suddenly remembered that Xiaofeng had a treasured map of the world, which recorded many incredible treasures on the sea. For example, the route to the end of the world, David Jones's Hell, and for example ... not old spring!

Staying young is indeed a very tempting word.

Russell touched his chin. It seems that the fourth part of the movie revolves around Bu Laoquan, but unfortunately, the plot blood loss has lost the charm of the first three parts. He only watched it once, and the details have been almost forgotten.

The fifth Trident of the Sea Emperor is the worst Pirate of the Caribbean, not to mention.

"The Trident of the Emperor must be a glass product. Poseidon is really miserable. It is no wonder that Zeus couldn't be overwhelmed by Zeus' death. Such a brittle weapon deserves to be hung up by his younger brother. Ah ha ha ha ... ha ...


"Ah, there are words from Poseidon and Zeus, isn't this world very dangerous!"

Russell calmed down, and suddenly found that the depth of the world was very high, because the theme had been around the adventures of pirates, and he signaled to ignore the existence of the gods.

"To suffer! But I seem to want that trident. What should I do?"

Russell's motto of life is that gentlemen do not stand under the wall, eat chickens, and develop carelessly, but the world level they are exposed to is getting higher and higher, and the anxiety in their hearts is getting stronger.

Character cards and skill cards are indeed powerful, but the time limit is very disgusting. As for improving his strength ... Russell has been working hard, but the road to the strong may not be overnight. Selling the soul to the devil may be instantaneously powerful, but what is it significance.

"Sure enough, I still have to brush a trident. If I can trigger a lottery and earn a Poseidon character card, I will earn it." Russell walked the cat while calculating the risks and benefits. At war.

Gou Xue Russell: "Give up, after all, it is Poseidon's artifact, getting it is definitely not as easy as in the movie!"

Hot-blooded Russell: "You don't need to get it, just rely on the past to get it, it's simple."

"There is a **** in this world, do you want to die like that?"

"Sorry, the **** you are referring to, is it the female sea **** sealed by the pirates?"

"It's Poseidon, the Neptune in Greek mythology!"

"Don't make a noise, he never showed up from beginning to end in the movie, maybe the world has come to a gods dusk ..."

"Maybe that's right, what if he is still alive?"

"How can there be so much!"

"It's true. The name Russell is always in case."

"What is this, as if cursed!"


When Russell was hesitant, Xiao Feng brought the navigation chart in front of him, respectfully said: "Look at me, this is the Mao Kun map uploaded by my ancestor!"

Howling wind puts the chart on the table, and after turning it, it rotates according to the organization, and the map changes accordingly, revealing each route and destination.

Russell's eyes are colorful, and the map is drawn on a slender bamboo slip, which is very oriental, with Chinese characters on it. Not only are the familiar blue dragon, white tiger, suzaku, basalt and other words, but also mountains and rivers with strong ink style, as well as portraits and monster patterns.

"You said this chart is called Mao Kuntu, then ... who is Mao Kun?"

Russell frowned. The structure of this chart was inconsistent with the gossip. It was obviously MadeinChina. Mao Kun was by no means an unknown member.

Xiaofeng's eyes twitched ~ www.readwn.com ~ Arched his hands and buried his head deeply: "Master, Mao Kuntu is ... Zheng He's navigation map!"

Russell: "..."

Then you say directly that Zheng He's nautical chart will be over. Which one of them, Mao Kun, is with me. I thought I was a calligrapher!

Also, why do n’t you dare to look down at me with your head down, right?

Russell's eyes were not good. Xiao Feng made it clear that he was going to let him out. This kind of bad wind and evil atmosphere must not be allowed to grow. He must be severely beaten ... keke, beat it hard.

A gust of cold wind blew, and the howling wind slammed suddenly. He hurriedly said, "I also ask adults to know that when Zheng He sailed, he encountered many weird and terrifying sea areas. He personally drew a chart based on local myths and legends. Later Finding a skilled craftsman and integrating these routes that do not exist on the sea with the Yijing gossip have produced this ingenious Mao Kun map. "

Amuse me, is Zheng He going to the west to take risks?

You're talking about Onepiece, a world with great fairways and dragons.

Russell waved his hand, a world of magical change with the real world as the background, without having to pay too much attention to details. I really want to say it's unreasonable. Captain Jack's age is the real mystery!

"This chart was uploaded by your ancestors. Is there anyone in your family tree that has something to do with Zheng He?" Russell was surprised and looked at the wind. The eunuchs of the three treasures and eunuchs succeeded nobody, and the descendants actually took the pirates.

"It's not like that, Xiao Xiao wants to take care of him, but ..." Xiao Feng looked up, very embarrassed, and embarrassed, "It's true, this picture was obtained by my father in the South China Sea. I met a merchant ship, and a businessman admired him for a long time, so he sent it ... "

I believe you a ghost!


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