End of the Sky

Chapter 713: This parallax is so arrogant that it is worse than one


In mid-air, the thunder and lightning exploded, Russell wielded the sword of holy light, cut off a tentacle, and used lightning and holy flame to annihilate it into flying ash.

The parallax gave him a strange feeling. He had a huge amount of energy in the air, but he didn't use it very much. Except for the continuous release of ray attacks, the rest were used to maintain his huge body.

If something goes wrong, there must be a demon!

The golden pupils thundered with thunder, Russell fluttered to avoid the flying tentacles, killed a blood path, and stood on the curtain turned into seawater.

"Humans, fear sprouts from courage, continue to fear me, and then become my food!"

Parallax occupies a high position, and a large mouth full of fangs and teeth is opened into an exaggerated arc like a snake.

In his mouth, the golden light quickly condenses, expands and enlarges, and turns into a dazzling ball of energy.

The exaggerated speed of energy accumulation makes Russell speechless, and at the same time a little envious, if the dark dimension can be carried with him, he can also say let it go.

It's not working now, so save the fight!

"Since you want to eat so much, I'll give you a drink ..."

Russell whispered, holding the Holy Light Sword in one hand and violently raising his fist in the other.

Rumble ------

The roar rang through the heavens and the earth, and the blue curtain covering the sky suddenly deformed, and spears made up of water flowed up from the ground.

Thousands of water columns pierced into the sky, the pointed head spiraled forward, crushing the body of the parallax energy materialized body, piercing the dense honeycomb holes.


Parallax wailed, the energy gathered in the mouth, lost control due to headshots, and annihilated most of his body.

Stealing chicken does not make rice, parallax blame the huge body disappears more than half, the remaining part shrinks rapidly, like a continually twirling meat block.

Like most European and American plasma tablets, it is not so horrible, but not disgusting.


Thousands of thunder clouds covered the ground and bombarded the meatballs, destroying the energy contained in them.

The yellow energy opened the hood, and the creeping meatballs accelerated to turn into a group of glittering energy spheres. Finally, the light converged, and blue-skinned aliens more than three meters tall came into Russell's eyes.

His face was emaciated and thin, and his limbs were as pathologically weak, but the golden armor on his body was extremely dazzling, like gold forging, and it was very valuable at first sight.

Russell frowned and stared at the blue-skinned alien's armor. His eyes fixed on his chest. A distinctive symbol, similar to Hal's Green Lantern's logo.

"So, is this thing really parallax?"

Knowing the plot of the DC comics, Russell didn't think too much. First he set off a lightning bolt, then the rushing current of water swarmed up, and finally rushed up with the holy light sword.

The first two waves of attacks were stopped by the yellow energy defense cover. Until the light sword blocked the waist, the parallax flew up into the sky and chose to avoid it.


Russell raised a brow, and the parallax attack mode changed the routine, because of the change in body shape, or because of something else ...

Russell boldly assumed that he would be injured in an attack under normal volume, and carefully verified that a lightning bolt was split.

The skill of thunder is very practical, adding a long-range attack to Russell. The power can be large or small, and it can also summon lightning in nature.

Considering his electricity storage constitution, it is equivalent to accelerating charging, which can split others and also split himself.


The thunder fell, the parallax monsters glowed with golden light, blocked it with a defensive cover, and then pushed horizontally with both hands to release an extremely dazzling golden shock wave. With the indiscriminate coverage mode, the blue water curtain was included in the attack range .

In the sky, red sparks bloomed, Russell flew away from the bombing area, looked up, and immediately the secret road was not good.

The red sparks are high-speed falling meteorites, not meteorites in nature, but giant stones that are materialized with yellow energy.

Leaving aside, letting these meteorites do free fall, I'm afraid that Hal will return from Oa Star, and can only find his own home in the large pits and ruins.

Rumble ------

Thousands of hectares of seawater rose, the water wall covered the sky a little, turned into a huge palm that could not be measured, and shone in colorful light under the sun's light.

boom! boom! boom! boom----

The water splashed, and the large hand was penetrated by several holes through the meteorite. Although it blocked most of the meteorite and shot it to the coast not far away, there were also several relatively large yellow meteorites that broke through the enclosure.

"Your body, I want it!"

Parallax came to Russell almost teleportally, and two thin arms, as thin as wood, stretched out, sending out several golden chains from the palm of his hand, binding Russell in the air into a mule.

Shengyan was burned and thunder bombed, and the two-pronged approach could not break the chain on his body. Russell immediately switched the vest, and his eyes changed from holy gold to black without impurities.

Parallax was taken aback by Russell's conversion. He had never seen a person's ability change before, and it became so thorough and so extreme.

Will these two energies not fight in his body?

boom! !! !!

The black magic flames ignited, and Russell opened three pairs of dark light wings behind him. The whole person was wrapped in a dark and dull fire snake, and the violent wind swept the surroundings.

The black spear condensed in the palm of his hand. Just as Russell was about to throw it out to prevent the meteorite from falling, a figure rushed into the sky from the seaside like lightning.

The speed was fast, so fast that Russell could barely capture a shadow, and what happened next made him stunned.

"This scene ... I seem to have seen it somewhere!"

boom! boom! boom!

The black aftermath rages on, and the meteorites with the yellow energy materialization are in their hands. The crust is like a clay pinch. It is easily broken with one punch and one foot. At a long distance, two red rays are swept by. Slag.

Superman! Hot sight!

Russell instantly confirmed the identity of the other party. Clark Kent, who has not appeared, finally faced his own power and was exposed to the public's vision.

"Why is there no red cape?"

Russell was puzzled. Looking at Clark's face still wearing a white mask, he roughly understood the reason.

This is not just a Superman incarnation of justice, but a superman with a delicate mind and in a confused period, referred to as a passing Superman!

Clark is indeed passing by, and he is indeed at a loss, but he has already taken steps towards the goal of justice, and his appearance in Waterfront City is the best proof.

Clark's nest is in the Metropolis, next to Gotham. He came here because he saw Gabriel and the son of **** on TV, and he was going to Los Angeles to give his own strength.

As soon as he arrived in Los Angeles, Russell had already settled the fight. He ran for nothing and decided to run home, just like the box of magical chocolates.

However, just halfway through, the government announced the crisis in the coastal city and he ran back again.

Rumble! !!

Large pieces of meteorite fragments fell, and the curtain formed by the sea water still left a little more to fall. The goal was the streets and alleys of the seaside city.

Russell secretly troubled, because there are still a lot of dead people watching the crowd, Clark also noticed that he was afraid to use hot sight to hurt innocent people, his body turned into a shadow, dived down and rescued people.

Huh! Huh! Huh!

A zigzag figure ran across the street at high speed, dragging citizens who were not in a channel and taking them away from one another.

It's fast, so fast that the afterimages are connected end to end, and then ... I stumbled over myself, a flutter, covering the wall with my face.


Russell subconsciously helped him to dub a voice, turned his black line on his face, such an embarrassing scene, he should not have seen it.

Not only Superman, Flash also appeared, and they all appeared as newcomers, not even uniforms.

The person who should have appeared did not, the people who should not have arrived, even if Batman is now sitting on a billion-bat worthless fighter, Russell would not be surprised.

"Hal, the next heroes are here. Why haven't you arrived yet?"

Russell shook his head slightly, lamenting that the Green Lantern was an unfortunate person who couldn't help Adou, and he was robbed by others. He didn't rush the street!

"Hahaha, is this a superhero on earth?"

Seeing three fresh and perfect bodies in a row, the parallax blame laughed, and suddenly found himself in love with the planet.


Clark flashed to his feet and stood with his fist in the position where the parallax had stood before, blasting them with a hood.

He glanced at Russell, both nodded, while remaining silent.

Clark didn't know what to say, but Russell had an idea, wondering whether he should speak.

Hesitation will defeat him, Russell resolutely said: "This parallax is so arrogant, is it better to be together?"


The two flew up and rushed on at the same time. Clark was faster. Before the parallax blame landed, he accelerated to overtake and turned around and kicked.

The golden energy hood makes a crisp sound, with a tendency to crack.

The parallax strangely turned in front of his eyes, and finally fixed his body shape. He was slammed by Russell holding a black flame sword, and fell back to the ground.

Clark, who was waiting in place, smashed in the past, and just like that, a golden ball was pushed back and forth by the two of them.

(┬┴┤ω? `)

At the corner, Barry Allen, who did not want to be named, wiped his nose, cast his envious eyes, and did not know his skill, when could he be as good as two big men.


Clark punched the golden energy hood with a punch, and the furious boxer banged on the parallax blame door, causing his nose to collapse and his eyebrows to crack.

The ball is gone, and a fart!

Russell secretly said that Clark was too serious, his hands pushed in front of him, and a bone-framed door opened in the air, swallowing the parallax.

Door of hell!

Clark watched for a moment, and flew forward to ask where the parallax was going.

"There are so many eyes and people, find a place to talk slowly." Russell made an invitation.

Clark didn't refuse. He was ready to officially debut as a superhero, and it didn't hurt to meet a fellow.

"Oh, one more!"

Russell beckoned to the corner: "Don't hide, boy over there, your feet are out."

Barry Allen walked out with a smirk, turned into a ghost image, ran along the side of the building, and came to the two not far away.

Russell and Clark Qiqi descended, and just as Russell was about to say something, the bone-bone door reappeared, pushed backwards.

A big hand stretched out, faintly seeing the cuffs of the white suit, throwing the parallax to the ground.

"Look, my house is not a dump, don't throw everything here! Especially when I have afternoon tea!"

As the voice dropped, the door closed slowly, leaving only parallax with broken armor and irregularly twisted limbs.

Looks stunned.

The moment Hell's Gate appeared ~ www.readwn.com ~ Clark clenched his fists to prepare for the battle. Barry took a few seconds to react after the door closed and learned Clark to perform the same action.

"Don't worry, he's not an enemy!" Russell said loudly.

Barry felt his little heart pounding and asked curiously, "Who is that man? Where is his house?"

"A friend, Satan, lives in hell."

Barry: !!!! = ???? (? Ò? Ó?)?

"Don't be afraid, he's not a bad guy!"

Barry: (???)


Recommended new book for big brothers: Zhutian Avenue Sect!

The author is Pei Tugou. The previous book was [Zhu Tian Projection]. The strength of the old author is guaranteed. Everyone can collect a wave of investment!

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