Endless Silver Machine

Chapter 1 Definition of Family

Luoluo opened the door of the administrator's cabin, and the feeling of nostalgia came to his face. After two months of absence from this shelter, when my feet completely stepped into it, a sense of fatigue and peace of mind mixed together and hit my heart instantly.

Aika let go of the suitcase's lever and stood in the entrance hall at a loss. At this moment, he suddenly didn't know what to do next.

Wei Xi just stood beside him quietly without making any move.

The two people walking in front had already laid out their warm-looking boots at the entrance.

Ling walked into the house, and the sound of the heater starting to work came from far away. Luoluo thought Aika and Wei Xi were waiting for him, so he quickly moved away from the entrance. This small gesture brought Aika back to her senses.

This is my home.

He opened and squeezed his frozen palms repeatedly, leaving the inexplicable loneliness behind.

"elder brother?"

Luoluo did not return to the warm house, but kept waiting for Aika here. She had vaguely guessed Aika's current mood. Although she had not experienced it personally, Luoluo felt that she would be able to understand his current feelings.

She reached out and picked up the travel bag Wei Xi had placed on the suitcase.

"The bathroom is ready. If you don't hurry up, the water will get cold."

After saying that, she left here.

However, with just a few words, the ridiculous feeling of strangeness was wiped away.

"Wei Xi, you go first."


The familiar rhythm of life has not disappeared. Luoluo looked at the two people as usual and smiled.

The sadness and pain have been covered up by tears. The moment I saw him, my frozen heart had to be melted. Pulling on his clothes, as if holding something that belonged to her firmly in her hands, Luo Luo could be her original self.

The water in the bathroom could not be heard from the hall. Aika sat on the chair next to the table, resting her head on one hand, looking around the room surrounded by familiar colors. He hadn't gone back to his room yet, not for any deep reason other than that he wanted to do so now.

Some things don't seem to be in their original place. There is a potted plant by the window that I don’t know the name of. When did you buy it? Or was it planted by the two of them in the past two months? The table he is leaning on now can even reflect his own image under the lighting. It sounds like they have done a thorough cleaning. Can the effect last so long?

There are a lot of things Aika desperately wants to know, but there is no one here who can answer his questions. Luoluo and Ling are both upstairs now, which is why he doesn't want to go upstairs for the time being.

There is absolutely no escaping what happens next. Taking advantage of this time, Aika still had things to think about.


Since returning home, Luoluo and Ling have not made any requests, so Aika must take the initiative to ask. They gave Aika plenty of time to adjust his mentality, so he couldn't take advantage of their goodwill to escape reality.

"If you are not busy now...there are some things you can tell me?"

Before that, Aika had confirmed that Wei Xi was also mentally prepared. Although Wei Xi did nothing wrong, after all, the source of everything was her proposal. Based on her character, she will definitely take all the responsibility on herself.

Wei Xi has indeed changed during this period, but the most essential part will not change. Aika is very aware of this, and even so, she has to be placed at the center of criticism. This is because if some things are not spoken openly, no problem will be solved. She clearly knew what response the other party wanted from her, but chose to deliberately avoid it. Aika did not want Wei Xi to bear the double psychological burden.

The only one who responded to him with words was Luo Luo. Ling just glanced at him and then sat at the table with Luo Luo.

At least they have the intention to listen carefully now. Maybe both of them have thoughts that they can't guess, but let's put those aside for now. After knowing these things, those thoughts may change. The so-called human heart is such a thing. If it does not belong to you, you will never be able to determine its reality.

Aika and Wei Xi sat opposite the two of them. The heater next to the wall made a slight operating sound. The kettle that Luo Luo placed on the stove had not yet emitted steam, and the flames were slightly disturbed by the flowing air.

He must be the one to break this heavy air. Aika had already thought about what she wanted to tell them, what she didn't need to say. However, sitting in the chair, the organized words became blurred.

As a result, in his statements, there were more and more modal particles such as "um", "like this", "almost"... which are used to buy time for the brain to think. In order for the two of them to understand his incoherent expressions, Wei Xi occasionally helped to make a few additions.

Crossing the dead line with Lan Ming and Charlotte on the airship, being involved in partisanship at Tebiri Academy... Aika spoke out what he thought was important without reservation. However, he felt that the peaceful time spent with Wei Xi was not what Luoluo and Ling wanted to know most now. In order not to waste too long, he chose to keep silent.

Luoluo and Ling never expressed their opinions during the entire briefing session. When Aika stopped to see if they had anything to say, Luoluo would nod slightly, indicating for him to continue talking, and when she looked at Ling, she would just before their eyes met, He looked at his intertwined hands on the table.

Speaking of which, Ling hasn't said a word to Aika since they met at the airport. After entering the house, she went straight back to her room. When she heard Aika wanted to explain something, the two of them interacted again.

This cold attitude was not revealed in front of Aika on the first day.

This is what Ling is really like, Aika thinks.

Because Aika thinks so, this is what Ling really looks like.

One person may have a thousand images in the eyes of a thousand people. Among these thousand images, not one of them is unreasonable. Because every observer only has unique cognitive abilities. Once a conclusion is made in the mind, it will naturally become the "reality" of the observer.

So the Ling in Aika’s eyes is the Ling in “everyday life”.

The last word came out of his mouth. At this point, there was nothing more to hide. Aika and Wei Xi stopped talking and waited nervously for the actions of the two people opposite.

"Brother, Xiao Xi..."

Luoluo's soft words were particularly clear in the quiet room.

"When I saw you at the airport, I was actually very angry...but I couldn't help being angry...I don't know how to describe it, it's just..."

There was no anger in Luoluo's tone now. She seemed to be just fabricating a non-existent mood. However, Aika and Wei Xi knew that that feeling had been integrated into every tear shed by Luo Luo. At that time, the warm tears not only wet the clothes, but also invaded the hearts of everyone present, leaving indelible water stains.

The kettle on the stove made a "wuwu" sound, and steam came out of the spout lightly.

"Excuse me……"

Luoluo's unspoken words were shelved. She covered her mouth and left her seat, heading towards the cooking room. The hurried footsteps concealed her heart and took her away from here.

"Don't let her show such an expression again." Ling immediately stood up, "The matter is over. Just like Luoluo said, it's not your fault."

Leaving these words to express forgiveness for the two of them, Ling turned around and left here.

The kettle stopped making noise, probably because Luoluo turned off the fire, but she hadn't come out of the cooking room yet.

There was a sound of the door closing on the second floor.

"Brother Aika, I'm going back to my room first..."

Wei Xi stood up with her hands on the chair. The long explanation would make her feel extremely tired. She and Ling live in the same room, so you need to be mentally prepared to face her at this time. But Wei Xi didn't show any reluctance. She wanted to use her own efforts to restore the calm atmosphere in her home.

"Yes." Aika nodded with confidence. It would be more appropriate for Wei Xi to comfort Ling than to herself, "If Ling..."

Momentarily speechless. What should I say? Aika doesn't know. If it is to comfort Luoluo, Aika thinks it is not difficult. But when the target is Ling, Aika always needs to think carefully before taking action. He has no experience in dating girls of the same age. It is of course impossible to say that he will not be nervous when facing Ling. Ling unexpectedly entered Aika's life. Because of her appearance, Aika's life changed drastically. But he didn't think it was something to complain about. Aika felt so satisfied with the life she was living now that she slowly became immersed in it and took everything around her for granted with legitimate excuses.


Until the end, Aika didn't have a clear idea. Wei Xi stood quietly in front of him, her hands hanging in front of her and her fingers intertwined.

"Wei Xi, good night."

"Well..." She let go of her crossed fingers, "Brother Aika, good night..."

The hem of her skirt turned in a circle, creating a slight breeze.


Aika suddenly reached out and grabbed her forearm as she turned around to leave.

"Brother Aika?"

Perhaps because of her excessive strength, Wei Xi turned her head with a somewhat painful expression.

When he reacted, his hand had already been stretched out. Aika let go of Wei Xi, but this behavior no longer allowed Wei Xi to leave peacefully.

Aika shook her teeth. At that moment, he had already noticed it. In the past two months, I have actually been relying on Wei Xi. He wanted her to stay with him and didn't want to stay here alone, so his body unconsciously made a move to keep Wei Xi.

Wei Xi held the place where Aika touched with her other hand on her chest. There was a numbing feeling coming from there, and the pain from just that moment has not completely disappeared until now. But Wei Xi closed her mouth tightly and did not let any sound come out. This pain is exactly the same as that in Aika's heart. In this case, you must bear it with him. This is your own willfulness.

Aika's hands were firmly pressed on her knees, her eyes always staring at the table. He didn't know what to do with Wei Xi who was waiting, but Aika didn't want the fact that "she was by his side" to disappear. The flow of time becomes slow in Aika's consciousness. This is because the brain is deceiving itself. Obviously, it is very clear that Aika's body and heart strongly refuse to take action to break this state. As long as you keep silent like this, this feeling of peace of mind will continue indefinitely. Even though it was such a tyrannical and unreasonable wish, Aika was still thinking about the reasons that could justify it.

However, Wei Xi used her actions to destroy Aika's wrong wish. She knelt down next to Aika and placed her hands on the back of Aika's fisted hands. The warmth that does not belong to him slowly pushes Aika's stagnant time forward.


After Aika returned to the room, there was finally movement in the room next to her.

If he had stayed in the hall, Luoluo might have been hiding in the cooking room.

Aika put down the half-packed suitcase and looked from the window to the next room. There was no light on the window of Luoluo's room. Would it be better to talk to her again tomorrow? Aika suddenly thought of this, but the light in Ling and Wei Xi's room made him give up the idea. Although she didn't make an agreement with Wei Xi, Aika couldn't let her work hard for everyone alone.

After knocking on the door of Luoluo's room, he didn't wait for a long time.

Aika walked into the room. It was not completely dark inside, but the light coming from the window had an illusory beauty. Luoluo didn't say anything. She sat on the edge of the bed. The bed shrouded in shadow blended her expression into the darkness. Aika didn't turn on the light in the room. He walked to the desk by the window, naturally pulled out the chair she usually used, and sat down facing Lolo.

There are so many things I want to say and the feelings I want to convey that I can’t list them all. After entering this room, my whole body became relaxed.

This time, I should be able to express it properly...


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