Energy Group

Chapter 211:

Originally, Aomei wanted to remind Li Cong to cut the grass and remove the roots. I didn’t expect Li Cong to be more thorough than she thought. It’s really not easy for such an entrepreneur to think of this, but from another aspect I know that Li Cong has learned a lesson. Leave yourself with future troubles. Who knows if this guy will have any adventures like him. That will be troublesome. Then he will be his own formidable enemy. It is better to kill him in the bud. For Xu Ting and Li Cong Seeing how she went from heaven to hell, there should be a certain lesson, or don’t worry about it. Originally, Tulip’s plan included unemployment, car accidents, and even being taken to a **** bar after being drugged. Li Cong All felt a bit too inhumane, and there was no psychological shock. After I was happy, I realized that this kind of revenge was actually meaningless. No matter how uncomfortable others are, I can't go back to the past.

   "Miss Mei, are you still used to staying in China for a few days?" Li Cong asked seemingly unconsciously.

"It's okay. Thank you Mr. Li for your concern. If you can get a weekly salary of RMB 5 million as a driver, I would be happy to continue this job." Miss Aomei shrugged her shoulders. After all, it was so easy. It’s too hard to find a job. You had to work hard to get this salary before. This time it’s different. You don’t need to bear any risks yourself, and it’s just to satisfy the boss’s mentality of revenge against a few unprepared people.

   "Is it too kind to me?" Li Cong looked at the blue sky outside the window and said, as if he had just done a good deed.

"Boss, you are a person who is very affectionate. Unlike us Europeans, love is a hateful thing in our impression. We have seen a lot of rich people like you, and they rarely spend money in their eyes. Time to do such boring things." Li Cong was a bit noncommittal. They criticized his own affairs as boring. This can untie his heart knot and make himself ruthless. Li Cong thinks this is a way of training himself. A way, a way to grow up.

The team returned to the Energy Group. Today is the day to hold a regular meeting. Fortunately, I have not forgotten today’s meeting. If all the directors know that they have spent a long time for such a boring thing, I don’t know what these subordinates will think. Yourself.

In the large conference room on the twelfth floor, several vice presidents and dozens of ministers from the Energy Group and a special team of the State Council are waiting for the arrival of Li Cong. The large screen on the wall shows the cost per minute of holding this conference. Li Cong learned from a foreign company. This can shorten the meeting to the least time and minimize the cost. Because of Li Cong’s salary increase plan, all of you here are people with an annual salary of at least one million, and the cost of meetings per minute increases. The rent on the land is as high as hundreds of thousands of RMB, which is estimated to be impossible even at the UN General Assembly.

   "I'm sorry, everyone is early, I'm late, the meeting can start." Li Cong blew into the office like a gust of wind, followed by a dozen think tank members, I wonder if this is the case with the bosses of big companies.

"The president is here, we can start, Xiao Liu, you come and give a briefing." Li Yan looked at her little brother helplessly, but he is the president. I never heard that the president of the company organized a meeting and the president was late. I have never heard that the director scolds the president because the president is late, so let him save some face and let his secretary give a briefing.

"Okay. First of all, in the first quarter of this year, there are a total of 2,752 energy conversion machines in operation in our group, which produced a total of 148,600,000 tons of environmentally friendly oil, and sold 100 million. 21 million tons, average sales price of 6,050 yuan per ton, revenue of 89 billion yuan, operating expenses of 47.5 billion yuan, mainly taxes and workers’ salaries, electricity production 7,500 Six billion kilowatt-hours, all sold, with revenue of 264.6 billion. The state agreed to transmit 140 billion kilowatt-hours of electricity to the Yangtze River Delta and the Pearl River Delta as a tax for our newly established power company. Great Wall Group’s sales in the first quarter The amount reached 49.5 billion yuan, the country reached 765 stores, and the net profit was 900 million yuan. The mountain top restaurant in Singapore, Hong Kong, Taiwan and the three hotels in Singapore made a profit of 1.4 billion yuan in the first quarter, and Sino-Ocean Group completed a total of 6,000. The 10,000-ton transportation plan achieved a profit of 6.7 billion yuan. The company’s holdings of twelve companies suffered a stock market crisis. The total amount of 135 billion yuan in stocks shrank to 120 billion yuan. The company lost the most during the year. The company’s acquisition strategy with Berkshire Hathaway Group in Japan has achieved initial results. The company owns 67.5 billion U.S. dollars in stocks from major Japanese groups. Now the company can cash out. It made a profit of US$12.5 billion. In addition, the charity program donated by the company has also been effective. The survey shows that our company’s reputation in the country is in a leading position." The briefing has been briefed. What Li Cong needs is This kind of briefing is simple and clear. It has become the habit of all reporters in the Secretariat of the Energy Group and the Statistics Department, but it has suffered from a group of people in the Ministry of Finance. This kind of data must be accurate, not the previous rough. can.

"I will add that our base in Zhejiang will start production next month. This batch of oil is to be sold to Japan. The annual production capacity is between 30 to 40 million tons, but now we have a Big problem." Director Li Yan looked helplessly at Li Cong who was cutting his nails. She was sure that the president hadn't listened carefully to what she said.

   "What's the problem?" Li Cong, who seemed unintentional, was actually listening carefully.

"In the announcement that the government just gave us, we are required to hand over all the output of this base to the Zhejiang branch of PetroChina to meet the oil consumption in Zhejiang and Shanghai. In this case, we will compensate Korea National Petroleum Corporation 1.5 billion yuan in liquidated damages. , I think we should appeal to the government and disobey the state’s arrangements.” What should come is still available. There are not a few people in the group who think like Li Yan, but this is not the time to turn their faces with the country. This must be The problem that the government poses to itself may be that someone has to deal with it, and there is no way for someone to be eager. It just has to make the government feel that they are not beyond their control.

"Compensation to South Korea at the price has made a written explanation, and we will bear all the losses. Don't do the opposite with the government at present, and let the Zhejiang base fully cooperate with the government." Li Cong said ~ Just to let the above see what I am now, there is no way I am not strong enough. "Don't talk about this matter, and move on to the next issue."

"President, our Great Wall Group was the least brilliant in the briefing. Now Great Wall Group ranks third in the domestic appliance sales industry and has reached a difficult growth stage. So I think Great Wall Group can stop its expansion. Some horizontal developments have been carried out, such as expanding profits and strengthening ties with manufacturers.” After a few months, Jiang Qinglan has a little more sternness of a strong woman, and a little less charming of the little woman Li Cong has seen. The hands of Gome have reached a very high level. As long as the two major groups Gome and Suning have no plans to close their doors, there will be no major development in the near future.

"Okay, you can proceed with this plan. You are more familiar with this aspect. If you have nothing to do, I would like to propose a new plan. Our company has too much idle funds. I hope that the company's sales network will spread all over the world. Can you please? To make a plan within one month, you need to have different assumptions about what kind of industry the company will be involved in and have a strong global influence." In fact, the best plan is for Li Cong to immediately stop selling environmentally friendly oil. , And then established its own refueling chain group all over the world, but this is estimated to be an enemy of the world. This tempting idea was rejected by Li Cong from the beginning. The energy group can only take the road of wholesale production. Take the retail path.

Although the energy group cannot be said to be a household name in China, it is basically known to most people, but in the final analysis it is just an enterprise. What is the use of having hundreds of billions of yuan now? It needs to be spent to have a strong society Influence, only if the energy group is closed and people's lives cannot be operated. This is Li Cong's goal.


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