Energy Group

Chapter 225:

The few shareholders are already a little impatient. Since it is a gift from the major shareholder, it doesn’t matter. Just look at it. The family of the third largest shareholder Choi Sooah is also very powerful in South Korea. Her grandfather once served as South Korea. President, she is just a **** sent by the political family to make money in the business empire, so her choice is very clear. I will follow whoever has more money.

Her envelope is also the thickest among all people. The first thing that catches the eye is a 500-square-meter super duplex apartment in Seoul, which is known as the most expensive real estate in South Korea. It is worth tens of millions of dollars. Zhang Energy Group’s stock gift form, on which there are 10 million shares of Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, valued at RMB 40 million, and the third is a small holiday villa on Jeju Island, South Korea, worth more than RMB 30 million... .... In total, all the gifts are more than 600 million yuan. This is only for her alone. Even if the other five shareholders are not comparable to her, they are definitely not much different from their own. They are more than the price offered by Jin Yongnan. It is twice as high. No wonder some people say that this rich Chinese man is rich. Now it seems that he is not ordinary rich, but super rich.

   Jin Meiren doesn't need to look at it to know that Li Cong has paid a lot for himself. If there is no one, he should offer his fiery lips right now.

The expressions on the faces of other shareholders are basically the same as those of Cui Xiu'er. If they only doubled the bribe, they would not be able to turn the battle. There is a share of 20 million tons and an annual profit of tens of billions of yuan. What they want, although their own shares are not many, but on average, they are not many. For the sake of money, let the old guy Jin Yongnan hurry up. Shareholders pray like this.

The management of some other companies also got an envelope, but their maximum was RMB 5 million, and the minimum was RMB 1 million, which is not a lot. It is also their salary for one or more years. They are on the board of directors. There is no right to speak, but there is a very large management power in actual work.

It is said that such blatant bribery is prohibited by law, but the last photo of each envelope is the photo taken by Kim Yong Nam or Kim Yong Nam’s secretaries when they gave gifts. Tulip’s work efficiency is good. I got these first-hand information in 12 hours. , The salary of one million every Friday is not in vain, at least today I have done something worth hundreds of millions.

"Shareholders, ministers, everyone is satisfied with my gift. We might as well open the skylight to speak up. I will add a share of 20 million tons to your things. I think it is not difficult to pass my proposal. Now show your hands to vote. Please raise your hand if you agree that Miss Jin Meiren will continue to serve as the president.” Li Cong raised his hand first, and Cui Xiu'er raised his hand shortly thereafter. Two more hesitated, but Li Cong’s hand touched the green I’ve all raised up the documents. I’m the richest man in the world. I don’t care how much income an oil group will bring. But I’m not the same. There are still a lot of people waiting at home. Feed it by yourself. Once the oil group has no supply of environmentally friendly oil, it will be a nightmare. Don't let that terrible thing happen, raise your hand.

"Very well, I will sign the contract with President Jin Meiren in the afternoon and photocopy it to everyone. Next, we will ask President Jin Meiren to speak for us and explain the next tasks and personnel transfer." The shareholders' business is just that. This is settled. Even if Kim Yong-nam comes, he can’t reverse the case. If there are no major omissions in the resolution of the board of directors, you will have to wait a year before you can discuss the same topic. Otherwise, you have to have a meeting today, and I have to do that tomorrow. At the meeting, I am afraid that these directors have no chance to spend money.

The directors can participate or not, so most of the directors have begun to study the envelope that Li Cong gave to himself, which contained various house and car stocks, and some antiques did not. If you like what's in your own envelope and what's in someone else's envelope, then start trading. A small trade fair has begun again, and Jin Meiren didn't care. After all, strictly speaking, he is still a part-time worker, and the talents of these transactions are the boss. If you want to listen to your own speech, you are saving yourself. If you don't want to listen, you can't let the boss go out.

"Dear colleagues, I am very glad that I can continue to serve as the President of the Petroleum Group. Over the past two years, we have made very good progress and achieved very good results. Therefore, I think that the leadership of a week ago did not need such a large-scale transfer. Now I announce that all middle-level cadres who are idle at home will immediately return to their jobs. Gentlemen sent by the head office do not worry. I have prepared a more important thing for you. Although the company is the largest oil company in Korea Compared with some energy giants in the world, the group still has a big gap in management, so I contacted Sinopec Group. We sent a 50-person study and observation group to ask the Chinese for advice. By the way Also visit our most important partner, Energy Group. This study is very important. I hope everyone can study each other’s strengths to make up for our shortcomings, and to be better for the oil group after coming back. Serve and serve the Korean people." Kim Mi-in looked at Park Young-chi, the leader of the person sent by his father, "This time this team is led by our group’s vice president, Mr. Park Young-chi." One sentence almost missed Park Young-chi. The teacup inside shook to the ground.

What's going on? Why isn’t the chairman yet? The sky has changed here, and there’s no news on that side. What's going on like this? Now even I have to be sent to China. The name is "learning", and I don't know what the chairman will become when he knows.

To do this kind of thing, you have to cut the mess quickly. The slower the problem, the more problems will arise. Just after Jin Meiren’s announcement, a group of Jin Meiren’s direct descendants who were expelled or forced to leave a few days ago appeared at the door. They waited behind their seats, waiting for the people in their seats to get up, and then strode out, pack up their luggage, and set foot on the road to "investigation" in China.

"President Kim? Does the chairman know about this?" Park Yongzhi just woke up from the shock and changed so quickly. He thought it would be very smooth today. I didn't expect that all the directors who would be more harmful than the money were not as good as others. Help yourself, the chairman of Bispeed should appear and not appear. People are pushing themselves step by step. Now I can say that I am the core of the leadership stationed by the entire head office. My every move may be related to the future of the oil group. Who, of course, also affects his own future.

I have been there since the day the Samsung Group was founded. There is only one reason for the rapid rise in the company. It is not that I can do it or that I am lucky. There is only one, that is, I know a lot about the loyalty of the chairman. I have my own today. Today, if the chairman of the board of directors let us hold on here, we have to hold on.


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