Energy Group

Chapter 294:

San Francisco’s Chinatown is the largest place in the western United States comparable to New York’s Chinatown. There are approximately 80,000 overseas Chinese living here. What is written here is all Chinese, and what you see is very traditional Chinese style, like a small China.

It is probably the most Chinese place in all the Chinese gathering areas in the world. Li looked from the entrance of the street as if he was back in China. The difference is that there are many foreigners in the street. There is no such thing.

   The entrance of Chinatown is at the southern end of Grant Street on Bush Street. The gate is covered with green tiles, and several vivid dragons are very Chinese. Grant Street is the main street in the community. It is densely packed with shops and restaurants, and its gorgeous facade attracts tourists and citizens. The China Cultural Center organizes various exhibitions of Chinese Americans, and also arranges Chinatown history tours and Chinatown food tours. The Chinese History Society tells the history of Chinatown and the difficult years of the Chinese in the United States. Various documents also prove the contribution of the Chinese community to the history of San Francisco. The most interesting neighborhood in Chinatown is Waverly Square. Many of the buildings here were donated by Chinese charity organizations. Ross Lane is a typical narrow alley hidden deep in the neighborhood, and the fragrance of sweet desserts wafted from the alley from time to time.

While watching the introduction of Chinatown, Li Cong walked in. I thought that Chinese would have a hard time living in a foreign country, but now it turns out that it’s not what I expected. The surrounding antique shops and restaurants are full. For foreign devils who want to spend less and want to appreciate Chinese culture, Li can see from a glance that the owner of the antique shop over there took out a defective product and fooled a foreign devils. I think these guys have bullied the Chinese people back then. Let him go to the file once, as compensation for the loss that year.

The Tianjin Goubuli steamed buns on the roadside also attracted a lot of attention. Damn, they are also authentic Tianjin Goubuli steamed buns. When he was going to school in China, Li Cong was most afraid of these authentic, branded authentic. Doing unorthodox things is what these profiteers do best, but they are also helping the motherland to pay for it. Seeing these silly foreigners eating is a passion, Li Cong suddenly wants to do something too. What kind of famous yuwang is opened here, it seems that every Chinese wants to do things that pit foreign devils.

   finally stopped and walked to Qin Wuye's residence, a teahouse. This is a small business run by Qin Wuye himself. There are not many people and not many tables. It is hard to see that there is a big man living here.

   "Objective, you are here, please from inside." Xiao Er in a big coat hurried over to greet Li Cong and his party.

"Second brother, China Li Cong pays homage to Qin Wuye." Li Cong sent his own post. Although he is not a figure in the world like Qin Wuye, he has to follow the rules of the world. .

"Fifth Master is inside, please go inside." Xiao Er stayed for a while. He didn't expect that the world's richest man is such a virtue. Although it is a bit majestic, this score is not very big. The big people who came here to visit the master before Quite a few, but none of them brought so many people, and they were all armed with live ammunition.

After entering the house, Li Cong discovered that this teahouse is really antique. Even in Beijing, it is difficult to find such a retro teahouse. The furnishings and decorations are all in the Qing Dynasty. Even the fonts are written with a brush, and the tea sets are all The authentic Yixing goods shipped from China show nobleness in the ancient school.

   There are not many guests. The attendance rate is probably only about 30%. Almost all of them are foreign devils. I don't know why Li Cong wants to laugh when he sees foreign devils smelling the tea. Your little history is still showing off.

"Mr. Li, the fifth master is upstairs, I have to greet the guests, you can go up by yourself." Xiao Er didn't even take Li Cong up, the meaning is obvious, you can go up by yourself, and your entourage is downstairs Right.

Xiao Er also served a few plates of snacks and a pot of tea to the entourage. Li Cong took the pair of packaged Tang Sancai in Yeke's hand and walked up the wooden staircase, making a special sound. It seems that this staircase is also old. I don’t know if it will collapse.

There is only one old man wearing a white gown upstairs. You don’t need to ask that this is Wu Ye Qin. Li walked over and leaned slightly. He was full of etiquette for a younger generation. From Hong Men's side, Wu Ye Qin was just like Huangfu was a senior, and he was the eldest brother of Qingshan, so he couldn't run away because of bending over and bowing.

   "Five masters, hello." There are not many words, but with honorifics, Qin Wuye is a good face, and now the world's richest man, Mr. Li Cong, has given him enough face.

"Hehe, you too, sit down, the second Longjing, come and taste it." Li has never had tea, or he doesn't know how to drink tea more accurately. This good tea is only the second time. The most amazing thing is that Qin Wuye has studied tea ceremony intensively over the years, and he can definitely be called a master.

There are many kinds of tea sets on the table, but a large part of Li Cong can’t be named. After all, his cultural accomplishment is thrown there. A child born and raised in China is not as good as an old man in a foreign country. Make yourself ashamed. Li Cong took the tea that Qin Wuye handed over, and learned that the foreign devil who was despised just smelled it first, but it was very fragrant, but I didn’t know the others. I picked it up and drank it, mother. It's no different from what you make yourself, but you have to pretend to be very useful.

"Hehe, young people nowadays, they are paying less and less attention to the things left by our ancestors. I will ask you to call you a nephew. Old man Kong and Huangfuyu both call you that way, my The seniority is the same as them, and you can’t be buried.” Qin Wuye said with a smile when he looked at Li Cong, but now it’s pretty good for young people to perfuse the old. At this point, Li Cong has done a lot. All right.

"Hehe, uncle, you call me a good nephew too much. I have been in the United States for a while, and some mundane things have dragged me down, otherwise I would have come to see my uncle long ago. This is a little courtesy and disrespectful." Li Congtui Qin Wuye glanced at the two Tang Sancai on the table, and there was no change on the surface. However, Li Cong's observation was also very subtle. You can clearly see the smile in the corner of Wuye's eyes. K’s opinion is correct.

Qin Wuye knew about the two Tang Sancai, and he had already entrusted them to buy them. Who knew that Christie’s suddenly announced that they would not sell them. It turned out that they were bought by this kid. The price was clear to him, and they were discharged at the auction. A price of tens of millions is absolutely okay. He has nothing to do with Li Cong. He came up and gave such a heavy gift. Is there something to ask me, the old man?

"My nephew is polite. I'm troubled by someone half of my body who has already been in the soil. I will come and have a cup of tea with my old man in the future. Don't bring such expensive gifts. Stay at home to have a light meal at night. I like the excitement. Everything in the past is just passing by. At my age, I just drink tea and go shopping. You juniors rarely have contact. In the evening I will introduce you to the children of your generation in the United States. Guys, the rest of the world is yours." I am very happy to see Wuye Otherwise, I won’t tell Li Cong. In less than five minutes, Qin Wuye has already regarded Li Cong as A junior of my own.

"That's natural. I'll be disturbed tonight. I will come to the United States often in the future. I also need some business friends. I will have to beg Old Qin for mercy in the future." Li Cong climbed up the pole. This kind of thing is the best. Good at it.

At this time, some big figures among the Chinese aristocrats on the west coast of the United States were also confessing to their children. They were ready to attend Qin Wuye’s banquet at night. Qin Wuye sent a message, this time mainly for the juniors. There is a chance for communication, so the old people don’t come here. Of course they know who Qin Wuye is. The reception of his old man is rarer than a total solar eclipse. Naturally, he has to let his children to cheer the show, and the protagonist tonight He is still the richest man in the world. Everyone is a business man. Naturally, he understands how big business opportunities there will be tonight.

Even Qin Wuye’s youngest daughter came back from Hollywood, saying that she was making movies there, but she is actually a small character. If Qin Wuye is willing to pay for her, it is estimated that she is now a first-line movie star. However, Qin Wuye was well-educated in ancient China and believed that movie stars were actors. Not only did she not give her a chance to develop, but on the contrary, she was eliminated when the opportunity came. This made the relationship between father and daughter reached a freezing point.

The third lady came home tonight not for the face of her father, but for the feeling that the richest man in the world would definitely be interesting to enter Hollywood. He just happened to have another good film in his hand, and the producer promised that he would just raise money. With an investment of US$20 million, he can leave the country as the second female number. I believe that Li, who has first come here, will definitely not understand what his father means. I just need to open my mouth and think that the world's richest man will not be so stingy.


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