Energy Group

Chapter 326:

Li is well prepared from there, but the National Employment Arrangement Office is not so good. If this plan can be implemented smoothly, it is certain that there will be tens of millions of idlers across the country, with an annual output of 100 million in Northwest China. A ton of wheat means that the country can reduce more than 200 million mu of arable land. This pile is beneficial to alleviate housing pressure. The country can also make a lot of money by selling land, but the farmers on these grounds may have problems. Their way out where? Do small business after getting compensation? But how can there be so many small businesses? It is certain that most of the idle workers will still go to the cities to work. The employment pressure in the cities has been great, but now it is even greater.

Since the opening of the energy group, it has provided about two million jobs for the society, but another figure also shows that since the energy group began to produce environmentally friendly oil, there have been millions of domestic oil workers unemployed. At present, the energy group One million oil extraction workers were unemployed and 700,000 refinery workers were unemployed. Fortunately, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. However, as energy groups increase production, more than 90% of the domestic oil fields must be closed. Continue to rise.

After the power sector began to operate, the State Grid fired more than 100,000 people. It can be said that those who entered the energy group felt that they were in paradise, but some people who were unemployed because of the energy group can be said to hate the energy group and take the original Let’s say Mr. Jiang, an employee of Zhongyuan Oilfield, that his family of three were in the oilfield, and the salary plus bonus amounted to 20,000 yuan per month. Now it’s fine. The oil well he was in was closed because the country used environmentally friendly oil. Both of his sons were laid off, and his family’s income fell by more than half. Now he is working as a temporary worker in a car repair shop in the city, and his income is not even one-third of the original income. For him, he will never thank the Energy Group. From a well-off home to food and clothing.

Lao Jiang is just a member of the army of millions of unemployed. Now as long as the deserts in the northwest begin to produce food, I am afraid that more people like Lao Jiang will appear throughout the country. By then, the energy group will certainly bring a lot of trouble to the country. But you can't ask the energy group to be responsible for them, after all, the country is also involved in this matter.

Li Cong actually thought of this a long time ago. This is why he wants to develop in an all-round way. The enterprise has more employees to coerce the government. In addition, the hundreds of thousands of farmers’ energy groups have nearly 3 million employees. Don't you dare to find an energy group casually? China’s Wal-Mart plan is also under review. If it is passed, Li Cong will definitely buy major local supermarkets across the country. With the support of the central government, the completion of the acquisition is only a matter of time, and by then there will be millions more. The employees are more persuasive.

The government also understands such things. To achieve its goals, it will naturally have to sacrifice the interests of some people. Unfortunately, these millions of people are the ones to be sacrificed. When you were oilfield workers and electric power workers, the state gave you. That's a lot, and I will rely on my own in the future.

The Skull and Bones also knew about Li Cong’s grain production plan early on, and they also exchanged opinions with Li Cong, thinking that this is also an important opportunity to master the world’s food. After all, it is impossible for Li Cong to master the world’s food with his own strength. For trade, Skull and Bones quickly came up with a strong plan. If possible, I am afraid that the entire world's food production will be monopolized by them.

Skull and Bones’ plan is very simple. After the first batch of 100 million mu is feasible in two years, the planting area will be increased immediately. The desert area of ​​Xinjiang is as high as 1 billion mu. The Skull and Bones will use Li Cong’s cheap food to destroy the world. The agricultural production plan of various countries is also very simple. The price of wheat in the world is now about one yuan. Skull and Bones can be sold around the world at a price 20% lower than the market price. Since the foreign wheat is so cheap, the locals Naturally, they will not buy food as high as their own country. First of all, the world’s major food importing countries, then the self-sufficient countries, and finally those food producing countries. Once they have the initiative to sell, then the next thing will naturally be The Skull and Bones have said it, Xinjiang, China will also become the granary of most of the world. Of course, the premise is that the price Li Cong gives them allows them to have enough profit to do this.

Li Cong also cooperated very well with this plan. Naturally, this one hundred million acres will not be within the scope of this plan. The increase in the future can be sold to the Skull and Bones at a price of 60 cents per catty. This price makes the skeleton leaders happy. Crazy, as the world’s population is growing day by day, no country’s food will drop to this price. Even if they suppressed other countries’ food prices in the early stage, they will not lose money and will have tens of billions of yuan in profits. In the later stage, they can push up the price of food again, reaching the current level of one piece per one. That is, if 100 million tons are sold, it will be a profit of 100 billion yuan, which is almost the same as Li Cong’s profit. Of course, this is not the main thing. The main nature is the various conditions that increase with the production of food. There are many companies in Skeleton. They are not just food products. The deep processing of flour is naturally indispensable. There are also some small countries. It can be controlled by food, and even some large countries will listen more to their own words. This plan is simply one of the most worthwhile plans for Skull and Bones in recent years.

Of course, Li Cong did not provide it in vain. His request is very simple. He wants to buy the third-ranked Marriott International Hotel Group in the world. The reason why Li Cong fancy this hotel is that on the one hand, it is because his scale is large enough to be worth visiting. The other is that this hotel does not belong to the Skull and Bones. It is in the hands of a native family in the United States. Li Cong wanted to naturally take it immediately. Marriott International currently owns 18 famous hotels. The brand has more than 2,700 hotels in the world, with an annual turnover of nearly 20 billion U.S. dollars, but only a few of these hotels belong to the Marriott Group, and the others are managed by some. Li Cong’s requirements are very simple. These 2,700 hotels All the shares, as long as the Skull and Bones can get all the shares in these hotels within one month, they can sell food to the Skull and Bones at the price of RMB 60 per catty in two years.

The Skull and Bones didn’t say anything about it. After all, this is someone else’s industry. The hotel industry is definitely not a core industry. It doesn’t matter if Li Cong wants to occupy the world. Naturally, he will go all out to help Li Cong complete the acquisition. Two thousand seven hundred hotels require huge amounts of funds. Marriott’s initial estimated assets of 2,700 hotels around the world also require nearly 400 billion yuan, which is definitely more than Hyatt, but the money is definitely something Li Cong can use, but energy The group's capital reserves will also drop to the lowest level in history.


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