Energy Group

Chapter 372:

Since the base is built in the desert, there is very little external traffic. There are only two railways from the east to the west. The highways are built inside the base. The base is surrounded by a four-meter-high concrete wall, separated by 50 meters. There is a camera, and there are some regular People's Liberation Army on the outside, and there is a desert outside. The intensity of the gunfire is not like a problem of wiping a gun.

The people on the base can only be nervous about the more than 200,000 recruited employees. As for the veterans, they are nothing. They are used to this kind of gunfire, and they often know some common sense in the army. Xinjiang It is okay for the rioters here to scare ordinary people, but to fight against the armed police force and the People's Liberation Army with powerful weapons, one will die one by one, and two die each.

Li Cong immediately came to the central control room. The images transmitted by the cameras were continuously converted on the big screen. Basically, nothing was wrong. However, tens of thousands of security guards have boarded the tower and waited for them. It is closed, and it will not be opened without a clear signal from the peripheral army. After all, there are still tens of millions of tons of food in it, and what goes wrong is no small matter.

"What's the situation? Let the towers closely monitor the outside situation. There is no need not to shoot. After all, we are not a regular army. In addition, all the team leaders are asked to go to work immediately and take good care of their group, especially the local employees." Li started giving orders right after he arrived in the control room. It’s not that he didn’t trust the local Uyghurs. It’s just that if the rioters want to do something, they must be the first to be used. Generally speaking, the Han people in the base rarely leave the base. , Because there are everything in the base, and it’s not interesting to go out, but these locals all want to go home, and they have more opportunities to contact outsiders, so they are more likely to be suspicious.

"President, the external military liaisons have warned us not to open the base gates for the third time, but they also said that the situation is under control, so we should not panic. As long as there is no internal problem, they can handle the external affairs, and The two nearby strengthening regiments will rush to us in an hour.” Defense Minister Zhao Gang is a retired regiment-level cadre. It was his fortitude that made Li Cong feel responsible and appointed him as Northwestern. The security minister of the base is now. Now that the security guards inside the base are occupying all major roads without any chaos, they are already invincible. It seems that my original vision was correct.

Li Cong winked with Zhao Gang, and Zhao Gang followed Li Cong into the manager’s office inside. Zhao Gang’s remarks were mainly for the staff outside. There must be a problem with the real words. Even the helicopter was dispatched and said How could it be possible that there was nothing in the periphery? Zhao Gang did not say that the two regiments that came over were blocked. The specific reason is not clear. You must know that there can be two mechanized armor regiments, and the combat effectiveness can be ranked in the entire army. Yes, it seems that the trouble this time is not as simple as the previous few times.

   "Zhao Gang, here are the two of us. You can tell me honestly what happened." Li asked, taking a sip from his cup. He was really short of water.

"I'm afraid we are in big trouble. I don't know the situation outside this time, but I think I used a helicopter. The rioters are probably not trying to destroy something as simple as possible. Maybe they want to play something big this time. , President, we have to be prepared. If the peripheral troops cannot resist, we will have to rely on ourselves. After all, Xinjiang has less than 300,000 troops in 3 million square kilometers, and the transportation is not very convenient. The railway line of thousands of miles will not be open to traffic if you just grab a piece of it. Now the situation is uncertain. Let's stand by for help." Zhao Gang just said his guess, the real result may be worse than this.

"How is the defense situation inside our base? I think it seems that there are only some light weapons inside our base. Tell me honestly whether the East Turkistan elements in Xinjiang have already begun militaryization? If it's just like the general underworld as stated in the newspapers Like a member, then use a helicopter to encircle and suppress?" Li Cong said deeply, he has thought about this idea for a long time, maybe Zhao Gang didn’t want to tell himself, but at this time, it may affect if he doesn’t get first-hand information. Your own judgment.

"President, let me tell you the truth. We have 30,000 security guards. They are all discharged from the army in a few years. They are all in the Class A army. Even the remaining 200,000 people can be said to be the most elite. In the reserve, they can be sent to the battlefield by giving them guns, but we only have less than 40,000 pistols and hundreds of thousands of rounds of ammunition, an average of less than 10 rounds per gun. This is still in the control of the ordnance department inside the base. The 30,000 security guards distributed no more than 1,000 guns, and the armed forces of these East Turkistan elements are already very strong. It can be said that they are not much worse than the regular troops. The main reason is that they have received funding from foreign hostile elements in recent years. It’s widened. I’ve seen a small unit before, all holding all M4s. Rocket barrels are even more common. Our walls are made of concrete and they can be opened in one go. As for the rebels, the country has shrunk dozens of times. I think this action is about the same if there are not tens of thousands of people." After Zhao Gang said this, Li Cong was startled and sweaty. This seemed peaceful Xinjiang. There are so many things, and the base that he promotes safety is full of loopholes, but now is not the time to be surprised, it should be prepared.

"You immediately go to the ordnance department and ask them to send us guns and ammunition, just say what I said, I will be responsible for things that go wrong, but the distribution of guns must be given to people we trust. Those who don't believe will not be issued. Let’s take off our own plane to see what's going on around us, but we must ensure our own safety. I don’t want this to become a battlefield.” Li Congyu held Zhao Gang seriously and said, now I can only trust this guy. I wanted to stay here and have a look, but I didn’t expect to send myself to a dangerous place. It seems that the ancients said that the gentleman does not stand under the dangerous wall. There is a certain reason. We have so many industries, this is here It's no big deal for us to lose everything, but I will leave myself here.

"Well, I will do it right away. The president does not need to worry too much. I know the combat effectiveness of the Xinjiang army, especially the two divisions around us. These tens of thousands of people are not veteran soldiers in the interior. Their combat effectiveness is absolutely acceptable. I resisted it for a while, maybe this is just our guess, or maybe it's over outside." Zhao Gang saw that the president is already sweating, and he also understands that the president is different from us. The president has never been a soldier, and he has been. It’s all peaceful days. I haven’t seen anything in the army. This little formation still doesn’t scare me. Besides, the brothers in the base are not the ones who have never seen the world. I’m afraid that the civilians will be afraid of them. The sound is basically Liushen Wuzhu.


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