Energy Group

Chapter 399:

When Li Cong was right with Vice Chairman Zhang, he once lifted the ballroom in his house. Now it is estimated that it will be his turn. Looking at Bai Chen’s confident expression, this offensive will definitely not keep up with the previous one. Hasty, it seems that it has been prepared for a long time.

"The president can rest assured that in no more than two months, we will allow the entertainment group under the energy group to make a qualitative leap. Although this will not bring any substantial loss to the energy group, but for Li Cong, The issue of reputation is very useful." A subordinate said carefully. Bai Chen he was talking about had also thought about it. Now your energy group makes him feel very powerless and doesn’t know how to face it. If you want Li Cong It hurts to start with environmentally friendly oil and electricity, but there are too many people involved in these two things, if you do it yourself, the offending people will be lost, and now you can only give Li Zong some color in some marginal industries. .

"Very good, but you must strictly control the scope and scale. It must not be out of the ordinary. In addition, the old man is about to have his 90th birthday. Ask the people below to be more rigorous. If anyone talks too much, don't blame me for not seeing the past. In addition, I asked the public relations department to organize a proper birthday banquet for the old man. Not everyone can live at the age of ninety." Bai Chen has not shown his emotional side in front of his subordinates for a long time, but facing Liu The old man can still have a normal side.

Regarding the issue of the energy group, Bai Chen also understands his position, and he must not act rashly, but he must not remain unmoved. It is necessary to cook slowly and face-to-face. After all, the energy group is now going. ascent.

Although Liu Ruhua is still in the capital, she often sees that woman, but she is no longer her own. In China, there are very few people who disobey her, but there is one in front of her. Can't do anything to her yet, it's stuck in Bai Chen's heart like a thorn.

Thinking that the woman he loved was actually in someone else’s arms, Bai Chen’s **** face changed back to what it was before. Everyone in the room felt a bit of chill, so don’t look for trouble here. Go out. In fact, things are far away. He thinks so seriously, he can’t treat Li Cong like that, can’t Li never treat him like that? Although the energy group is big, it has basically nothing to do in politics. I want to compare it with the Great Wall Club. High and low, both sides lack a level of warfare. This is also the fundamental reason why the two sides are in the same situation but cannot hurt it. The top heads also turned a blind eye to this. No major incidents can be caused. In a Northwest incident, it was the central government that finally took advantage. The East Turkistan forces in the northwest fell apart in an instant. To say that it was a loss, Li Cong lost more than 100,000 workers. People gave up their jobs there to ensure safety.

   Skull and Bones, Washington Branch

The Skull and Bones have recently been proud of the energy group’s order, and there is no need to do anything. Just a change of hands is hundreds of billions of dollars. There is really no easier thing than this. What follows is Li Erzai The improvement of the internal status of the Skull and Bones can be passed down in this way, the biggest contribution is the cultivation of the next generation, this is also one of the reasons Li Cong wants to send Li Er, especially this signing, Li Er Li never had the slightest objection to the price offered, and according to the previous research organization, he believed that the energy group could not agree to such a large share. However, Li Cong just smiled after seeing his son’s tender signature, and did not hesitate at all. He admitted the contract instead of adding his own name after his son's name.

Therefore, the organization believes that Li Er is the next-generation leader of the energy group and the next-generation giant of the Skull and Bones. Therefore, Li Er’s food and clothing cost has been raised to a new level within the organization, and it is basically catching up with the major giants. Li Er smoothly He became the child king of the next generation of Skull and Bones. Although some people are older than him, many people do not have his scheming. In addition, he is also very generous to his partners. The younger generation of children also like to be with him. Play, but today he received a message that disappointed him, a message that caused fluctuations in his young heart, that is, his nominal mother, Zhou Xue, is pregnant again, and according to the information, it is a boy.

   Everyone has always regarded him as the heir to the next generation of the energy group. This is the case with his father and the Skull and Bones. But if this "mother" really gave birth to a son, would his status still be like this? Will my father cultivate me like this? Do everyone still consider me the next president of the Energy Group?

"Aunt Jenny, would you say that my father would give up on me?" Li Er was the son of a great man during the day, the young master of the energy group who was very tough in front of outsiders, but at night he was still a seven-year-old child. Although the time with Jenny is not very long, he also knows that this woman really loves him, and he also likes to tell this aunt about things that he doesn't want to tell boy, think about it. What? I've seen too many things taking the position of the rich. You are your father's eldest son. As long as you have the ability, I believe that your father will not hand over the company to others, and your mother is in your father's Your heart has always been in a special position, so you are not the same as them. You still don't think so much and do your own thing peacefully, understand? "Jenny also knows how pale and feeble what he said at this moment. She knows what kind of child Li Er is. She will do what he believes in his heart. She is afraid that he is ready to do it right now. It means to deal with the children at home.

Li Er didn't say anything. He thought of the children who studied with him during the day. Those who were appointed as heirs in the family could study with him in the same room, but other children without inheritance rights could only study in the front yard. Moreover, when organizing a meeting of several big giants, I can go and listen, and I have the right to speak, but some other children are not even qualified to listen. This is the gap, and this is the gap between the heir and the non-heir. Heirs who have a say, not those who can only hold some money for the rest of their lives.

Regarding Zhou Xue’s pregnancy again, the gangsters inside the Skull and Bones are also aware. It is said that this is an internal matter of the Li family and they don’t want to intervene. However, if the Skull and Bones want to develop, they must ensure that their internal talents must He is an elite. Li Er’s seven-year-old age has been extraordinary, so in their hearts this child is already a representative of the Energy Group in the Skull and Bones, but this is only a psychological support. They will not violate the principles of the organization, absolutely Do not arbitrarily insert into the issue of inheritance rights of other families within the organization. This is the iron law of Skull and Bones.


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