Energy Group

Chapter 518:

Polanyi is obviously used to these rhetoric. This cousin will really get a good deal. Is that a normal decision for you? Moving my people away from the core position and filling up yours is what you call a normal thing. If I don't resist, I am afraid that in a few years, I will really have no power to rely on.

"Uncle, I oppose Mr. Yale. If he really does things in accordance with the regulations, I have nothing to say. Let me give you an example. We at Roche have more than 160 persons in charge in various countries around the world, Yale After the husband took office, he was rotated. All his people have gone to developed countries, and all my people have gone to Asia and Africa. Asia is the world of energy groups. My people don’t have to do anything there. I don’t say anything about Africa. I believe everyone should understand, but where are yours, Mr. Yale?" Polanyi looked at Yale after speaking, and the old guys turned their heads around one hundred and eighty degrees and looked at Yale.

"Mrs. Polanyi, I think you made a mistake. This is just a routine rotation. They will rotate again at this time next year. In terms of regions, it is good to have energy groups in Asia, but my people are also in America. , There is the Skull and Bones over there. The Energy Group is more terrifying than the Skull and Bones. "Since I can be the chairman of this position, my mouth is not something that ordinary people can stand up to. The understatement will resolve this. People are right about the crisis. The energy group is great, but no matter how powerful it is, it is only an emerging economy, which is far worse than the Skull and Bones.

Polanyi can’t say any more. There is one thing involved in this. Roche and Skull and Bones have infiltrated. This is something that both parties know well. They can’t tell the truth. At the time there was an agreement that these strongholds could not be moved, but the people in the strongholds should not do too much. After all, the whole world is integrated. If the connection is not close, such a large organization will suffer sooner or later, but Yale During this period of time, as long as you restrain your subordinates from not having trouble in the United States and other places, you can spend this time safely. You must know that the oil and water in the United States is completely different from that in Africa. In the past, there were some energy ideas in Africa. An energy conglomerate popped up and ran out of oil directly. This ore accounted for only 40% of the original energy trade volume. How could this be possible?

"Anyway, I keep my own opinion. I must live, and I must have the strength to protect myself to live. Let us see the truth on the battlefield. According to the Chinese, it is the victor, the prince, and the loser. Can't take it off." Polanyi saw that things were not easy to handle, so she had to say something cruel.

"Hehe, since you have such a good interest, Madam, I have no choice but to accompany you, uncle, I think it’s better to let this matter go." Yale knows that at this time there can’t be any softness. After all, there are dozens of people present. If you let them see that they are timid, they will be over. These people are all eaters and don't spit out bones. I believe that everyone wants to do things that beat down dogs.

After Yale said that there was no chance for Polanyi to speak, he left the meeting room directly. He didn't want to attend this meeting because the old people at home wanted to have it. Since these old people have been in the previous few months Lost the right in the transition between the new and the old, and now the weight of speech is not so full. Yale definitely does not need to put them in his eyes. You are the older generation, and you are no different from waste. , As long as it can block the face.

Yale's leaving like this has put everyone here, especially the old guys. Seeing that Yale didn't give them any face, how could this be bearable, but there is really no way I can control this. Guy, Polanyi's heart is also a little bit lost. In fact, this meeting was caused by her. She originally wanted to give Yale a chance to get rid of it. Unexpectedly, Yale would let Yale down the city. There are some neutrals in the room who are watching this time. Regarding Polanyi, Polanyi also knew that there must be no weakness at this time, otherwise these neutrals would be torn apart by themselves when they joined Yale.

"Huh, let's see." Polanyi also snorted coldly, and strode out of the meeting room with her entourage. The people in the room knew that the organization had really split. The vice-chairman is gone, does it make sense for us to stay here again? They were all gone, leaving a bunch of old guys sitting in this glorious conference room.

Although Polanyi’s performance is very tough, only she knows that she has no ammunition. The remaining funds in her hand can only allow herself to hold on for about two more weeks. Once these two weeks have passed, she will only be defeated. Her large sum of funds will also suffer heavy losses, and she may not even be able to return half of it. At that time, when she got out of Roche’s decision-making level, she also knew her cousin’s character, that is, she would never leave it to you. A trace of vitality, I am afraid that I will lose my own life.

You must contact the Energy Group immediately, and even if the conditions are harsh, you must accept it. Anyway, if you lose, you will not even have a life. Li Cong is indeed a wolf, but it will be a long time later to eat himself. The wolf in front of him But I will eat myself after two This kind of thing must not happen.

Li Cong’s request for Polanyi is very simple, that is, Polanyi will share the entire Europe with her after defeating Yale. Such a request is definitely a big talk. But this is the time. In addition to the energy group, Polanyi is definitely looking for Less than a second helping hand, compared to the Skull and Bones, the Energy Group is still a good partner. Even if he agrees to split Europe with Li Cong, it is impossible for the energy group to eat. The Skull and Bones are different. Yes, as long as they are given a chance, it is impossible to stand up.

Li in China has already prepared 500 billion euros at this time, ready to compete with Mr. Yale in the European futures market with more than a dozen futures. Anyway, at this point, there is basically no skill at all. Whose strength? Whoever is thick can win, and maybe he can join Yale to suppress Polanyi. Anyway, Li Cong has many choices. At this time, it is definitely not too much to say that he is bare-handed or hot, but Yale is not a crazy woman after all. He has his own reason. , No matter what the point is, he will not compromise on the fundamental issue, which is why Li never wants to cooperate with him.

   "President, the plenipotentiary representative of the Rothschild family is already at the door, do you want them to come in?" Dai Lai's voice sounded through the microphone, especially the content of this voice, which made Li Cong excited.

This plenipotentiary is not here to negotiate, but to send collateral to Li Cong. In order to guarantee Polanyi’s sincerity, Polanyi is willing to use all Roche’s fixed assets in Asia under her control as collateral to borrow from the energy group. 500 billion euros, and the value of this part of assets is as much as 700 billion euros. Li Cong's idea is also very clear. Whether you win or lose, these things will never be given to you again.


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