Energy Group

Chapter 586:

"Hehe, Miko, you really have grown up. I don't think we should go and talk alone behind our family. Yes, I have to make it clear today. From now on, our father does not need to appear. I am in front of people, and after three months I will be the new emperor of Japan. As for you, I think I can only leave a few obedient ones. As for those who are disobedient, I hope you can accompany the father and the emperor." Original Germany Ren said that at this time, seeing his father’s cannibalistic vision was a bit scared, but he immediately settled down when he looked at the great God of Kimura beside him. Yes, the whole incident was in his own hands. Way.

   Kimura looked a little displeased at the current crown prince and the future emperor, and even admitted in front of so many people, can't it be low-key? It seems that the talented person in the entire imperial family should be the princess, but when there are men, women cannot become the emperor, but I will rely on the emperor to make Amaterasu Shrine the true spiritual leader of Japan, so one is not very smart The emperor is necessary, otherwise he will have to exert a lot of effort to control him.

"Why do you become the new emperor of Japan? What's wrong with me? When will I abdicate." Akihito can't help it. Even if he has a knife on his neck now, he has to speak out, too. Feeling uncomfortable, is this guy the eldest son he grew up watching? The heir to the throne in his heart should be him, why do you do such a thing for yourself now?

"Sorry, my dear father, I miss the emperor too much, so I have to take it from your hand. Now you can either give me a seal, then you can live safely until you are old, and there is no other way. Okay, I will kill you first and then use the seal myself, but everyone here must accompany you to die. Do you want to destroy the entire Japanese royal family, or do you want your son to be on the throne of Japan." The crown prince looked arrogantly at the furnishings in the room. Before, these things belonged to the emperor himself. Even if he was a crown prince, he couldn’t enter this room casually. Even if the royal family had no rights, it was the royal family. There are many more than ordinary people, and it seems that they can show the difference between the royal family and other people's homes.

"And you and my dear sister, I hope you can give up the position of President of the Royal Petroleum Group to your niece Kiko, how about it? It seems that you don’t really want this position, right? You still have the royal family in your hands. The wealth of these years, I think you should take it out. Our royal family has its own rules. It is the unmarried princess who is in charge of the wealth of the royal family. Before, you were a princess. Now you can only be called the inner prince. So are you going to give all the wealth in your hands to your niece?" The crown prince said that Kiko is his only daughter. She is only fifteen years old this year. She is still in school and is just a guy who is eager to take power. Knowing so many things, besides, many things in the royal family are involuntary.

Yamada Miko also thought that his elder brother would immediately take over the imperial family, but did not expect that he would be so impatient. It is okay to be impatient, but don’t show it like this. If the Japanese imperial family is handed over to your brother to manage it, I’m afraid it will be true. It is worse than the management of his own father, at least his father still wants the royal family to go to the front desk. As for the guy in front of him, I am afraid that the royal family will become a tool for him to make money. Thinking of all this It was all caused by Kimura in front of him. Yamada Miko had a kind of dissatisfaction and hatred in his heart. But fundamentally speaking, it should be the energy group. If the energy group does not find himself, how can the royal family talk to Amaterasu Shrine? It’s an alliance.

Just when Yamada Miko was trying to find a suitable reason to refuse her brother's resignation, the court official came in. At this time, all the officials have been replaced by the crown prince. Naturally, this important thing is impossible. He said it directly on such an occasion, but said it at the side of the crown prince.

The matter is very simple, one sentence is over, that is, the public relations department of the energy group has arrived in the reception room of the imperial palace. The chairman of the board of directors of the energy group is going to entertain Princess Miko Yamada tonight. Prince Naruhito frowned a little unhappy. Now, can anyone from any broken group come to invite the imperial princess to dinner? what? The Energy Group is now the world’s No. 1 consortium. The crown prince’s face immediately showed a different look, as if he didn’t dislike these businessmen much now, but why did he hire his own sister? The beauty of a woman? According to my conscience, my sister Zhang's can definitely go out in Japan, which is full of beautiful women.

   Deren glanced at his sister. Can she go out to see the president of this energy group at this time? That is absolutely impossible. The royal affairs have not been settled Should this matter be made known to the world? The face of the Japanese imperial family doesn’t need to be taken directly, and you don’t have to live. Although the law does not judge you, there must be secret troops in the imperial house. They will execute them directly. After all, they only Will be loyal to the incumbent emperor, only by ascending to the emperor's seat, one can truly be the emperor.

Thinking of this, Deren glanced at his sister with a smirk. It seems that he still has a lot of difficulties in taking over the royal family, but Crown Prince Deren has always promoted that he is not afraid of difficulties. This energy group’s appointment, Just let yourself go to participate in the place for your sister.

   "The person who responded to the energy group's public relations department said that the princess would be there on time and on time." Crown Prince Naruhito made the decision without the consent of Miko Yamada.

   Hyatt Regency Tokyo

You can find all kinds of hotels in Tokyo, and five-star hotels are everywhere. Although Grand Hyatt’s hotels have a high reputation in the world, they can only be regarded as good hotels in Tokyo. It's definitely not top-notch, but the Hyatt Hotel in Tokyo has the same top-notch, that is, his Chinese cuisine, paired with a limited edition Cangxian Baijiu, which has gradually become a treat for the Japanese rich, but today Kai There is only one guest in the China Hall of the Yue Hotel, and all the waiters are also surrounding this guest.

This person is none other than the richest person in the world today, the chairman of the board of the largest group, the owner of this hotel, who can call the wind and rain in half of the world, he is the chairman of the board of directors of the energy group Li Cong, but tonight he He was in a very bad mood. The reason was that the guest he invited did not come. Instead, a guy that made him hate came, the Crown Prince Naruhito of Japan.


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