Energy Group

Chapter 660:

In fact, these old guys are also testing what Li Cong’s attitude is. I didn’t expect that he was playing with fire and playing so much. This kid threatened us to quit. At this stage, things are proceeding step by step. If it is energy If the group withdraws at this time, it will take a month for the Skull and Bones to change its plan. If the Rothschild family knows that the Energy Group is fighting with the Skull and Bones, there may be a stand-up battle. Everyone looked at Anderson with unkind eyes.

Anderson felt that he was a bit wronged at this time. Obviously everyone discussed it. I just came out as a message. How can I manage the reaction of that kid? You will blame me if something goes wrong now. The movements of this old guy are very subtle, but they are still observed by Li Conggi. It seems that your Skull and Bones are not monolithic as you describe. I am afraid that you have no contradictions. As long as you have, even if it is that little, we can Slowly dig it out for you.

"Lee, don’t speak so absolute. Since you said so, let’s let it go, but the future distribution must be carried out in strict accordance with our regulations. Otherwise, your energy group will withdraw, and we will not. There is the slightest concession." Skull and Bones people are born with a kind of pride, even when they are soft, they have to drop a few ruthless words, and they are afraid that others think they are afraid of the energy group.

In fact, Li Cong himself did not expect that the Skull and Bones would be so weak now. He originally thought that even if he wanted to withdraw, they would not change his plan. Unexpectedly, he did not expect that the king of the past would be just a few words from him. I was frightened. As for the last few words of Anderson, Li Cong automatically regarded him as farting. Who wouldn’t brag? It’s not illegal for you to say a few words. We don’t care about you. What can you do if you take advantage? Are you really turning your heads to deal with me?

After cutting off the video with a few old guys, Li Cong came to count his trophies over the past few months. The liquidity piece is now unclear. It has to wait until the Skull and Bones' unified settlement, but the real estate piece. I have already calculated it. Real estate alone has reached trillions of euros in my own industry in both countries. This is still a period of economic depression. We all know that once the economy recovers, real estate will be the most profitable. Times are all possible.

In fact, Li Cong is not happy here. As far as Li Cong’s current wealth is concerned, there is no difference between more money and less money. Li Cong is happy that he can re-establish the energy system of the two countries and the environmental protection of the two countries. Several major industries such as oil, electric power, and natural gas have all been paralyzed. I have obtained the distribution rights in the two countries at a very small price. In the past, it was only in South Korea that the entire country’s energy system was in its own hands. Look at the South Korean government. Dare to follow us? Now there are more Spain and Portugal, and they start from scratch, which can't help Li Cong happy.

There are tens of thousands of gas stations in the two countries, and the power companies in hundreds of cities are busy changing their brands. When the energy on the sea arrives, the preparations here are almost the same. The European International Energy Corporation is about to Established, this is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Energy Group. On the surface, it is the property of the Spanish royal family, and the little prince Edward William of Spain is also the legal representative of this company, but this guy may not even have the right to order his secretary , The person in charge of this company is Richard Liang, Li Cong’s nephew.

At present, the business of European energy companies is still limited to the borders of the two countries, but it will definitely expand to all of Europe as the situation develops. Richard Liang went to Russia and Andy after inspecting Spain. The Nov family discussed matters on the Russian side. Because Li Cong's intention was that this incident did not affect Russia, a big country in Eastern Europe, the Andinov family was very grateful to Li Cong, so they asked the Energy Group The joint venture to handle Russian energy companies is in agreement with both hands.

In this way, a flanking situation was formed on the map of Europe. It was waiting for the fall of the huge territory in central Europe from France to Poland. It might be Yale that was different from Li Cong’s expectations. He was also standing in front of him. A map, the difference is that the red dots on it have been reduced a lot.

Each of the red dots above represents an important stronghold of Roche. It is said that the strongholds in Germany and France have not been affected by energy groups at present. They should all be safe, but Yale also removed them, with only one purpose, transfer .

Now there is something left by myself. If I wait for the hungry wolves to come, I am afraid that there will be nothing left. Therefore, I must move fast, and I must be faster than their pace. I have already discussed with the Saudi king in the Middle East. Now, relying on local political advantages to re-establish a new Rothschild First of all, the Middle East does not use much energy at all, so the threat of energy groups can be minimized, and some other industries are also After the past few years, there is basically nothing left. It can be said to be a waste of time. I took the entire Roche past and brought them capital and advanced technology. There is a political system that combines politics and religion. It’s impossible for the people of the energy group to join the political forces here. The people here hate the heretics the most. Although they are too, they are harmless to them. Skull and Bones are different from the energy group. , So there is my best and only choice.

   Yale’s actions Li Cong was naturally aware of, but he still felt a little unlikely. Roche was not unscathed when the oil conglomerate was destroyed a few years ago. Could it be that those big beards have forgotten their enemies now? Strictly speaking, Roche first proposed the idea of ​​killing the oil group. The Skull and Bones only assisted. How could Yale go to that place no matter how stupid it is. Besides, there are deserts. What's good for development and population. Not much, there is no reason to abandon rich Europe and choose to go to that desert.

In fact, if Li thinks from the perspective of Yale, he won’t think so. Europe is indeed very rich, but he can’t hold it anymore. Yale’s heart obviously doesn’t have those thoughts that are better than jade. All he thinks about is how to keep his Roche alive and how to keep these hundreds of years of foundation in his own hands. The facts have proved that his idea is right, and he has not transferred the two of them on such a large scale. What they do to themselves is because they are also on guard, wanting to get the best, and they don't want to contribute. How can such a loose alliance force me to death?


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