Energy Group

Chapter 669:

Li Ming Presidential Suite

Li Ming sat on the sofa with a wine glass and watched Yang Danrun changing clothes one after another. Because it was not long before she was pregnant, these clothes were still very suitable, because it was the first time to meet with his subordinates. Yang Danrun seemed a little nervous. He used to go to see the boss as a staff member. Now that he changed his status, he didn’t know what to do. Although Li Ming said it was easy, it was another number one in his life. Second, so it’s better to pay attention. After all, this is the first impression for subordinates. What you want is dignity, not the charm of your own.

"Don't sit still, okay? Look at what clothes I should wear. If I am embarrassed, you will see that I won't clean up you when I come back." Yang Danrun considered Li Ming thoroughly. She knew you at this time. The more he said something nasty, the more upset Li Ming was. The more this old husband and wife's tune, this guy liked it. Sure enough, Li Ming came over with a glass of wine after hearing it.

"I think you are beautiful in everything you wear. The biggest problem for women in this life is that they don't know what to wear. In fact, you wear the best." This sentence was copied by Li Ming from Li. Although it is not very classic, it is very practical. At least I don’t have to wait here for her to pick clothes. The banquet is about to begin. If you continue here, I’m afraid you will just wear the queen’s clothes. Those subordinates will also think of you. The boss is a very unpunctual person, from this point you will think that other aspects of you are not necessarily good.

Yang Danrun pouted her mouth and rolled her eyes at Li Ming. The fascination almost didn't let Li Ming fall there. This woman is really a fairy. She has known her for so long and now she still can't stand her ability. When people go back tonight, they will definitely compare their matchmakers with their yellow-faced women. Seeing Li Ming urging him, Yang Danrun put on his emerald necklace and held Li Ming down.

The banquet hall is located on the two floors downstairs of Li Ming. He also has a special elevator, so he will soon arrive. There were only dozens of high-level people in the group who were able to attend the banquet. When the door was opened, Li Ming saw With hundreds of people, it’s no wonder that this is known as the largest indoor banquet hall in the Maldives. Watching the secretary introduce himself one by one, it turns out that it is not only the subordinates of his own group, but also some senior officials of the Maldives government and local officials. The number of celebrities in society is really quite large.

Don’t look at the sincere smile on Li Ming’s face, but in my heart I feel that these so-called celebrities are not in the same class as me. If it weren’t for my girlfriend to make life easier in the future, would I bother to talk nonsense with you? , Maldives is a country with hundreds of thousands of people. To put it bluntly, your president here is almost the same as a county governor in China. In China, let alone the county governor, the governor himself is also a frequent visitor, and the one who came today is still Vice President, the President happened to be visiting abroad. Li Ming doesn't know what is good for visiting such a small country with a population of hundreds of thousands. I am afraid that there is no complete diplomatic network in every country in the world.

After Li Ming said the official toast for a while, the banquet began. He has always been the object of attention. If it weren’t for his drinking capacity, he might have to ask someone to carry himself out. Yang Danrun this evening Li Ming’s performance is quite good. If Li Ming didn’t know her, he would really think that she was a noble lady, and even her original match might not be as good as her. Who would have thought that this woman was a model, she was used to it. She was also a little bit eager tonight, seeing the enviable eyes projected from the men around Li Ming's inner vanity was greatly satisfied.

   An incompetent man doesn't want his woman to be too brilliant, because it will cause trouble for himself, but is Li Ming that incompetent man? This world is more capable than he can find out with his fingers, so he is not afraid that someone will think that his life will be long and miss his girlfriend. As long as you have the ability, there will be absolutely no problems. Here are some Waiting for your stuff, treat you well.

But let’s not say, there are people here who are really worried about this lady. In the corner of the banquet hall, an Indonesian man looked at Yang Danrun and couldn’t move his eyes anymore. It was not that he fell in love with Yang Danrun. Beauty, but saw the emerald necklace in front of Yang Danrun's neck.

   Emerald is known as the king of emeralds. It is a very precious gem (the birthstone of May) and one of the precious gems recognized by the international jewelry industry. Because of its unique green color, unique charm, and magical legends, it is deeply favored by Westerners. Recently, it has become more and more popular with Easterners.

This emerald necklace looks invaluable, especially the emerald at the bottom is even more dazzling. Tonight, Yang Danrun has added a lot of luster, and even more amazing is the pattern on this emerald. Know what it is, but you can remember it at a glance. Everyone must think that this necklace must have been bought by Li Ming for this woman, or she wanted to buy such a necklace with her financial resources~ I'm afraid it will take years to be a model without eating or drinking.

Actually, this necklace was not given by Li Ming, but from Yang Danrun’s family. It was passed on to her by her mother. Yang Danrun’s mother is not a big family. Apart from this necklace, she doesn’t have any property. Yang Danrun also thought it was a fake. When he was not developed, he had no idea about it. After he developed, he knew some jewelers. By chance, they all saw his necklace, and some people even offered thousands of them. I bought it at a price of 10,000 Hong Kong dollars, but I was not short of money at that time. This was the only thing my mother left for me, so I kept it. Later, after I met Li Ming, Li Ming also gave himself a lot of precious jewelry. , But in the end Li Ming felt that he still took this emerald best for him, so he often took it with him when he was with Li Ming.

This Indonesian took the opportunity of toasting in the past to take a close look at the emeralds. Although Yang Danrun was a little unhappy with someone staring at him, he couldn’t do anything on such an elegant occasion. After making a smile, he followed Li Ming. Went elsewhere.

At this time, this Indonesian man was almost completely drenched with sweat. Oh my God, the people of the tribe have not found what they have been searching for for decades. Now they have found it by themselves. This emerald is the lack of his own nation. It turns out that this young man is not an ordinary Indonesian, but a collateral child of the Titanic tribe, the oldest ethnic group in Indonesia. This nation has a history of almost thousands of years. The side is still the world of monkeys. It was this ethnic group that first contacted the people of the Ming Dynasty. As the foreign population increased, the people of this ethnic group migrated to the inner regions of Indonesia because there were not many contacts with them. , So this nation seems a bit mysterious.


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