Energy Group

Chapter 676:

The people on the side of M-reprint have already made preparations to lay a net around the yacht, but unfortunately, they did not go to that place at all. The investigation department of the Energy Group saw some clues in the past. They did not use this yacht twice. I drove it back every time. There is no reason to leave it there this time.

When Yebili and others appeared at the beach in Jakarta, Indonesia, the investigators found them. They were spotted by a camera in a supermarket next to the beach. These people just came up from the water. Yebili's appearance is obviously already a little collapsed. They swam for tens of kilometers. Before, Yebili just swam back to the yacht. That was basically his limit. This time the extra ten kilometers. I really took my own life, but other people who came with me didn't seem to be uncomfortable at all. This is the so-called gap.

"Damn, immediately transfer the people around the yacht back to see that their route is to go to the airport, and they must be intercepted in the middle." No. 3 glanced at where they appeared and made a judgment. Now tracking is no longer possible. It’s a strategy, you can't follow them to their base camp, so let's make it clear. If you arrest these guys and torture them, you don't believe that they are not good enough to explain clearly.

The number three also reported the incident to Li Cong. The headquarter meant that we could not continue to follow it in such a secret way. People would have discovered us without taking a yacht. Besides, these people are indeed a little difficult to control. If you get on the plane, it is estimated that the destination is Male’, and Li Ming is still there. It is hard to guarantee that these people will not be against him. These things cannot happen.

Dozens of people carrying weapons quickly approached them in this way. The ten people in Yebili took two cars and drove quickly along the promenade to the airport. In fact, they might run faster than cars. Well, just doing this kind of thing on the street doesn’t seem to be great, so ten people rented two cars. Fortunately, one of the people from the clan can drive a car. Otherwise, ten people might actually be crowded in. In a car.

"Kad, there seems to be something wrong. When I went back this way last time, there didn't seem to be so many cars, and these cars were driving towards us intentionally or unintentionally. Is there something wrong?" The staff first noticed this wrong situation. There were already several cars in front of and behind them, but there were still a lot of cars in the distance that had to be approached. There was such a wide road beside them, so they had to come and squeeze with them. If it weren't for something special, it really wouldn't make sense.

"Huh, I will save them if they are looking for death. Don't worry, you guys are ready, as long as they dare to do something, give them something amazing." Kadah seemed to have seen something similar, and didn't mind at all. All of them showed their not-white teeth and laughed. Card was right. It is true that these people's abilities do not have a turn to take action. They are enough.

Only the liaison officer on the two cars sweated with Yebili. They clearly saw that these cars belonged to the energy group, and they had already faced the big group. When they saw them before, although they couldn’t I said that I was walking around, but I definitely didn’t dare to provoke it so blatantly, but now I can only bite the bullet. Although this card is very capable, I have never touched most of the things outside. I don't know if I will win or lose if I start my hands for a while.

"All units pay attention to each unit, pinch the target and force it to stop. Roadblocks have been set up three kilometers before and after, and the fight will be resolved within five minutes." The voice of the captain was heard from the intercoms on all vehicles of the Energy Group. The team has a total of There are fifty people who have been specially trained. It’s not clear how skilled they are, but they can definitely fight back and forth with the Indonesian special forces one to one. There are very few defeats, especially this kind of coordinated combat is fundamental. I haven't failed, this time it is simply the credit given to me from the above. I just grabbed ten Indonesian indigenous people and returned. It was too simple.

At the headquarters of the Investigation Department, many people were watching the robbery. The killings brought about by No. 3 were all watching the screen intently, and No. 3 felt a little sad in his heart. The people in this team are guinea pigs. If people are really incapable, if you catch them, then you really have done a good job. It’s okay to promote you and raise your salary. But if they are really capable, then you can only be A test product.

In fact, as a leader, it is helpless to make such a decision. Because of the ignorance of the other party, you must find someone to test, but you can't find too valuable, otherwise you will lose too much. This team is in Indonesia The branch is also an elite, and it has made great contributions to the organization, but in the eyes of the people from the headquarters on the 3rd, they still belong to a very tender group, and everyone's ability is almost at the limit now, and there is basically no development. Now that they have the potential to do these things, they will only be able to do these things in the future, but there are some people who do these things in the group, so they were selected.

At the scene, Yebili’s two vehicles were crowded in the center by seven vehicles, the front and rear, left, and right. The vehicles they were looking for at any time were naturally unable to keep up with the energy group’s high-powered Hummer. The direction and speed of the two vehicles were affected Restrictions. On the surface they seem to be under control, but the actual situation may only be known by the people in the car. All people’s hearts are jumping to their throats. If they are really capable, they should use it. If they are not capable, they should use it. Time to get off.

After receiving instructions from the energy group, they immediately approached the distance again. Two people in the two cars next to them held out their guns and aimed at the two drivers, signaling them to stop, but it seemed like It’s useless. The people inside didn’t even respond. That’s no way. The fixed bracket on the Hummer has been installed. Two members emerged from the skylight, each carrying a special gun, which can be fired. A thing similar to a harpoon is attached to the target vehicle, and then two Hummers brake at the same time, even if the horsepower is larger, the vehicle will stop immediately, not to mention the broken vehicle that Yebili rented temporarily.

With two bangs, the harpoon was launched, but it did not attach to the target vehicle as everyone imagined. Instead, it was caught by two people. Yes, it was caught. Things with a speed of 100 meters per second would be caught, which surprised everyone in the team. It seems that this time they encountered hard stubble. The two people at the front window who were holding guns at the driver did not even think. He fired at the tires, and at the same time, several Hummers around him dispersed immediately, and the provinces affected him because of the overturning.

The practical method is also compelling. It seems that a three-kilometer blockade will be opened. It will be difficult to do things without going to a place with a lot of people in front. Besides, this method is not optimistic, in case the car rolls over. If something goes wrong with the important person, then even if he failed this mission, he can only do this right now.


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