Fang Yan was delighted in his heart, eager to try, and his attitude was very respectful. "Okay, director..."

Ye Qingshan quietly came to him while everyone was not paying attention.

Shen Zhi glanced at him out of the corner of the eye, Ye Qingshan stopped and whispered in his ear.

"This time, is there any problem with casting this "Four Four Seven"?" For Ye Qingshan, he was very satisfied, but for other people, that might not be the case.

No matter how you look at it, the comments on the Internet are a bit unfeasible.

Shen Zhi didn't bother to pay attention to it, he stood up directly from the chair and walked away.

Ye Qingshan looked at the back of her leaving and did not dare to speak.

Wan Long seemed to sense the strangeness of his mood, and stepped forward to round the field.

Before he could speak, the person in front of him spoke bluntly. "Don't worry, I won't particularly care!" Wan Long breathed a sigh of relief and patted his chest.

Ye Qingshan walked in front of Fang Yan, Fang Yan subconsciously took a few steps back. "Am I that scary?" he asked.

Fang Yan quickly denied it, Ye Qingshan sighed helplessly, and left a sentence before leaving. "Don't worry, I won't do anything to you! Practice hard, you should practice!"

Fang Yan looked at the back of her leaving and bowed to him.After all, this is his master.

To have such a crew and such a director, for Fang Yan, is clearly a good thing that he could not ask for, and he may be afraid again.

It's just that he is very jealous of Ye Qingshan's ability.

After all, no matter how you look at it, he is very powerful.

As soon as he made a move, he was lying on the ground.

Wan Long took his actions into his eyes and showed a satisfied smile.

Shen Zhi's choice of roles is exactly in line with the characters in the play.

Isn't that the case in the early days of Ye Wen?

Open-minded and studious, very serious.

Although it is said that Ye Wen is a great master of Wing Chun, but now, their starting point is when Ye Wen was still young, and now to study, it is just right.

Things on the Internet continue to develop, and many people are Aite official.

Wan Long rubbed his brows and looked at the situation on the Internet, wondering what to do next...

Having a fishing reel is a good thing, and there is popularity, but it is not a good thing for them to have a fishing reel that will not be solved at all.

After all, the scolding is too fierce, and the movie may not be able to usher in the day when it is released.

"Is it possible to use all the resources? For a little stuntman?" He muttered to himself, puzzled.

Soon, the matter of Fang Yanjin's group was directly on the hot search.

"What the hell? Isn't our brother playing the role?" "Is the Internet upstairs delayed?"

"What did the director team think? Use a stuntman!" "That's it? I will never watch it!"

"It's fine if you don't watch it, if you don't understand it, just go to the audition to find out!" "There is no problem with the role the director chose!" Shen Zhi browsed the comments on the Internet and was unmoved.

The location chosen for the filming is in a small county town, which is sparsely populated. Naturally, not many people know that the film crew is filming in this place.

As the fishing reels fermented on the Internet, Wan Long still couldn't control his heart. "Shen Zhi, should we consider alternative actors now?" After all, those fishing reels were really too many and too big.

Shen Zhi glanced at Wan Long with a serious face: "I will not change people. If you have nothing to do, or you are looking for me just for this matter, you don't have to!" After that, he was about to turn around and leave, but was caught at a critical moment. He stopped.

"Shen Zhi, didn't I just joke with you? I brought you the revised script, calm down!" The expression on Shen Zhi's face changed slightly, and he returned to the chair and sat down.

Reached out to take the script and read it carefully.

"Wan Long, your work efficiency is getting worse and worse!" Wan Long only felt a chill behind him...

"What... what's wrong?"

"There are some problems in the script that need to be corrected, and why is the protagonist's role so small? Is this the protagonist?" Shen Zhi stared at it seriously, the more he looked, the worse his face became...

Some of the original roles of the very exciting protagonists have now been given to supporting roles.

Seeing that he was about to get angry, Wan Long felt uneasy in his heart, and explained quickly at this moment. "The stuntman himself has made many people angry, adding the lead role, are you serious?" Shen Zhi nodded and typed back the script for revision.

There was a bit of helplessness on Wan Long's face.

The next day, early morning.

The crew went to Yuning County, a small county town, in a remote area.

Many reporters came sneakily and started the live broadcast unintentionally.

attracted a lot of netizens' attention.

"What happened?!"

"Which crew is the reporter filming secretly? Has anyone told me?"

"That's not Shen Zhi, who is very popular recently! And that stuntman is the protagonist!" "The stuntman is the protagonist, aren't you joking?!" The reporter was afraid of being discovered by the crew, and hurriedly closed the live broadcast. "What's the situation? Why is the live broadcast closed?!"

"Remember the candid filming! It's a mistake in itself! Could it be sprayed by someone?" "Everyone upstairs is a slip through the net of compulsory education!" The crew released the news, and the trend on the Internet reversed wildly.

Looking at the situation, Wan Long had a bold idea in his mind.

Apply an official emergency statement.Attracting the opposite family... 2.7 The opposite family sent reporters to block outside the crew...

The crew filmed the location on the spot, and a small part was coded and posted on the Internet, which attracted heated discussions among netizens. "Where is this place? Has anyone told me why the scenery is so good?!" "The director chose a very remote place!" "Are the stunt actors serious about being the protagonist?!" "Don't the director want to change the protagonist?? "

"Why didn't our brother play the role, and our brother is so good?" "Can the one above the building not be a high-level black? What about your brother?!" Wan Long watched the wind change, and the big stone in his heart fell quickly.Shen Zhi arranged for the crew to prepare props...

"Wan Long, go get it, and the filming will begin tomorrow!" Wan Long quickly agreed.

Fang Yan kept practicing beside him, Ye Qingshan nodded in satisfaction. .

Chapter 988 Diligent Practice

"How is he practicing?!" Shen Zhi came over to ask about the situation.

Ye Qingshan analyzed it calmly, speaking in a straightforward manner.

"The protagonist you found is good! All the conditions are very good!"

Shen Zhi stepped forward and patted Fang Yan's shoulder, Fang Yan was overwhelmed and overwhelmed. "Practice well, we can officially start shooting tomorrow!"

Fang Yan practiced very late, and the people who prepared the props with the crew were puzzled... They discussed in a low voice in private.

"Why did Director Shen Da use a stuntman?!" One of them was dissatisfied.

"I don't know what Director Shen Da thinks! Director Shen Da's dramas are all divine dramas!" "I think so too!"

Fang Yan took their words into his ears and became more assiduous.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Wan Long felt a strange feeling in his heart.Step forward to help clear the siege...

"What props are you talking about ready?!" The people who prepared props swarmed away.

Wan Long is notoriously strict in the crew and has a bad temper.

Director Shen Da did not like to talk, so he handed over the matter to Wan Long.

Wan Long came to Fang Yan and coughed a few times.

03 "Fang Yan, go back to rest early, as the lead actor, you have to be there early tomorrow!"

Fang Yan nodded, with a signature smile on his face.

"It's okay, I'll be there early tomorrow! Just practice now!"

Wan Long's indifferent response seemed to understand in an instant why Shen Zhi made him the starring role, thinking that the matter had settled down, and no one could change Shen Zhi's thoughts. "Okay, I get it! Then you practice!"

Fang Yan made up his mind to be a good lead actor, never letting go of a rare opportunity.

The next day, early morning.

Huang Zizhuo posted a live broadcast on the Internet, which attracted heated discussions among netizens.

"Ah! Our brother will broadcast live! Why did brother suddenly broadcast live?!"

"Did you finally have time, brother?!"

Facing the audience, Huang Zitiao pretended to be pitiful.

"I just came from the crew! I didn't expect the audition to be!"

"Brother is so miserable! I watched it! The director is not good enough, so I like a stuntman!"

"Brother, don't be too sad! Everything is the director's fault!"

"Yes, yes, there is something wrong with the director!"

The netizens discussed with each other, and Wan Long arranged the props in the crew.

There was a sound of footsteps in his ears, and he raised his head to meet a familiar gaze.

The expression on Ye Qingshan's face changed slightly, Wan Long seemed to be aware of his abnormal mood and was puzzled.

"what's going on?"

"look by youself!"

Ye Qingshan took out something from his arms and handed it to him.

Wan Long's face turned black and white for a while, and angrily passed, he went to find Shen Zhi...

Shen Zhi was browsing to get the latest news, unmoved by it.

"Shen Zhi, what should we do now?! We are being attacked by netizens!"

Shen Zhi soothed his emotions.

"Wanlong, what are you worried about?"

He had long been used to it, and Wan Long took his actions into his eyes.

"I will let the official issue urgently now..."

Before he could finish speaking, he was interrupted directly.

"No need, don't worry about it!"

Wan Long opened his eyes wide and stared at Shen Zhi.

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