Shen Zhi's play is indeed very important to them.

Also because of this matter, they hesitated for a long time, and finally nodded in agreement, they wanted to get this drama.

They want to stay in this place, at least in this case, they may have a chance to turn over if they are kicked away by Shen Zhi.

They don't have a chance anymore, not to mention they are all signed contracts, don't they? .

Chapter 1039 We all need an explanation

With this idea in mind, they quickly went directly outside Shen Zhi's villa with their things.

When Shen Zhi was about to come out and plan to choose those actors.

A group of actors stopped directly outside Shen Zhi's villa and one of them shouted at Shen Zhi inside with a loudspeaker. "We already know that you want to change the actor, and we hope you can give us an explanation." Shen Zhi, who was planning to come out, was stunned when he heard the voice, and the people outside continued to speak at this time. "All of us came to this place after we signed the contract, why should we just kick us out?" The rumor went away so quickly, Zhang Shen Zhi was very surprised, but after the surprise, in the end Shen Zhi still felt in his heart. Some are not very happy.

After all, how he wants to solve this matter is his own business.

He is the owner of these 03 crews, and he has the qualifications to handle all things. Those people are obviously threatening by the way they are now.

Shen Zhi wanted to go out angrily, but fortunately, Wan Long and Ye Qingshan knew very well that if they went out, it would be troublesome if something happened.

So the two directly grabbed Shen Zhi. Although they were not very happy when they saw this, Shen Zhi didn't struggle in the end, just looked outside coldly.

Recently, quite a few media wanted to interview Shen Zhi, but they were all rejected by Shen Zhi and closed the door.

This time they came to this place, in fact, to squat Shen Zhi, who would have thought that such a thing would happen.

So their natural research took this incident to the Internet.

As for the situation on Shen Zhi's side, they hesitated for a while and didn't continue to struggle.

Shen Zhi didn't want them to be interviewed anyway, so they were offended, so what?

When they thought so in their hearts, this matter quickly broke out on the Internet.

Some people think that there is nothing wrong with Shen Zhi, he has the qualifications to change the actor.

However, some people directly said that Shen Zhi had a big problem, and they had already signed the contract and needed to be replaced.

The two sides were so noisy, and the next sentence, Yang Mi, who was paying attention, turned ugly and said to Shen Zhi. "It seems that this matter is not easy to solve, and now there is a bloody storm on the Internet." "If there is anything that is not easy to solve, I will go out and solve it."

Shen Zhi snorted coldly and said something directly, and Yang Mi, who got this sentence, quickly grabbed Shen Zhi.

Fortunately, at this time, Ye Qingshan next to them hurriedly said to them: "The matter is settled, someone will take the lead, plus your accumulated network and strength, now this matter has been suppressed, don't worry." Although it is like this, but everyone knows it in their hearts.

It's under pressure now, but this matter will definitely need to be resolved in a while.

All of them here are very smart and know it.

Those actors are for their pay, for their fame.

They can do anything.

Because of this, Shen Zhi hesitated for a while, and finally walked out.

Because no matter what, they have to solve everything on their side.

If this is the case, then it's better to go out and solve things now.

When Shen Zhi was thinking this way, the people outside were actually angry.

They had made a big fuss about this matter, but who would have thought that Shen Zhi would actually suppress the matter directly.

This makes them very powerless, and they suddenly don't know what to do.

Shen Zhi can do some things unscrupulously, but they can't.

Because they don't have that ability right now.

Thinking of this, they had a headache.At this moment, Shen Zhi said to the person in front of him.

"I know what everyone thinks. I am very angry that you are making trouble on the Internet, but you are also doing it for your benefit." When a group of people who were powerless heard this sentence, they looked at Shen Zhi for a moment. say.

Shen Zhi473 smiled when he saw this, walked over, and said to the person in front of him. "So today I came out to give you a solution."

Those who got this sentence looked at Shen Zhi with a surprised expression, and at this time Shen Zhi said to the person in front of him.

"I know that I have already signed the contract with you, and it is obviously too much to do so now, so this time my thinking is, I hope you can cancel the contract with me." Those people looked annoyed, thinking about Shen Zhixiang. It's really too much.

If they really cancel the contract, they won't get anything.

When those people were thinking like this, how could Shen Zhi not know what they were thinking?

So seeing this, Shen Zhi glanced at those people, then shrugged and said.

"The main reason I let you breach the contract is because of another thing, that is, I plan to recommend a new film contract to you." The attitude of the originally angry group gradually eased, and they looked at Shen Zhi in surprise. .

Chapter 1040 Everyone is stunned

Shen Zhi's drama no longer needs them because the script has been changed.

At that time, if they continue to make trouble, it will be of no use.

Even if they especially want to be the character in Shen Zhi's movie.

But at that time, when everyone is in a commotion, there is actually no benefit.

So if Shen Zhi is willing to offer them a new film contract, they will naturally be willing.

Just when they were thinking so, Shen Zhi continued to speak to the person in front of him.

"Besides that, I also plan to give you three times the price. The main reason is because I am still very clear in my heart. It is indeed because of me that you wasted your time. I still have to compensate for it. ."

This attitude of Shen Zhi satisfied all the people who were originally angry.

Seeing that none of them had any major problems, Shen Zhicai smiled and said to the person in front of him.

"If you have any other questions, you can say it, and I will try my best to solve it here."

All of them here understand that it is time to take it as soon as possible.

It has already reached this point, and if it continues, it will only go too far.

So a group of people didn't say anything and just said there was no problem.

Seeing this, Shen Zhi was satisfied and asked them to sign the contract.

Then they were paid again and let them go.

Seeing Shen Zhi's generous appearance, everyone became happy.

At least this time they worked with a very good director, and the director did not let them down.

After those people left, Shen Zhi returned to the villa with the things.

But after returning, Yang Mi's expression was not very good-looking, so she walked over and said to Shen Zhi.

"I just checked our accounts" r."

Everyone looked over when they heard this sentence, expecting Yang Mi to say something.

At this time, Yang Mi over there looked at the people around, and knew that if she said all the words now, those people would be very hurt.

But this is the fact, and if that's the case, then it's a big deal to tell all the facts directly.

With this thought in mind, Yang Mi directly told all these people.

"First of all, we only have 5 yuan left in our account."

When they got this sentence, the expressions of those people suddenly changed.

"I know that I shouldn't say such things directly, but I still want to tell you that our funds are not enough, and it is very difficult to even start the machine now."

When they got this sentence, those people didn't say anything, just lowered their heads decadently and said nothing.

However, at this time, the matter has not been resolved, and even if it is, my brother called.

Since what happened last time, my brother believed in Shen Zhi very much.

This also led to the fact that Shen Zhi was filming old songs recently, and basically did not come here to disturb.

The main reason for calling this time is to know the progress of the shooting.

Shen Zhi had never wanted to lie, and he couldn't hide this matter.

So the elder brother asked about the shooting progress, and Shen Zhi told the matter directly and generously.

"I felt that the script lab was too dramatic for this film, so I decided to change the script."

The face of the elder brother who got this sentence instantly turned ugly. At this time, Shen Zhi over there continued to speak to the elder brother.

"During the change of the script, I also knew that you would not be happy in your heart, so I didn't tell you in advance. Now my script has been changed almost, and even the people have been disbanded."

After getting this sentence, the old man took a deep breath, but thought if Shen Zhi could continue to shoot.

In fact, the problem was not that big, so he directly swallowed the words he wanted to scold and asked Shen Zhi.

"々 So now that you've changed the script, you guys are going to continue filming and reboot, right?"

Shen Zhi, who got this sentence, laughed and said, "Yes, we are planning to restart the machine."

"Then you can reboot. I hope your movie will be better than the last one."

Shen Zhi was silent for a while listening to these words, at this time the older brother over there asked.

"Why did (Zhao Zhao) suddenly quiet down, is there any problem? If you have any problems, you can tell me directly."

Shen Zhi touched his nose and hesitated for a while, but in the end he was helpless, so he told the matter directly.

"But because of changing the script and disbanding some people, we are now out of funds."

In other words, they don't have the funds to shoot anymore.

The old man who wanted to say something fell silent. At this time, Shen Zhi told all the situation of the crew again.

After saying these words, Shen Zhi looked at the front in silence, he knew that my brother would definitely be unhappy.

But the two of them could still have a good chat. .

Chapter 1041 You don't care about the overall situation

"Do you know that you are so disregarding the overall situation right now."

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