This makes the wine lovers feel that the heart has been greatly satisfied.

Not only is there good wine, but there are also beauties in it, but this is not a real person, but a beautiful woman in a painting. Look at that woman, who is full of love, so pitiful, sitting alone on the bridge waiting for your return.

The old man stared at the painting for a long time, and finally got wet eyes.

Shen Zhi asked him what was wrong, and the old man waved his hand.

He just remembered an old friend.

Not to mention, it was sad when he mentioned it, the old man walked to the front and took a bottle of Daughter Red, which is the most common in it, and saw that he was holding the bottle of Daughter Red carefully, as if he was holding a girl. Yes, looking at the big red lid on the wine bottle, there is a sad mood.

The old man held the wine bottle alone in the corner, opened the lid, and took a sniff.Then he raised his head and drank from the bottle.Shen Zhi could see from the side that the old man must have remembered some beautiful and regrettable things. Although he smiled, he could also feel his sadness. He was so happy before that it was like a dream, an unpleasant event. real dream.

Shen Zhi suddenly thought of something, took out the old notebook and pen from his backpack and kept writing something.

After writing for a while, Shen Zhi grabbed his head again, and his thoughts were interrupted again.

Hey, it seems that I still have to take the risk of being beaten and ask my master about this past.

Shen Zhi also took a bottle of wine called Yirenxiao and went to sit down beside the old man...

After taking a sip, I immediately felt a burning sensation in my mouth, but my heart became restless.

"Master, just tell me about your heroic deeds in the past!"

Shen Zhi touched the wine bottle with the old man and looked at him expectantly.

"Haha, hero, no, I'm not a hero, how can I be a hero if I can't even protect my beloved woman."

The old man laughed at himself and turned his head weakly to look at Shen Zhi.

"Stinky boy, let me tell you, you will meet a good girl who is willing to mend your clothes and cook for you in the future, but don't let her down, or you will regret it for the rest of your life like me, and I don't even have a chance to see her now. It's me who failed her."

"I regret it. If I didn't have the guts at the time, I listened to her words and stayed at home to be a teacher. If I didn't pursue these so-called fame and fortune, I wouldn't have ended up like this."

"Ever since I lost her, I've been thinking every day, did I do something wrong, should I leave her and go out, but 2.7 is that I just want us to have a better life, the opportunity is rare, That's right, I'm young and energetic, always thinking about making money, and ignoring her feelings at all."

"Every time she persuaded me, I scolded her. Now that I think about it, I can't wait to punch myself at that time. I didn't think from her point of view. She didn't let me go because of our family. !"

Speaking of this, the old man looked down in tears, saying that men don't cry easily, but they haven't reached the sad part.

Shen Zhi also thought of a certain person after hearing about it. She was also so cute and fascinating. .

Chapter 1100: Dangerous Master

"Is she my wife? Where is she now?"

Seeing that the old man loved the woman so deeply, Shen Zhi also guessed the woman's identity.

"Yes, she is the only wife in my life, in an earthquake a few decades ago.... That day was my nightmare, when I was outside trying to change addresses, the letter that took my wife to the rubble It took more than half a month for me to receive the submerged letter. At that time, I ran to the beach screaming like crazy, but the merciless waves answered me, and I recalled what Lan Niang said before she left, She said she would wait for me to come back."

The old man said that he couldn't speak any longer. His throat seemed to be choked by something, and his Adam's apple rolled up and down.

After listening to Shen Zhi, he didn't know how to comfort the old man for a while, so he could only pat the old man on the back when he looked at him in pain.Maybe this silent company will make the old man feel better.

After some time, the two fell asleep leaning against each other.

In a dream, Shen Zhi dreamed of the girl 03 who was thinking of her, she was busy in the kitchen, and he was sitting in the living room looking at her back with a smile.

Suddenly there was a loud bang in the kitchen.

Shen Zhi saw that the kitchen was full of smoke, and ran into the kitchen before putting on his shoes.

He wanted to call her name, but he couldn't make a sound.He had no choice but to look for her figure in the thick fog, but found that in addition to thick smoke or thick smoke, she seemed to have disappeared just like that.

"do not want!"

Shen Zhi exclaimed and woke up from the nightmare.

It's just that this dream is so real, and that despair is just like real.But he is also fortunate that this is just a dream. If it really happened, he would not dare to imagine it.

He must not be without her!

"Hey! It must be influenced by the master. The master and the wife are too pitiful."

Shen Zhi still had a headache and weakness in his limbs. He regretted that he shouldn't drink so much, because even raising his head was a very painful thing at this time. After drinking, he always felt like his head was being filled with water. become extremely heavy.

Shen Zhi looked around and saw that the old man had disappeared.Shen Zhi thought to himself: "I've suffered! The master will not lose his mind..."

This time, Shen Zhitou was also awake, and he had strength all over his body. He stood up, only to find that the floor that was still messy last night had been mopped clean, and the wine bottles that were thrown away were neatly arranged. .

Just when Shen Zhi was wondering who did this, the old man walked up to Shen Zhi with a bowl of chicken soup and put it in his hand.

Shen Zhi looked at the old man carefully, and saw a faint smile on his face, and he was not puzzled as he was sad yesterday.

"Master, are you all right! Yesterday."

Before Shen Zhi could finish speaking, the old man interrupted him.

"What happened yesterday, didn't I just drink a few bottles of wine yesterday? Why, brat, you promised me last time to let me drink enough, and you still want to deny it!"

The old man didn't give him a chance to explain at all, and he talked about it again and again. Seeing that the bowl of chicken soup was about to get cold, the old man urged Shen Zhi to make the chicken soup quickly.

"Master, where did you buy the chicken soup?"

Shen Zhi took a sip and always felt that the taste was familiar, but this was the first time he came to this place, and he was sure that he had never had chicken soup in this place.

"Of course I brought it. Hmph, their craftsmanship is not as good as mine. This chicken soup is based on my family's secret recipe. Needless to say, it tastes good. Ten people drink it and nine people praise it."

"Oh, I just said this taste is very familiar."

"That's not right, Master, haven't we already finished drinking on the boat? I remember drinking the last pot before disembarking. But you still have to let me drink it. I'm getting tired of this chicken soup, Master, why don't you drink it? Give it a drink, I'll go out to eat later when I'm hungry."

Shen Zhi took a sip and didn't feel good, but if he kept drinking, he couldn't stand it.

"What did you say? Are you looking for a fight? If you don't drink chicken soup, you have to go out to eat those messes."

The old man slapped the table angrily.

One second, two seconds, three seconds, a crack appeared in the middle of the table.

Seeing this, 527 had no choice but to dry up this bowl of chicken soup.

After drinking, he didn't forget to turn the bowl upside down and show it to the old man to show that he didn't drink a drop.

Seeing that Shen Zhi finished drinking, the old man returned to the image of a kind old grandfather.

"I really don't understand how your old man didn't get tired of drinking it. It's strange."

Knowing that she pinched the bridge of her nose and whispered softly.

I don't know if the old man heard it, but he asked Shen Zhi to sit on the sofa and discuss the secret recipe of ancestral chicken soup with him.

"As long as you help me with this little favor, I promise to be gentle with you in the future, how about it, my weirdo, it's worth it!"

The old man gave Shen Zhi a terrifying wink.

"It's not impossible to publicize this ancestral chicken soup secret recipe, but, master, you can think about it. This is your family's ancestral secret recipe. If it is posted on the Internet, if you want to go back and regret it later, you will not be able to take it back."

Shen Zhi was taken aback when he heard the old man say that he wanted to publicize his ancestral secret recipe. .

Chapter 1102 What is this!

He thought it was because he heard it wrong, and after asking several times, the old man answered in the affirmative.

"Okay, master, just tell me the secret recipe of chicken soup, and I'll arrange the rest."

Although Shen Zhi felt that he should not help the old man to do this, there was always a villain in his heart telling him to dissuade him, but he trusted the old man and respected the master's decision.

"Okay, sorry for your troubles, Tu'er. I believe Lan Niang will also support me. She used to want me to drink her chicken soup anytime, anywhere. Now that I spread this recipe out, she doesn't have to worry about it. , As long as I'm still alive, I can drink wherever I want, hahaha!"

Shen Zhi was shocked. He finally knew why the master boiled chicken soup every day, and he couldn't get tired of eating it. That chicken soup was the mother's love for the master.

Thinking of this, Shen Zhi took out his notebook and pen to record something.

The people here seem to be a bit conservative. On a hot day, there are quite a few women here with silk scarves of different colors wrapped around their heads. People outside can only vaguely see their approximate face shapes, specifically the difference between beauty and ugliness. not out.

"You kid can't even have fun when you come out to play with this broken book. Tsk tsk tsk, I don't know what you want to do here."

The old man looked at Shen Zhi who was constantly busy walking behind and complained a little.

Shen Zhi didn't say anything after listening, just smiled helplessly. Isn't the purpose of his trip to find inspiration and then finish this novel?

"Oh, it's amazing, Tu'er, look at it, what kind of animal is that, with three heads and six arms, it's creepy" r."

The old man walked and walked to the door of a high-rise building, and exclaimed when he saw it.

"Master, do you want to be so exaggerated, there will definitely not be any beasts or the like here. I didn't see you so surprised when I met the two last time."

Not only was he not surprised, his master also beat the two very heroically. As he said that, Shen Zhi looked forward with his head that could have been lowered.

"Hey, how can this be the same? It's not like I saw them behind my grandfather's back when I was a child. Naturally, I know that they don't eat people, so I have nothing to be afraid of."

"But this monster looks very fierce. I think they must have used some method to control it. Otherwise, this thing would have attacked people long ago."

Hearing what the old man said, Shen Zhi also looked at the animal that looked a little abnormal, with a pair of sapphire blue eyes, a tightly closed mouth, huge and reflective ears, and a tail that was constantly wagging. It looked a little scary indeed. But Shen Zhou always felt that there was something strange about it.

"Master, I think there is something tricky in this place. Look, this place is so luxurious, who would put a ferocious creature in their own company that makes them afraid of seeing it? Do they not need to do business in this way? "

When the old man with a nervous expression heard Shen Zhou's words, he instantly looked at the big monster with exploratory eyes.

But there are more and more people who are curious. The place where there were few people was full of people at this time.

There was a circle of people around, and Brother Shen Zhou and the old man were blocked by these people and could not go forward to observe this strange animal further.

"Hello, please let me go?"

The old man patted a young man in front of him.

"Why! Old man, I didn't see me looking at the big monster, I'll give you some awesomeness when I'm shooting me!"

"You are..."

Seeing the man in front of him being so unreasonable, the old man just wanted to educate him, but Shen Zhou shook his head at the old man.

The old man didn't know what Shen Zhi meant, looked at Shen Zhi with aggrieved expression, and then glared at the back of the young man's head. "々 Don't worry, Master, look at me!"

Shen Zhou smiled mysteriously at the old man and shouted at the crowd.

"Everyone, run quickly, this monster doesn't look right, it's about to break free from its chains."

After hearing this, the people around them all made a mess, and everyone squeezed out desperately. In an instant, the people who had been in a few circles scattered. "What! Disciple, what are you talking about, that monster is motionless in the same place? How could it break free?"

After the old man heard it, he quickly hid behind Shen Zhi. Although he was startled by what Shen Zhi said, he still expressed his doubts. "Yes, yes, one end of the chain is tied with an iron ball, how can it be freed?" Some people reacted when they heard what the old man said, and looked at the old man and Shen Zhi. "It's you (Li Liaozhao) who said this monster would escape?" A man looked at Shen Zhi resentfully. "I'm right." Shen Zhi snorted lightly with no expression on his face.

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