"How can I be 09 you two, you two"

Quan Baolan didn't finish her sentence, but everyone understood what she meant.

Lu Xiao was also taken aback by the sudden appearance of Taixi and the two of them, and they were almost soft! "Sister, why did you come here?"

"It's always been there!"

Taeyeon replied, "Before you two come back."


Lu Xiao has taken it, no, these two, Xiaotian and Dudu have been staying in the next room and opened a crack in the door to take a peek! Jin Taeyeon smiled and said: "Baolan, you will call me Ernie anyway in the future. !in spite of

Is it because I'm Lu Xiao's older sister, or because you're more advanced than me, hee hee!"

"Call me Ernie too, hee hee!"

Jung Soo Yeon followed.

"I you"

Quan Baolan was completely stunned and felt that the whole person was not good! Originally, she thought that she had succeeded in seducing Lu Xiao, but since then she has had a young and handsome lover who is both caring and chatty, but it turned out that she was in. Lu Xiao's pit! She will be Lu Xiao's lover in the future! And she doesn't know who is the number one lover! After all, even Kim Taeyeon and Zheng Xiuyan are willing to follow him, and they have such an attitude towards Lu Xiao finding themselves again , Can she still resist? Quan Baolan wants to cry without tears.

Not only because of the above, but also because Kim Taeyeon and Zheng's hands still didn't come down on her, and it was very unpleasant to touch her.

"Don't do this!"

Quan Baolan twisted her body uncomfortably, but the strange feeling that was completely different from Lu Xiao's touch made her feel extremely prickly.


Kim Taeyeon smirked, but the movements of her hands never stopped.

Jung Soo Yeon said, "Aiya! What's so shy? We'll be good sisters in the future!"

"Yeah! Days like this are still going on, hee hee!"

Let's do it! Quan Baolan knows she can't resist, and she doesn't have the strength to resist now.

He also stretched out his hand to touch the two of Tessie.

Kim Taeyeon and Jung Soo Yeon didn't feel the slightest discomfort, and allowed Jeon Bo Lam to touch it.

After a while, Quan Baolan felt that she was at a loss! Because there is nothing to touch on these two people! Those with small breasts and small buttocks are not comparable to her at all!!! But this also makes Quan Baolan feel at ease for a moment. gained confidence.

Yes! Her figure is super proud of the short body world! The next day, even though everyone touched and kissed each other the night before, Jeon Bo Lam still held deep resentment towards Kim Taeyeon and Jung Soo Yeon.

She doesn't complain at all about Lu Xiaoquan Baolan - she has been completely conquered by Lu Xiao.

In this regard, Kim Taeyeon teased: "Oh! Why is Baolan looking so depressed? Who bullied you, tell Ernie, Ernie will help you teach him a lesson!"

Zheng Xiuyan followed: "And me! Baolan, you have two Ernies, don't be afraid!"


Quan Baolan was very upset, "You two are not my Ernie! I am older than you, and I am your Ernie!!!"

"Well, you can actually let us call you Ernie!"

Kim Taeyeon pinched her nails and squinted at Jeon Baolan.


"Don't pester my brother in the future! If you don't be my brother's woman, you don't need to call me Ernie anyway, at most seniors!"


Quan Baolan will not agree to this condition! She is ill and very ill, so she expects Lu Xiao to give her an injection! This can only be done by Lu Xiao, but not by other men! "Uh huh!"

Kim Taeyeon looked like she was winning.

She is well aware of Lu Xiao's charm. If she has never slept with 970, it's okay to say that once she has slept with him, it is something you can easily get rid of. I can't wait to hug him and chew him every day! "Yeah! Asi!!! Ernie is Ernie, what's the big deal, really!"

Quan Baolan is very unhappy, but she can only respond no matter how unhappy she is! She can't really give up Lu Xiao and leave in a fit of rage.


Compared to Jeon Bo Lam's unhappiness, Kim Taeyeon was very happy, "Bang Lam, hurry up and call O'Neill to hear it!"

"Euni! Ernie! Ernie Ernie!!!"

Jeon Bo Lam screamed but couldn't stop, and kept approaching Kim Taeyeon, shouting into her ear.

Kim Taeyeon, however, was not annoyed at all, she covered her ears and stepped back, "Ehhhh"

ground should be.

"What about me! And what about me!"

Jung Soo Yeon jumped between the two.

"Euni! Ernie! Ernie Ernie!!!"

Quan Baolan reluctantly changed the shouting target to Jessica Jessica for subscription!! I want a ticket! I want a reward! Collection, it is recommended to remember to collect and save the unique domain name of m.aikanshu8.com, and enjoy high-speed reading!

Chapter 113

Near noon, Quan Baolan returned to the dormitory villa, and everyone was there.

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