"That was before! Now I don't make friends for a long time! Even if you are Taeyeon Unni's younger brother"

She thought to herself, "It's me" because you are Taeyeon Unni's younger brother

"Nothing to be desired!"

Cui Xueli interrupted Lu Xiaodao, "Okay, go and put on your makeup and change your clothes! Don't delay the shooting, the work is important!"


Lu Xiao watched Cui Xueli go straight to the side, with mixed feelings in his heart.

She looks so normal, she will take the initiative to communicate with people, she speaks cleanly and neatly, but she is so abnormal, her face is always expressionless during the conversation, and there is an invisible barrier between the two.


Lu Xiao finally sighed and turned around to prepare.

"Men, put your right hand around the woman's waist! Tighten it a little! But you still have to look natural, don't be so deliberate, and don't look tight 970 pics"

The photographer has been: directing Lu Xiao, a rookie with no shooting experience.

Cui Xueli smiled at Lu Xiao, "Don't be nervous! Don't be afraid to take pictures with me, just be afraid to take more intimate pictures with me. You have to know that there is no reason why men and women are not in contact with each other when taking pictures together."

"I'm just maybe not used to showing intimacy with the opposite sex in front of so many people!"

The tension caused by the first shooting is certainly there, but the most important reason is that Lu Xiao did not say it, and there is no way to say it, that Cui Xueli is still a person in another world in his perception.

When talking to Cui Xueli earlier, Lu Xiao was actually a little nervous, but this time he had to make physical contact with her, especially the intimate gesture of hugging her waist, even though Cui Xueli was a very beautiful, attractive and seductive woman. Child, Lu Xiao has always liked her very much, but it's really impossible not to be nervous

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Chapter 122

The filming lasted an entire afternoon, and during the break, Lu Xiao kept looking for opportunities to talk to Cui Xueli.

Cui Xueli didn't ignore Lu Xiao, but she only talked about work and nothing else.

If you want to make friends, there is no way! It is impossible to make friends to make friends.

Even Lu Xiao offered to invite Cui Xueli to dinner, but the latter declined.

Alas! It's too difficult! After having dinner with Xiaotian and Dudu, Lu Xiao called Kim Taeyeon directly for help.

"Sister! - You must help me!!!"

"What's the matter, who's bullying my brother?"

"There is something I can only do for you, elder sister! How can I make friends with elder sister Shirley?"

"Ah!! How did you meet her?"

"It's my shoot today, and my partner is Sister Shirley! I've always liked her, so I want to be friends with her.

But she can't be cold to me. She will always tell me, but she only talks about work. I want to talk about other things. She always doesn't pick up. The two are not suitable for making friends"

Kim Taeyeon on the other end was silent for a while.

"Yes, truth, she doesn't make friends now! As for the reason"

"I know! Sister Shirley suffers from severe depression, right!"

"Ah! How did you know that?"

Kim Taeyeon looked surprised.

Lu Xiao sighed in his heart.

I not only know that she has depression, but also know that sister, you will also suffer from depression in the future! But you should not be in this world! Change you, I also want to change Shirley.

"I guessed it!"

Lu, "Actually, it's not just me, many fans can guess that Sister Shirley has depression.

On the surface, she still seems to love to laugh, and she used to laugh more brilliantly, but alas, smile depression is actually more difficult to cure than normal depression."

Kim Taeyeon on the other side didn't say "I don't know what made Sulli sister what she is now, but there are only two reasons.

I don't want to think about the reason why it's cruel. My sister Shirley is actually very wild and casual, just like Sister HyunA in 4.

However, her pure and lovely appearance naturally made everyone think that she should be a quiet and sweet girl, and she also packaged her like this.

But packaging is always just packaging, and what lies beneath the sweet exterior is still a wild heart, it always has

It will explode one day.

Moreover, because it has been restrained and suppressed for a long time, it will appear especially crazy after it erupts.

Especially when everyone is used to sweetness, when one day it becomes wild, everyone will feel very incredible, especially unable to understand why it has become like this! This transformation is a strong condemnation or even abusive! But in fact, there is nothing abnormal about what Shirley does! It's just a bolder dress, or a sexy or weird selfie, which has the same personality as her. From the sister HyunA, what she got was a lot of praise! At first, HyunA, who was pure and sexy, was basically viewed with admiration, but now the scale may be too large and the controversy is relatively large.

Why is this happening? The same result got everyone's diametrically opposed attitudes! It's just because Sister HyunA's appearance is not cute, she has been sexy from the beginning, while Sulli's sister has stood up from the beginning. It is a pure and sweet character.

Everyone has accepted their sexiness and purity respectively, forming a kind of inertial thinking.

When this habitual thinking is broken, people will feel a sense of being deceived or even betrayed.

So they were very upset and took all their anger on Sister Shirley, who actually did nothing wrong.

And Shirley's sister actually hopes to get the approval of those who once liked her.

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