Thirteen people gathered in the living room, ready to play games! "Truth or Dare!"

"Yes yes yes! Truth or Dare, we haven't played in a long time!"

"It happens that Lu Xiao is here today, hehe, I hope your luck is not too bad, Xiao!"

"Haha, I hope to be able to draw you all the time, Xiao! We are going to target you!"

"Hey, why do you call Lu Xiao 'Xiao' anymore? It's not called 'Xiao Xiao' anymore"

"Well, in order to distinguish it from Xiaoxiao, we will call it that in the future!"

Lu Xiao did not raise any objections, even if he raised objections 1:1, nothing would change.

And Truth or Dare is good! Under the circumstance of ensuring fairness, 13 people, what is the probability of winning him? Basically, 12 of them should come! So he can watch the show well, no matter who comes He likes it all! It would be even better if it was Chen Xiao! I have to say, Truth or Dare has not been around for a long time, but it is really a classic! Especially it often appears in various urban novels. Is there a reason for it "Do you have poker? Use poker?"

Lu Xiao suggested.

Drawing cards is an absolutely fair way. Lu Xiao didn't want them to join up with 12 people to deal with them! There's still a lot to play! "Yes, I'll get it!"

Enxi ran into the room with a gust of wind, and quickly ran back, handing Lu Xiao a deck of playing cards.

Lu Xiao soon

Start to draw cards, "Well, we are 13 people, just one card! It is the largest, and the person who draws can arbitrarily designate which one or two cards are drawn to receive punishment.

As long as the proposed punishment is not too much for the majority of people, it must be accepted!"

"In addition, the person who draws the smallest must also be punished, so let him squeeze the shoulders and backs of the person who has been drawn until the results of the next round of draws come out! Also, if both parties are willing, they will be called. A person can find someone to accept punishment for him.

What do you think of this rule!"

"Well, yes!"

“Very good and fair!”

"Xiao, you are so thoughtful!"

"In the past, when we turned our brushes and chopsticks, we always felt that it was unfair! And we kept fighting over how to accept the punishment."

In fact, it would be better for them to be a little unfair at this time, so that they can work together to bully Lu Xiao! But the rules proposed by Lu Xiao are too fair, and it is difficult for them to raise objections.

And this rule is quite exciting, everyone has the same chance to become, and also has the same chance to become the younger brother in each round, for pinching shoulders and backs.

And if it's neither, you may be called out to accept the punishment of Truth or Dare, exciting! The game starts the first round soon.

The card was issued by Lu Xiao, he gave himself a 3

In fact, Lu Xiao really wants to get it. Squeezing his shoulders and beating his back may be punishment for others, but it is actually a benefit for him! All girls here except him, no matter who he massages is cool Is it him? Well, maybe it would not be so cool to give Xue E and Enxi three 3 massages. After all, they are all her women. There is nothing good about pinching their bones. It's just the poor 12 ignorant girls who have nothing. One person found this, and one by one felt that the rules proposed by Lu Xiao were very fair, but he did not know that he secretly benefited himself.

"Haha, here I am!"

Enxi let out a hearty laugh, and showed the cards in her hand to everyone, "Well, what cards do you think I'm going to pick, Xiao! What are your cards!"

Enxi was sitting beside Lu Xiao, and Chen Xiao was on the other side of Lu Xiao.

When she said this, she bumped into Lu Xiao's body.

"Hehe! Do you think I'll tell you?"

Enxi wanted to know what kind of card Lu Xiao was, but Lu Xiao only took a very careful look at the beginning and then covered the card on the ground. She didn't have a chance to peek at all! Alas! There are two, I hope you can choose Lu Xiao! Zhang Feilu reminds you: three things to read are favorites, it is recommended to remember to save the unique domain name of Love reading it, enjoy high-speed reading!

Chapter 169

"By the way! Whoever draws it quickly comes over to give me a massage!"

Enxi remembered that she still had benefits, so she hurriedly shouted.

"Assie!—it's me!"

Unhappy stood up, walked over and sat behind Enxi, then held her shoulders and squeezed hard! "Ah oh!—"

Enxi cried out in pain, "You're going to die, Qiu Zhaozhen!!!"

"Aha! What's the matter, the force is too small or you need to add more"

"go away!!!"

"Okay, I'm going back!"

"Go back to your sister! Don't play if you can't have fun, don't you just press: You are the leader! You have to set an example! Do you want everyone to follow your example in the future!"

"I cough, give you "nine seven zero"

Press:, press: for you!"

Enxi's words were all for this sake, and she had to be honest with her: get up and massage.

"Whoo!--comfortable! Just a little harder!"

With an expression of enjoyment on his face, Eun-hee said, "Okay, let's pick someone now! We have 12 girls in the universe, and we debuted in February, so let's pick 2 and! Please come to the one who draws these two cards. Kisses must be lips to lips!"

Hmm! Lu Xiao's pupils are wide open and his eyebrows are raised.

2! But I'm a 3! Special mother, I would have told you my card if I knew it! Who knew you would propose such a "punishment"

Ah! But what I said, you shouldn't mention it like that, but Lu Xiao didn't know, Enxi just wanted to pick him! Enxi now hopes that Lu Xiao can take them all early, so that they can The relationship between them does not need to be covered up and can be kept close at any time, otherwise it would be too uncomfortable to pretend that there is nothing between them in front of everyone! In fact, even if Lu Xiao knew what Enxi was thinking, he couldn't quite understand it.

For this reason, you have to drag all your sisters into the water, although it is my wish! "Ah! I am 2!"

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