But the above talk is actually nonsense, because the love between Lu Xiao and Xu Xian will not be normal from the beginning

"Anihase! Lu Xiao was awakened by two female voices beside him.

"Ah! Senior, senior, you are"

The two girls are Concubine Ding Enfei and Liu Yunwo from 1.

"Hello Lu Xiao, can you please help us complete the task?"

"Uh, was it Tzuyu or Xiaoxiao who asked the two to find me?"

Lu Xiao saw that the two of them had a clear goal, and as soon as he opened his mouth, he asked for help to complete the task, so he guessed that the two women had sued them for coming to him.

Liu Yan, the older of the two, said, "Xiaoxiao asked us to come to you! By the way, you don't need to call us senior, just call me sister!"

"Oh, it's Xiaoxiao!"

Lu Xiao suddenly thought of a very interesting thing! Chen Xiao, Ding Enfei, Liu Yun and I are actually members of a group.

The original time and space, the three will form a group called ""

definite combination.

Unexpectedly, the three people in this world have fate now.

"Then can you please help us complete the task please!"

Hearing the two women's request to him again, Lu Xiao subconsciously looked at Xu Xian - Xu Xian was looking at the three of them with a smile on his face.

Er, Lu Xiao instantly felt what is called "dilemma"

However, he quickly realized that he was too sensitive - he didn't want to send Concubine Ding En and Liu Yunwo songs, just to help them complete their tasks! So there is nothing to be embarrassed about.

So, after Lu Xiao helped Concubine Ding En and Liu Yanme complete the task, he also helped Wu Chengji, Li Naen and Bai Yubin to complete the task - yes, everyone else came to him.

The point is, he can dance every dance.

Fortunately, he can dance every dance, and he can help everyone. It would be so embarrassing if he just couldn't do anything about it.

In this way, Lu Xiao also stabilized his "female philanthropist"

The title has also spread widely on the Internet.

Soon it was time for dinner, and Lu Xiao was also busy, so he didn't have time to play the prepared tunes for the time being.

After the peak of dinner, Lu Xiao and Xu Xian both had time to relax and chatted with the audience in the live broadcast room.

Lu Xiao first asked: "Those of you who have had a breakup experience can share with me the feeling of breaking up with me? I will learn from your experience and learn from it, and see what kind of melody can be used to show them well. "

"Sorry, I never broke up in this life!"

"I also really want to share your experience with you, but it's a pity that we never broke up!"

"You are the mother's womb 1, have never been in love, and have been single until now! Why have you never broken up in this life, it's nice to say!"

"Alas, don't tear people down!"

"I have broken hands too many times, may I ask the anchor which time did you ask?"

"Looking back at the last time we broke up, it seems like it was yesterday.

If God can give me a chance to do it all over again, I will definitely say to the girl before breaking up: Get out!!!"

"I feel like a scumbag when we break up! It's really a blind old lady's dog's eyes!"

"I'm finally back to being single! Long live the single!"

Lu Xiao looked at these barrages, with black lines all over his head, "Can you please give me some seriousness! Isn't there a reliable answer?"

At this time, Xu Xian stood up and said for the audience: "You can't blame them for this, Xiao, they may have never even talked about a relationship!"

Pfft!——The barrage made a sound of vomiting blood

Chapter 417

"Shameless thief!"

"I almost thought it was Yoona!"

"Actually, Xiaoxian is as black-bellied as Yuner, don't be deceived by her pure appearance."

"Oh! It's as if she was in love herself!"

"That's right, I'm not a single dog from a mother's womb to the present."

"Be sober! If Xiaoxian really wants to fall in love, just find any man. Men who want to fall in love with her can line up from the Hanjiang Bridge to Tiananmen Square! And you can't find anyone to fall in love at all!"

"The truth is now, Xiaoxian's singleness is fundamentally different from your singleness!"

Lu Xiao, who was watching the barrage, suddenly lit up, "I finally saw a reliable answer! A friend said: After a period of time after breaking up, I felt that the whole world became darker and slower, but what happened to my heart? I can't calm down, I'm restless and bored, and my depressed heart is like a fire that burns from morning to night."

After listening to Xu Xian, he said: "This is a very good statement, it can make people feel that kind of feeling."

"I think it's well said too!"

Lu Xiao nodded and said, "It gave me some inspiration, and two words popped up in my mind: swift and slow.

Quick and slow, if this group of contradictions is expressed on the piano, it should be well substituted for the situation mentioned by this friend."

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