It's good, it just means that China's idol industry has not yet emerged.

Han Geng, Song Qian, Fanfan, Lu Han, Chen Xiao, these South Korean migrant workers who have returned to China, are not acting when they come back. As for stage performances, except for the New Year's Eve concerts held by David TV at the end of the year, there are almost none.

And some without resources, such as Faye Wong and Bangladesh, disappeared directly after returning to China.

However, in the short video era in the future, the two regained some popularity by relying on a certain sound, and then participated in the popular "Sisters Riding the Wind and Waves" before they were filmed.


Song Qian replied, "Our local idol group in China, in fact, they are the only ones I can name, and they are in the magic capital of China."

Chapter 522


Er murmured, "I seem to have vaguely heard of it.

Of course, I must have known!"

Song Qian continued: "This one has gone out of the circle! Correspondingly, his popularity has also increased a lot."

"So how did it fire"

Yuna asked.

"A very low-level, without any technical content, but a successful marketing tool for thieves."


Song Qian's answer instantly aroused Yoona's interest.

Song Qian smiled, pointed at Lu Xiao and said, "Why don't my husband come and talk to you! He must know more about this matter than me, and maybe he can give us some professional interpretation."

Lu Xiao shook his head amusingly, spread his hands and said: "How come I must know more about this matter than you, Sister Qian, and what professional interpretation might I not know anyone else!"


Song Qian narrowed her eyes, "How dare you say that you don't know them, you didn't read their names before playing "City in the Sky" that day!"


Lu Xiao was speechless, and he suddenly said: Forget about this! Before playing "City in the Sky" that day, he really thought about it.

But of course, instead of reading everyone's name, several representatives were selected, such as Zhao Jiamin, who can best represent the Seine at this point in time, and Dai Meng, Huang Tingting, Wu Zhehan, Xu Jiaqi, and they are now discussing The female guest, Ju Jingyi.

And he was the only Chinese girl who read her name, what group of seven flowers, and where Lai Meiyun was.

, he didn't read it, mainly because he was too unfamiliar! Qiduo was something he heard about by chance at the station later,

It was after he recognized Lai Meiyun in "Creation 101".

These two groups, as well as more domestic women, idol groups, and Lu Xiao who have not been listed, can't even sing and dance in any of them, and they are not familiar with people.

Although there may be a lot of famous people in the future, Lu Xiao will also be interested in them at that time, but that's all.

After they became famous, they basically depended on the idol group drafts that emerged in the future, and Lu Xiao had long thought that from "Creation 101" to "Youth With You 2", he would be a teacher or a mentor for every girl's show. Take those little sisters and little sisters around, are you afraid that you will not meet them at that time? I am afraid that some of them are daring, and they will beg him unspoken rules to her "Okay!"

Lu Xiao nodded and admitted, "I do know her, and I was her fan two years ago. The marketing event that made her suddenly explode, I do know very well."

Song Qian smiled and said, "Then you are still a fan!"

"It is!"

Lu Xiao nodded lightly, "It wasn't long after she debuted that she became a fan of her."

Lu Xiao knew that it was the end of 13, and the first person he fell in love with was Zhao Jiamin, who was mentioned earlier in the previous article and not far away above, Chen Xiao's hair is small, and she is a week younger than her and Chen Xiao. .

After Zhao Jiamin is Ju Jingyi.

He can really be called an "old fan"

, so for Ju Jingyi, he thinks he is very qualified to evaluate.

Of course, it is only from the perspective of a fan or bystander.

"Then I don't know how the old fans feel after learning that she is known as the 'Number One Beauty in China in 400 Years'. Are they happy or uncomfortable when their treasured girl is known to the public?"

"Well, if she was known to the public in a normal way, I would be happy and uncomfortable! But, what four thousand years I'm just embarrassed to tell the truth.

Don't look at the fans blowing it hard now, in a few years, four thousand years' this title will definitely become her black name, the kind that will expel you from fans if you mention it!"

When some unknown people or things that you love suddenly come into the public eye, you may feel happy—because more people know about it, but you may also feel uncomfortable— I was the only one who knew it well, but now I have been known by so many people, alas! But I might feel embarrassed like Lu Xiao, because Ju Jingyi's out-of-the-circle marketing traces are serious, and the touts are a little too much.

"'The No. 400 Beauty in China's [-] Years'!"

Yoona frowned, "So pretty, what's your name, and show me a photo!"

"Four thousand years"

This name was really too big, and it scared Yoona.


Lu Xiao's words hit the nail on the head.



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