Chapter 493 Cannibalism!

When Shen Long’s mental power became 0.2, he became a mentally handicapped and mentally handicapped person who had a serious IQ for a long time!

Subsequently, Wang Wu used the black magic of [Energy Snatching] to snatch life energy from the bodyguard Tao Daning.

The system prompts: “Master, Tao Daning’s original life attributes are Spirit 13, Strength 14, Physical Strength 15, Agility 14, Lucky 12, after being robbed of energy by the owner, Tao Daning’s attributes become Spirit 0.0, Strength 0.0, Physical Strength 0.0, and Agility 0.0 , Lucky 0.0”

After systematic purification, these life energies are probably transformed into Wang Wu’s 1.4-point full attribute, which is about one-tenth of the absorption rate.

After that, Wang Wu took the gloves and found a fruit knife from Shen Long’s room, placed it in Shen Long’s hand, held Shen Long’s hand, and stabbed Tao Daning. Anyone would think that Tao Daning was wiped out by Shen Long. of!

Then, Wang Wu held Tao Daning’s fist and punched Shen Long on the nose.

Chen Long’s nose was suddenly beaten and his nose bleeds wildly, and he also fainted and fell to the ground!

Shen Long was knocked unconscious, and it seems that it can also reflect how he became mentally disabled and mentally retarded!

That’s right, what Wang Wu is doing now is an illusion that a Shen Long was punched by Tao Daning and then Shen Long was so embarrassed that he stabbed Tao Daning with a knife.

When he cleared all his traces, no matter how the Xiangjiang police checked it, it was impossible to find him.

Even if they knew, they were also very puzzled, how could Wang Wu, who was recording a show in Nanxian, come to Xiangjiang to commit crimes in such a fast time!

In fact, as long as Qiu Shu does not betray Wang Wu, Wang Wu will have no problem.

To prevent Qiu Sheji from betraying Wang Hao, he must convince Qiu Shuji that her son was killed by Tao Daning, not that Wang Wu made a special trip to kill Shen Long.

After doing all that, Wang Wu woke Qiu Jiujie: “The big thing is not good”!”

Qiu Shuji woke up and asked in surprise, “What happened?”

Wang Wu said solemnly: “Your son killed Tao Daning!”

Qiu Shujian was taken aback and got off the bed quickly.

But she walked a few steps and found that she was a bit bad and undressed.

She quickly put on her clothes and gave Wang Wu a white look: “Hold on to me, who made you so gentle just now!”

Wang Wu touched his nose and saw Qiu Shu framed on the bed. It would be strange if he could be gentle, he must be extremely rough!

He helped Qiu Shu frame and came to the next room.

Qiu Shujian saw Shen Long holding a fruit knife in his hand, and the fruit knife stuck in Tao Daning’s heart. Tao Daning’s face was gray and dead, and Shen Long also fainted, and there was blood on the ground!

She was stunned at once: “What should we do about this! This is terrible!”

Wang Wu reminded: “Sister Shuzhen, you better wake up Shen Long first, and ask him exactly what happened to him?”

Qiu Shejia quickly awakened Shen Long: “Xiaolong, what happened?”

When Shen Long saw the scene in front of him, he was so scared that he yelled and refused to speak.

Wang Wu stepped forward, rolled Shen Long’s eyelids, and shook his head: “Shen Long’s eyes are dull, he seems to have suffered strong mental stimulation, and he has already received a mental illness number!”

*.~ Mental illness!” Qiu Shujian panicked: “God, how could this be, I’m just such a son!

Wang Wu shook his head: “I guess that my acupuncture skills have not yet arrived. Tao Daning woke up early and wanted to escape. Shen Long wanted to stop him. I didn’t expect Tao Daning to punch him in the nose, Shen Long. I was very angry, so I picked up a fruit knife and pierced it. Maybe Shen Long had never killed anyone. He was strongly irritated, and now it’s like this.

In the end, I am all to blame! I should have made his six points harder!”

Qiu Jijian believed Wang Wu 700% now, and quickly said: “You can’t be blamed for this. If it weren’t for you, I would have been harmed by Tao Daning a long time ago. Now I can only blame Tao Daning for my own sake, Shen Dragon kills him. Moreover, whether Shen Long is really mentally ill or fake, he will be mentally ill. Only then, Xiaolong can

Can escape prosecution for homicide”

At this moment, she suddenly heard the sound of a car coming outside the door, and her face changed slightly: “Go away, Shen Jiawei is back!”

Wang Wu didn’t panic: “Can you handle all of this?”

“After I talked to you, I have good ears and eyes, and my mind is very good. You can fly away quickly and we will contact you later.”,

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