This time, it was Qin Ge's turn to laugh.

21 "I got it wrong"

"It's not wrong."

Qin Ge shook his head and said with a smile: "If you want to say that my conscience is still alive, it's actually considered that, after all, I was not like this before. Later...some things made me change my style of conduct. At that time, it was very like 'violence, hair, household'. ! So kind of crazy."

"But after the madness is... Silence, accompanied by the deepest kind of soul, lonely loneliness."

"I don't like this kind of feeling very much, so for a long time after that, my behavior became more crazy, and I didn't leave behind in business, killing a lot of people."

"The more crazy, the more lonely."

"Sometimes I also think, I'd better be a person, not to mention a gentleman, at least be a useful person to the society, but this idea came up soon, I couldn't help it, I always wanted to get more status! , money, woman!"

Song Xiaoyi didn't answer and listened quietly.

She didn't really understand the specific meaning of these words.

But from Qin Ge's words, he could hear some sadness.

That's right.

It's... sadness! For... Qin Ge, there are too many in this world"

people, such as Da Mimi, such as the second head of Song in front of me.

After all, it's not native.

In fact, after so many years, I have been used to the current world, knowing that this is not the earth, and many details are different.

But it is inevitable that when I dream back at midnight, I will miss something.

Every time I think about it, I feel very complicated.


always like to be confused...

Speaking of the end.

Qin Ge said: "Actually, I myself feel that these thoughts of mine are very hypocritical, but I can't help it, it's not easy to talk to other people, and people may not understand when I say it, I think I'm sick, I think I'm hypocritical, and I think I'm pretending. "

"But only you, I still want to talk about it. After all, you are my confidante."

Song Xiaoyi smiled: "I suddenly like you a little bit now, not that... the studio tyrant who has a bad mouth all day and seems to be able to handle everything easily! Your aura, sometimes I don't dare to approach , I always feel that the protective color on your body is too heavy!"

"The Tyrant on the Set"

Qin Ge laughed: "I rarely curse people on the set."

"It has nothing to do with swearing, but a kind of authority. You are not just a director, you are also an investor, and you are also a producer. You are definitely a talker in the crew. Anyone who dares to offend you, you will get out of the way. And it's not easy to mix in this circle!"

Song Xiaoyi pursed her lips and smiled.

Qin Ge blinked: "It's true that you said that."

Song Xiaoyi nodded: "So, although you don't scold people very much, many people are afraid of you, including your little sisters, Xiaotong who is skinny doesn't dare to dance.

It's not wrong to call you a tyrant on the set, right?"

Qin Ge smiled slightly and said, "It doesn't count!"

Song Xiaoyi said: "As for what you just said..., I actually don't understand a lot of things, but it doesn't matter, the important thing is that I can feel your loneliness.

I can't empathize with it, but I don't like seeing you so entangled in 820."

"So... When no one says anything in the future, you can come to me, no matter what I'm doing, I will come to you as soon as possible

Chapter 191: Wang Ou, who was visiting the class, just broke through!

Song Xiaoyi is like many girls.

Sometimes "willful"

Weird and varied.

Although in front of Qin Ge, she has always behaved very well, but Qin Ge has read countless people, and from many small details, it can be seen that in front of him, she often suppresses her strength and the so-called desire for domination.

But for... the rest of the crew, her power and dominance appeared.

Definitely the perfect choice for a strong woman.

It is precisely because of such a temper that the things that are identified will basically not change.

A woman like a mustang.

It's not whether there is one at home... the grassland can be tied down, and it needs to be controlled...  

Early the next morning.

Qin Ge was refreshed.

I haven't eaten meat for a long time, and I ate it all at once.

Song Xiaoyi also refused to admit defeat.

If Song Xiaoyi showed a little bit of weakness, it wouldn't be like this.

until the afternoon.

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