The Congo Basin used to be an inland lake. Because of the rising ground and the leakage of lake water, it formed a typical large basin.

It is the core part of the precambrian ancient African landmass. The terrain is high in the week and low in the middle. Except for the narrow gap in the southwest that leads to the Atlantic, it is all surrounded by plateaus and mountains, while the interior is a plain. There are few mountains.

The place Chen Ergou fancyed was one of the earliest targets Goudan determined after scanning the map.

This is a cliff **** composed of a piece of ancient metamorphic granite, gneiss, schist, quartzite, etc. It is about five hundred meters above sea level. This altitude is very conspicuous in the rain forest of this nearby plain. Not far away is the rushing Congo River basin.

From the external topography, it is absolutely impossible to believe that this place has anything to do with the treasure. But the other two places may not be found. Treasure hunting is not just judged by the external senses, you must experience it yourself. It is best not to give up any suspicious targets.

The more you go up, the surrounding vegetation is obviously different. There are many broad-leaved forests, and there is also a mixed evergreen and deciduous forest. He also found a small bamboo forest along the way.

"There is bamboo!"

He yelled and said excitedly: "It's great to find bamboo here. Bamboo can be said to be an ultimate green material. It grows without fertilizers and pesticides, has a short growth cycle, and is the second fastest growing in the world. Plants, second only to sea anemones!"

"Hardwood trees may take several centuries to mature, softwoods also take 1020 years to mature, and bamboos can grow to full height in 35 years, and some varieties can grow 1 meter per day."

"I won't talk about the function of bamboo. As long as I have bamboo in my hand, I can build a comfortable shelter. At least I can avoid the rainstorm tonight."

Splitting through the thorns and approaching the past, he was also a little surprised.

Even bamboo, in the Congo Basin, is a towering old tree. The diameter is more than half a meter long, and they are generally 40 meters high. The tallest plant may have exceeded 60 meters by visual inspection, and it is still growing upwards.

It was the first time that he saw such a tall and rugged primitive bamboo forest. "This is the giant dragon bamboo, and China also has this species. As far as I know, the tallest dragon bamboo in China is only about 50 meters long, and it has been dead for many years. Now the old bamboo is withered and is still protected."

"I have to say that to survive in such an environment, any plant must strive to grow upwards, even bamboo is no exception. They have generally grown to more than 40 meters high, which is too tall for me. I only need to cut one plant. Smaller."

I chose a tender green bamboo and swung the jungle knife fiercely. With a flash of light, the thick-thigh bamboo snapped. Cut off unnecessary bamboo branches.

He also dug out a few bamboo shoots that had just emerged from the ground, picked up a few huge bamboo leaves, and hurried to the hillside with the big bamboo.

He raised his hand and glanced at his watch, and said, “It’s 4 p.m., and it should be close to 11 p.m. in China. The sky here is already dark. The Congo Basin is on the equator, and the length of day and night is the same. It’s going to get dark very quickly. And it’s the rainy season. When it rains, it’s a continuous downpour."

"I want to do it as soon as possible. It is also necessary to make a good fire before dark, otherwise it will become a dinner for all the mosquitoes in the forest. Even heavy rain cannot stop their bloodthirsty sex. The location of the shelter must be chosen and dumped. The trees and branches above him, or the surrounding stones, are the number one murderer in the forest, so I have to find a clearing."

When I came to the high ground, I put down the bamboo and looked around, and finally chose to build a shelter on the cliff near the south. Although it is close to a cliff, it seems more dangerous, but there is a huge granite sunken into it to block the wind.

It is not a natural shape, but a depression formed by long-term floods when the terrain was still low in the past.

"It's not bad here. The ground is dry. Although there is a stream below, the terrain is relatively high and will not be flooded. What is even more exciting is the granite on the back. This dent is just enough for me to get in. More importantly, there are no ants here."

"In the Congo rain forest, the ant is the real king of the forest."

"You have never seen the power of black marching ants that appear in groups, but I have seen them. As long as they appear, everything will be destroyed along the way. They will take a bite when they see anything, even chimpanzees are afraid of them, so Sleep on a tree when you sleep, because even chimpanzees with thick skin are unwilling to sleep on the ground and stand the test of poisonous insects."

As he spoke, the dark clouds above his head became thicker and thicker.

The purple thunder and lightning was like a spider web weaving in the clouds, and the muffled thunder was bombarding endlessly, and his ears had not been cleaned for almost a moment.

The dense muffled thunder was like a drum of war urging soldiers to march, disturbing people's minds.

And such brutal scenes were all faithfully filmed, making the audience in the live broadcast room look utterly speechless.

The last time they were in the Sahara, they saw the endless desert. Even if they watched the live broadcast at home, they felt insecure in their hearts. They wanted to hug the kettle to sleep.

Now that you see this kind of thunderous majesty, what should you hold?

It makes your scalp numb and you can't resist it!

Fortunately, Chen Ergou can always build his shelter calmly and step by step.

"Before we set up a camp for the night, we must first shovel the grass off the ground. Especially the fallen leaves that are deposited, all clean up until the ground is exposed."

It doesn't sound difficult, but you need to know that the weed-covered area in front of you has grown to 1,012 feet high, and the straws are as sharp as blades. Chen Ergou wielded two jungle knives and frantically opened up an open space.

He also used his feet to clean up all the fallen leaves and weeds nearby.

"Remember, when cleaning the ground, never use your hands to remove the fallen leaves, because there may be snakes or scorpions. So use a stick. You have to clear a large area of ​​the fallen leaves and try to clear the soil as far as possible. The place near the granite is the place where I made the bed last."

"I won't bother to build a very complete bamboo house, because I only stay here for one night. Most snakes and scorpions don't cross the open space, so removing the fallen leaves should be enough to stop them from approaching."

Time is pressing, even though he is tired and hungry, he has to start working.

I cut the bamboo into sections with a few slashes. The bamboo joints near the roots still store a lot of water. No wonder it is so heavy. He didn't throw away the bamboo joints for storing water, but cut them off and put them first as a bamboo bowl for storing water.

Choose two plants as uprights and insert them in the ground.

Without nails, he only slightly stirred the tip of his knife on the bamboo, and he had dug an embedded hole, and then inserted a bamboo piece into it as a beam.

If you knock down the joints of other bamboos, you can pile them up like tiles, and use bamboo to build a simple shelter.

Explaining while doing it, he said: "This is just a simple shed structure, a kind of side wall hanging down on both sides, because there is very little wind under the rainforest, and strong winds are blocked above the trees. Rain will only fall vertically. I was anxious to set up the shed as soon as possible. The sky was still bright, but the visibility of the forest surface was already very low. In another hour, I could see nothing."

His hands-on ability has always been very strong, and after his repeated use of simple tools, a unique jungle bamboo house has been formed.

There was still a lot of bamboo left on the ground. He also used the waste and built a simple bamboo bed half a meter off the ground.

It’s really convenient to use such thick bamboo to build If time doesn't allow, he can even build a complete bamboo house here. Even bamboo flooring can be done.

When all this was completed, it only took half an hour.

After a long sigh of relief, he was also satisfied with the results of his labor.

The lens is raised to overlook the shelter from a distance. Although it is not a complete bamboo house called art, it is possible to build such an exquisite small bamboo house in such a primitive jungle, and the left and right sides are strictly aligned, and all the connections are also used. The ancient built-in way of building, even several beams and triangular structures are quite original.

There are no bamboo walls, bamboo windows, and bamboo doors around, and he doesn't need them either.

The most impressive thing is the enjoyment spirit in his bones, even in such a cruel primitive rain forest!

After the audience saw it, they couldn't help but want to ask, "Why did you make the bamboo bed so fine, and even the strips of bamboo that make the bed so neat and dense, are you here to explore or to enjoy? what!"

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