Entertainment World: The Wild God of Gourmet

Chapter 261: 【Sea Wolf Storm】

The reason why he wanted to tease the sea lion was really because he was so idle.

Eating and drinking, the sun is itchy, it should be a good time to sleep, but he doesn't want to go to sleep alone, because the next time he wakes up it may be night, and it will be pitch black again.

Anyone who has watched the movie "Legend of a Deserted Island" knows that Tom Hanks is going crazy alone, and he talks and takes care of a coconut as a dead friend.

Sometimes, panic is more terrifying than real dilemma. If you don't adjust your mentality as soon as possible, it's tantamount to sitting still. In this kind of place, there can be a small animal molesting, which greatly relieves the feeling of loneliness.

Both wood and bamboo are readily available, and he only needs to weave the bulrushes that were basked yesterday into straw ropes, which are enough to tie them into a raft.

It took an hour and a half to make a raft. He didn't need to travel far, he didn't make it so hard, and he was worried about wasting materials, and he didn't use the dragon bamboo much. It took some more time to make a kind of fish basket with a horn opening and a very thin bottom with thin water bamboo.

"This is a relatively common thin-necked fish basket. It can be used to fish in many parts of the world. Especially in the Congo River Basin and the Amazon River Basin, they are generally placed in turbulent waters, as long as the fish Swim in for a long time, don't want to swim out again..."

"Okay, everything is ready, I'm going to set off!"

Push the raft to the sea, this time standing on the sea, admiring the endless blue sea.

At this time, his mood was different, and he temporarily forgot the majesty of the sea and the smallness of human beings. There were some wreckage on the ship, and he even sang loudly.

Strangely, he found two onlookers before he got to the place where he fished for seafood. They raised their heads in the water and called out "Ao Ao".

The body shape of male and female sea lions is quite different. The body length of male animals can grow up to 3.5 meters, and the weight is more than one ton; the body length of female animals is significantly smaller.

The one that was on the shore was a male beast, and now it might be its mate. But when only the head popped out of the water, it was almost the same, all of them were the same obese. If it weren't for one of the naughty guys to put two front paws on the raft first, the audience might not be able to recognize at a glance that it was just the "little fat guy" who had just been molested for a long time.

"Hahaha, the sea lion is here again."

"I brought two of them this time. Are they a male and a female?"

"Fuck, this sea lion swims so fast, it's almost a species on land."

Chen Ergou also smiled and stroked his head, "Is this your companion? It's a pity that there is no fish to eat."

With a raft, he can go to the sea a little further away, "The water here is about ten meters deep and the waves are not big. There are no traces of sharks in the distance. Let's choose here."

After taking a few deep breaths, he smiled and said, "My friends, I wish my trip a lot."

Finally, he took a deep breath and jumped into the sea with a perfect parabolic diving action. Naturally, I did not see the blessing of the "air force" on the barrage.

After diving for a few meters, I saw a huge turtle floating in the water not far away. It was not swimming, but the clumsy turtle was floating in the ocean along the ocean current without any effort. That is the green sea turtle, the dangerous area not far away, and the hotbed for hawksbill turtles to inhabit and breed in groups.

If Chen Ergou now has an oxygen cylinder, he can even join a huge queue of sea turtles and swim in the underwater world under their leadership.

The two sea lions also gave up the raft, stretched their chubby bodies wantonly in the water, and swam over curiously, drifting around his dance. Such a harmonious scene dazzled the audience.

Although the sea lion's fat is very thick, this swimming technique is really good, so the swimming spirit is not flexible and fat! Do not! fat! One! point! close! Tie! All! No! Have!

Some people were amazed and some were worried. After all, sea lions are not vegetarian animals.

In fact, they are also carnivorous beasts in the ocean, feeding on fish and squid, but they also like krill and sometimes even eat penguins when they are hungry. The sea lion is stout and eats a lot. A sea lion eats 40 kilograms of fish a day, and a large fish weighing three kilograms can swallow it in one bite. Under natural conditions, the activity of sea lions greatly increases, and their food intake doubles.

Human beings in the sea may not be the target of attack.

But Chen Ergou never seemed to think about this kind of thing.

This time he was well prepared, and he also had the leisure to take a good look at the scenery.

The underwater world of Whale Island is undoubtedly fascinating. From shallow to deep, corals, sea anemones, and sponges of various shapes can be seen. Ignoring the black volcanic rocks, the positive seabed is a diving paradise.

When diving deep into the coral reef community, some small colorful fish that are even hard to find with the naked eye caught his attention. He bulged his cheeks, couldn't speak, and desperately pointed at the little fishes to the camera for the audience to watch.

Antics makes people laugh. They have seen it,

"It's a few sea hares!" A water friend gave the answer.

"What a beautiful color."

"It's a bet, a bet, 10,000 bamboo for the Air Force, one private school for each fish."

"You group of spicy chickens, people who have never dived have no idea how difficult it is to dive. The buoyancy of the sea makes it impossible for people who don't know the trick to dive, let alone a bare-handed snorkeling with nothing!"

"If there is no comparison, there will be no harm. Next time, Lord Dog will bring a towing oil bottle to increase the difficulty."

If Chen Ergou sees this barrage and smiles bitterly on his face, it's already very difficult, okay?

Suddenly, a group of "black clouds" surged in the distance. The two sea lions were playing beside him just now, and they quickly swam over and started hunting.

The camera zoomed in, and the audience in the live room was full of exclamations after seeing it clearly. It turned out to be a school of fish, gathered together, like a storm that swept across the sea. This is a spectacle that all divers will not want to miss when they encounter it. Thousands of marine fish are densely packed together to form a spectacular sight of the very famous "Sea Wolf Storm".

The so-called sea wolf storm is a group of fish gathered into a group, which rises like a tornado or moves quickly left and right. Chen Ergou was also attracted and went away in admiration of this name.

There are fish everywhere, a huge swath of fish in front of and behind.

Two sea lions hunted wildly behind the school of fish, each time they could bite a few.

The fishes act in unison. A huge school of tens of thousands of barracudas and other fishes, even if they encounter fierce carnivores, they can strike in clusters to protect themselves.

No one was talking in the live broadcast room, it was all the clattering of huge schools of fish stirring the water.

Everyone's eyes widened. This is the legendary "Sea Wolf Storm~www.readwn.com~ Everyone often sees fish clusters rising in a ball or moving quickly from side to side on TV. These "sea wolves" have real truth. Golden Barracuda and Ghost Golden Barracuda, they swim quickly and often hunt other fish collectively. They are extremely fierce, but usually do not actively attack humans.

Chen Ergou couldn't help it, and stabbed a few times with a harpoon, but didn't stabbed a single one. It seems that throwing a single stone can kill four or five stones, but in fact, it is not easy to catch them in the water.

No, he simply used the net bag of the fish basket, this time he finally got a harvest, and three fish got into the fish basket.

It is very exciting to encounter the spectacular "Sea Wolf Storm". It is really exciting to imagine you are swimming around them, even in their moving circles!

At this moment, a huge black shadow in the distance was also attracted by this school of fish. The school of fish suddenly scattered in the form of birds and beasts, swarming around and fleeing desperately.

When we got closer, someone finally saw what it was--

"Ah, it's a shark!"

"The shark is coming, fighting the second dog!"

"I'm good, this is the big trick of the little murloc, okay."

But the real situation is surprising. This shark is so small that it turned around and ran away after seeing a human being. It had no attack power. However, if you switch to other people who are in close contact with sharks for the first time, they will inevitably still be nervous and excited.

Chen Ergou took a few barracudas onto the raft and twisted the fish to death. There was food in his pocket and he didn't panic. He rested for a while before he was ready to go into the water again. "The baby shark is nothing to be afraid of, but there is a point that needs clarification. I heard a lot of comments, saying that when you encounter a shark you want to attack its nose, you can help yourself out by just hitting the nose. In fact, this is very one-sided. The shark’s nose is very hard. Maybe you haven’t gotten through it, and you will feel the pain. No. The most effective way is to hit the shark’s eyes..."

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