Before dawn the next day, Chen Ergou kicked the opening of the tree hole sealed by snow.

The snow that fell in the middle of the night last night has stopped this morning.

It was still dark outside, and he couldn't see how thick the snow was around him, but a thick layer of snow had accumulated on the tree hole, and the big trees on both sides seemed to be covered with cotton jackets. Take a look at the time, Finland is 3 am, and it is already 8 am in China.

The first thing after getting up is to look into the live broadcast room. There are still more than 3.8 million people staying in the live broadcast room at eight o'clock in the morning. While putting on his cotton jacket, he yawned and greeted the audience quietly: "Good morning everyone. It is three o'clock in the morning in Finland. It's really cold. The temperature is at least minus 20 degrees Celsius. Fortunately, the wind stopped the snow. Also stopped."

He didn't wake up anyone, just re-ignited the bonfire and heated a pot of hot water.

"The early morning is the best time for wild hunting. I want to set off with Rengar. Although it is still small, it can help me." He said, he had tied his scarf on his back, bowed arrows and a water bottle, and stepped on it. Peng Yuyan's skis and ski poles rushed into the wind and snow with Rengar.

When the remaining friends saw him act, they began to "run and call".

"In the ice and snow in the sub-frigid zone, I have to consume twice as much calories than usual to stay warm, but unfortunately we are running out of food. I can't put all hope on fishing. Compared to fishing, which has a greater element of luck, I would rather be able to grab enough food with my own hands so that we can survive the severe cold week."

"First of all I have to go and see how about the trap set yesterday?"

Rengar lay down in his chest pocket, his head hanging out with his two front paws drooping.

Skiing is very attractive to people of any age.

Unfortunately, due to the geographical environment, many people have never skied in the snow. They just watched it on TV. The scene is still vivid: a young man in a red jacket on a long snowboard in an icy and snowy field. Holding a ski pole in his hand, he bends and stretches his body. The coordination of his hands and feet is harmonious, like a ball of flame, rolling and burning, his body is full of youthful vitality, and there is an indescribable beauty.

It's so moment!

Compared to walking slowly with everyone yesterday, when he was skiing alone, his painting style instantly became more exciting. Peng Yuyan showed off a day of skiing. In front of him, it was more like a professional skier teaching elementary school students.

Chen Ergou was making a big roundabout in the snow, flying past his eyes like flying from near to far.

He didn't stop when there was a big snow **** ahead, and the long-lost sense of speed made him feel the joy of a child. When I rushed down from a height while driving my body, time seemed to have frozen, and there was a whistling wind in my ears, and two snow poles were like two wings growing out of the body, gliding and flying.

The eyes of the audience in the live broadcast room solidified in an instant, and the emotionless screenshots were recorded.

"6666, I have brushed off all the bamboo."

"I wipe it, so fast, so hanging!"

"Master Almighty Dog, if you pretend to force me to persuade you."

"My wife, come out and see God!"

I don't know when it started, and the sky above my head suddenly became more colorful.

"Huh, Aurora?!" Chen Ergou stopped, looked up to the horizon, and suddenly smiled, "My friends, luck is really good. The Northern Lights have appeared, and it seems that today is a good weather. A kaleidoscopic electric light show. Don’t miss it.”

A radiant, magnificent, ever-changing beautiful light strips the night sky. The aurora borealis is mysterious and dreamy, and the strange scenery on the North Pole has attracted countless eager eyes.

The camera was aimed at the northern sky, and the popularity of the live broadcast room grew wildly early in the morning.

Looking at the aurora over the Arctic Circle is even more dazzling than in the depths of the Greater Khingan Mountains. The brilliant and beautiful brilliance of the laser band floated lightly, and at the same time it dimmed and brightened, emitting red, blue, green, and purple light. Occasionally, it will appear bright purple, graceful and mysterious and unpredictable.

In the director’s camp a few kilometers away, the staff on duty also discovered the aurora, and quickly awakened the photographer to record the beautiful scenery.

Director Xie Yilun was awakened from a dream, and his cheeks ached when he was about to get angry but now laughing. "This is probably the first variety show in China that truly records the northern lights."

Sometimes the colorful aurora appears for a very short time, just like a festive fireworks flashing in the air and disappearing without a trace; sometimes it can shine in the sky for several hours; sometimes it looks like a ribbon, sometimes it looks like a ball of flame, sometimes it looks like a firework. A huge colorful screen.

Some of the colors are diverse and endless; some are only silvery white, like cotton wool or white clouds, solidified and unchanged; some are unusually bright, concealing the brilliance of the stars and moon; sometimes the aurora appears on the horizon, like the dawn of the dawn; sometimes the aurora is like The camellia spit brightly, a fiery red; sometimes the aurora gathers together like a curtain; sometimes it shoots out many light beams, like a peacock opening a screen and butterfly wings flying.

If you hadn't witnessed it with your own eyes, the photos all recorded the dazzling and unpredictable light in the freezing Arctic air!

"A worthwhile trip!"

"My God, is anyone crossing the robbery?"

"Beautiful, this scene should only be seen in the sky!"

"Thank you anchor for sharing, I am watching the live broadcast on the bus to work."


Chen Ergou also sighed, "I wonder if anyone in the camp is awake? I'm going to miss this aurora show."

Before he knew it, he had come to the place where the trap was arranged yesterday.

Started to put away his thoughts, looking for yesterday's trap.

No matter how beautiful the scenery is, it’s not as good as filling your stomach.

Soon before he came to the lair, the first trap he set up was here.

But obviously, the snow was too heavy yesterday, and all the traps he arranged were submerged in the snow. Those bushes have also become piles of fluffy snowdrifts, and there are no traces of traps. Suddenly he smiled bitterly and said: "As you can see, the snow fell too much last night. The whole forest was covered with a thick layer of snow, which looked like a glacier. We were busy last night. There is nothing here. No. Fortunately, I’m not particularly surprised. Past hunting experience tells me that if you want to catch your prey with your feet, you have to cast more nets. The most important thing to survive in the wilderness is to keep trying. You are already very tired, and you really don’t want to do it, and you have to spare your energy to do these things. Now I can only rearrange it and hope it works.

In several consecutive traps, it was like this, empty.

Somewhat frustrated, he said: "It should still be arranged in a wrong place. Who would have thought that the snow would bury all the bushes, so it seems better to set out to hunt as soon as possible."

In the live broadcast room, the audience cheered him up, "Come on, Lord Dog."

"Bamboo turned his head and walked along the tiles, and the anchor cried."

"Don't worry, go to recharge you immediately and contribute to Pippi Happy School."

At this moment Rengar jumped out, sniffed his nose suddenly, and walked deep into the woods.

"Huh~" Chen Ergou quickly fixed the picked up the bow and followed it, "My friends, Rengar seems to have found something, I have to follow it and see."

Under night vision searchlights, the visibility is not very high. He turned a few turns and went deep into the woods, his eyes suddenly lit up, and good luck came.

I saw a white bird in a sling under a hidden tree, apparently dead for a long time. Half of it was covered by snow, and Rengar pulled a few times and suddenly revealed the whole picture.

"Look! My luck is coming." A huge white thunderbird was lifted out.

"It's a big bird. It's a thunderbird 30 cm long. Its feathers are all white. I almost missed it." Chen Ergou smiled all over his face and held the huge white thunderbird in front of the camera. , "Have you seen such a pure white thunderbird? Honestly, it's the first time I have seen a real thing. I used to catch flying dragon birds at most."

"The feathers of this bird are too thick and there is not much meat on it, as evidenced by the roasted bird last night. However, it is better than nothing. I can at least use it to make a roast turkey meal. This is a good start. I have to take it away. While it’s still early, I hope to find a place where there is a river, where beavers come out to move."

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