Eternal Gate

Chapter 1899: Small Dunjia

"Don't just stay here, the scenery outside is better."

"Get out."

"I forgot to tell you, my temper is not very good."

"Get out."

"If you talk like that, you're going to drive me crazy."

"Get out."

Immortal rift, deep in chaos, discordant words, frequent.

It was Zhao Yun and Wudao who always wanted to fool Dunjia Tianshu out, but that big guy seemed to be indifferent, they chattered for most of the night, and the other just said... **** off.

"The old man counts..." Wudao squeezed his beard.

"It needs to be beaten by the five elements." Zhao Yun consciously added the second half of the sentence.


Just do it.

Zhao Yun stopped talking nonsense and directly opened the Eternal Golden Body.

Dunjia Tianshu has a majestic body, and his golden body also stands tall.

seal up!

Zhao Yun let out a cold reprimand, and his big hand fell from the sky, with many secret patterns flowing between the palm and fingers.

The Dunjia Tianshu was pressed firmly, not moving at all, only the pages were flipping.

Flipping the book is to learn, but when it flips the book, the sky will collapse, the bright golden light will sweep across, carrying the majestic power of the scroll, and it will shatter Zhao Yun's big hand with one blow.


Wudao hit him head-on, and the law became an iron chain, locking the Dunjia Tianshu.

It didn't work, the whole body of Tianshu trembled, and it was still powerful, breaking the iron chain in an instant.


Zhao Yun sacrificed to the Sea of ​​Primordial Mist and rolled down from the sky.

The book of heaven is like a monument, even if Hongmeng is stormy with waves, it will not move.

"I don't believe it anymore."

Zhao Yun threw out the Evil God's Battle Spear, and poured in the immortal power, trying his best to revive the divine power.

Wudao didn't stay idle, his divine power surged, and he joined hands with Mr. Zhao to mobilize the emperor's divine soldiers.


The evil god's spear buzzed, the divine light traversed the sky, and the power of destruction flew.

"Stop scaring me."

The Dunjia Heavenly Book bluffed, and on the flipped pages, there were rows and rows of ancient characters. Although they were illusory, they were shining like gold.

Because of them, the book of heaven also shines like a protective light.


The evil god's spear fell, but it seemed to hit a steel plate, wiping out a flame.

There was nothing wrong with Dunjia Tianshu, but Zhao Yun and Wudao coughed up blood in shock.

There was also the Evil God's Battle Spear, which was also thrown out by the shock, and with a bang, it was inserted into the chaos.

"It's really resistant to beating!"

Wudao staggered for a while, grinning in pain.

Mr. Zhao was not much better, his head was buzzing.

"Get out." Still with these two words, Dunjia Tianshuhao's domineering air leaked out.

"Force me to open up." Zhao Yun is a master who does not believe in evil, and he stood firm with a bang.


With a roar, the Gate of Eternity burst out from behind him.

When the giant gate is opened, the eternal brilliance will bloom, and the lethality will destroy the world.

Seeing this, the Dunjia Tianshu shuddered, but he didn't know whether it was excitement or fear.

Its pages are turned again, and there are more ancient characters on it, which are still guarded by the light cage.

In terms of attack, it has to be the gate of eternity. With one blow, the Dunjia Tianshu fell to the ground.

"There is a play."

Mr. Zhao came alive, and Wudao's eyes sparkled.

The two left and right, grabbed the guy and rushed forward.



In today's mortal world, there is constant thunder.

However, no one can hear this kind of sound.

That is the thunder of the heavens, and it is for punishing the sanctioners.

"It's really strong!"

Zhu Kong gritted his teeth tightly, but still couldn't stop the blood from the corner of his mouth.

If anyone is here, their hearts will tremble when they see it. The once high-ranking ruler of the mortal world is too miserable. He looks like a disheveled evil ghost. His body is broken and he is full of scars.

Ming Shen was silent, although he couldn't see it, he could imagine the scene.

Today's Zhukong will be him in the future.

The master of the fairy world was also silent, as if he had awakened.

The rules set by God are iron rules, if you dare to violate them, you will be punished.


When Zhao Yun and Wudao came out of the chaos, they crawled out.

The Dunjia Tianshu is not only resistant to beatings, but also able to fight in general.

The two of them were brothers and sisters, they were both unlucky children, and they couldn't find their way after being beaten.

The yellow sand was flying, but they couldn't suppress the melancholy of the two. The former ruler of the fairy world and the contemporary evildoer were stunned by a book, and they were a little suspicious of life.

"You're still being reckless, so you should bring Dixian along with you." Wudao said indifferently.

"Is it really the legendary Dunjia Heavenly Book?" Zhao Yun muttered, trying to recall what Moon God had said.


When the two were feeling melancholy, they suddenly heard thunder in Jiuxiao.

Hearing this, Zhao Yun raised his eyes subconsciously.

When I entered my eyes, I saw a ray of light passing by the sky.

The light is faintly visible, but it is vicissitudes of life.

"The power of reincarnation?" Zhao Yun narrowed his eyes slightly.

"The calculation is not wrong this time." Wudao said with a deep expression on his face.

"You knew earlier?" Zhao Yun asked with sideways eyes.

"I have been a sanctioner anyway, so I still have some vision." Wudao smiled.

"The first immortal rift, every few years, will have the power of time. This time, it is the power of reincarnation. Where did these powers come from?" Zhao Yun asked the doubts in his heart.

"Naturally, it comes from the great universe." Wudao said eloquently.

"Cracks only appear?" Zhao Yun asked tentatively.

"The outside world also exists, but it is invisible."

"I've known you for a long time."

"Hurry's out."

Wudao urged, looking for a cat to get up.

When Zhao Yun saw it, he also used a secret method to hide his body.

It...refers to the Dunjia Heavenly Book, I'm afraid I'm too bored in the chaos, so I ran out for a stroll.

It is no longer in the form of a book, but has taken the shape of a human being, a small person, only as big as a human palm, which is in stark contrast to the previous majestic and mountain-like style.


Zhao Yun rubbed his chin, unconsciously, he also thought of Xiaowuling, because the Dunjia Tianshu at this moment was quite similar to Xiaowuling, they were both small and chubby.

In this way, there should be nothing wrong with calling Tianshu a little Dunjia.

"You have seen its shape before." Zhao Yun asked.

"Perhaps, possibly, most likely... seen." Wudao rubbed his head, a little confused.

Zhao Yun didn't ask any more questions, and he couldn't find out why.

The former master! After abdicating, many memories were erased, including the Dunjia Tianshu.


The little Dunjia is like a stream of light, soaring into the sky.

It comes out to eat, and what it eats is the light of reincarnation.

Seeing this, Zhao Yun couldn't help but think of Chaos Dragon, that guy likes to eat the power of time, and this one has the same effect.

"It's a pirated version." Zhao Yun said in his heart.

He still firmly believed in the words of the Moon God:

The real Dunjia Tianshu can only be called out if all the Dunjia Tianzi are collected.

As for the little Dunjia, according to what it thinks, it should be an ancient book stained with blood.

As for the word "Dunjia Tianshu", it should be related to the blood stained on it.

Whether it is true or not, take it back and study it, and you will know for yourself.

Thinking of this, he rushed out suddenly, without any reason or order.

There was a reason why they couldn't defeat the little dungeon before, that thing had a terrible bonus in chaos, and it was harder to defeat it than ascend to the sky, but now that it is in chaos, it's another matter.

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