Eternal Gate

Chapter 2125: i am your mother

For three days, I didn't see Zhao Yun coming down from the eaves, just quietly looking at nothing.

Li Laoxi has been here a few times, just like him, enjoying the scenery of the sky seriously, and when he arrived, he didn't know what Zhao Yun was looking at.

Little Zixi, on the other hand, has the age of an adult, but does not have the mind of an adult. Most of the time, she is not at home, running around the village with stumbling steps.

On the fourth day, he waited for the person he was waiting for.

Since it is the moon god, there are also emperor immortals and Taiyu generals.

In order to find Zhao Yun, they are useless. The prison built by the master is indeed not easy to find. If it weren't for the traces of Zhao Yun's dream, they would really not be able to find it.

"Brother Yun."

With tears in his eyes, Dixian threw himself into Zhao Yun's arms.

In the past, there was a battle between gods and demons, a life and death.

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If she had known that there would be a blow from heaven, she would have stayed by Xianggong's side.

Zhao Yun smiled tenderly, and there were tears in his eyes, the past was too painful.

As a spectator, Di Feng was quite emotional.

The fairy court lady in his memory was majestic and cold, never had she shown such a weak posture, like a little daughter-in-law.

Naturally, it's not just this that he's feeling emotionally, but also Taixi.

How existent and arrogant the King of Killing Heaven is, he really couldn't figure out how Zhao Yun got the queen into bed.

Love each other?

The overlord bows hard?

So, to subdue girls and other technical tasks, men have to do it.

Apart from emotion, from the bottom of his heart, he gave a thumbs up to the Lord of the God Dynasty from the bottom of his heart.

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Ascetics confer gods, he has seen many.

However, Zhao Yun is definitely the only one in the ages who cut himself twice from the Immortal King to the God Realm. In terms of the same period, the Eternal Ancestor was not as defiant as him.

"Girl, come here."

Moon God had already leaned over, waved to Xiao Zixi, and smiled softly.

It was the first time she had seen Zhao Yun and Taixi's child, and she was really cute and sweet.

Xu Shi felt very kind, but the little girl didn't recognize her life.

She was ignorant and ignorant, and she looked curious when she looked at Luna.

It was Di Feng who sighed. With his vision, how could he fail to see the bloodline of Xiao Zixi, although it was unprecedented, but calling out the body of time and space, there is absolutely nothing wrong with it, a proper ancestor level.

"What's your name?" Di Xian also bent down, gently stroking Zi Xi's little face, and smiled very gently.

"Zhao Zixi." The little guy's voice is immature, but there is a word "Xi" in the name. Hearing it, the emperor felt a pain in his heart, and remembered Taixi. If the queen hadn't blocked the sword, Zhao Yun would have become dust of history as early as that year. .

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"Who are you?" Xiao Zixi raised her head and asked curiously.

"I am your mother." Dixian hugged the little girl, Taixi was gone, and she would be like Zhao Yun, silently guarding this child for the rest of her life.

Reunion after many years.

There is so much to say.

Zhao Yun once asked about the God Burying Cauldron, but Di Feng sighed when he got it.

In his life, he seldom admired anyone. The eldest Taiyu is counted as one, the myth of the ninth generation is counted as one, and the rest is the eternal god. The great cauldron made by that man is very strong and fierce. land.

Unbelievable! Many years later, the God Burying Cauldron was blown to pieces by the Heavenly Dao.

Even if the Eternal First Ancestor is still alive, I'm afraid it won't be able to create the wisdom it had back then.

Zhao Yun was silent, with a heavy heart.

The ancestor's natal device was destroyed just like that.

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The more this is the case, the calmer he looks at the ethereal demeanor. Under the calmness, there is a monstrous anger hidden. It is against the sky. Once he destroyed the God Burying Cauldron, he also destroyed Taixi.

This is a blood debt.

If there is such a day, he aspires to the Rage God, and he will never die with him.

"I'll wait."

Although the sky did not speak, his demeanor represented everything.

If it is the moon **** who has returned to one for nine generations, he is still afraid of three points.

A small **** is still out of his sight.

However, he is willing to wait, wait for Zhao Yun to kill the heavens, and settle the account of killing the holy demon with him.

"Don't think too much."

Moon God whispered, calling back Zhao Yun's thoughts.

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The blood debt needs to be paid with blood. Since it is the Rongyu Era, it is necessary to fight against the sky. When she is reunited in nine generations, the sky will pay the price in blood.

At some point, the three of them left.

They wanted to take Xiao Zixi away, but there was an enchantment blocking them.

That's right, Zhao Yun is wearing a sinful body, and those who followed him into the sea of ​​innocence that day, whether it was Longyuan in his hand, or the Mieshijian and Xiao Zixi hidden in the eternal world, were all implicated, Zhao Yun couldn't get out, They are all the same.

It's okay, it's time to rest.

Even in the mortal world, one can also realize the Tao.

"Give me a few days."

On the way, Luna disappeared and entered the small universe.

She needs to heal her wounds, finish her work, and continue to make trouble in the God Realm. If she can find the supreme inheritance other than the five forbidden areas, they don't mind tearing down the house.


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"A bow to heaven and earth."

"Second obeisance to the high hall."

"Husband and wife pay their respects."


In the 30th year since Zhao Yun came to Xiaoshan Village, there was a lively wedding.

Just like back then, when he married the queen, the whole village came.

In the dead of night, Zhao Yun sat under the tree again, dreaming out of the enchantment.

With the lessons learned from the past, he went out this time and was extremely careful.

In fact, his worries were unnecessary.

Since that night, the succubus has never been to the Immortal Realm, or even left the God Market. One of them has been depressed for several years, and the other has retreated without thinking about it.

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Before sinking into obsession, she swore to herself that she would never go out of the customs until she could cultivate a complete form, so as to save herself from being punished when she went out for a walk.


When Zhao Yun reappeared, it was a vast world surrounded by rain and fog.

This time, his dream was a little far away, and he stumbled into the small universe without paying attention.

If dreams are also considered traces, then he can be considered to have come to this new world in a different and unique state.

Back then, the Moon God had opened the supreme vision for him and peeked into this place.

But even with supreme vision, what you see is hazy, far less real than what you see when you come to see it. At a glance, it is more extraordinary than he imagined. It is a universe of its own, which makes it inherently possess an infinite power.

And that power, with the passage of time, is blending into the big universe bit by bit, and that will be a great blessing for everyone.

"nice one."

Zhao Yun is like an idle spectator, looking at the world with shining eyes.

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He saw pieces of chaotic air, mysterious and ancient, magnificent and majestic, even if he was in a dream, he was bumped into it.

If it is not bad, it is the origin of the small universe.

In the battle between gods and demons in the past, the reason why the gods won miserably was due to this stuff, because many of the forbidden zone and the alliance of the supreme inheritance did not participate in the battle, and they were all looking for treasures in the small universe? If they are all killed, the Shen Dynasty may not be able to withstand it.

Facts have proved once again:

Finding teammates is very important, but you can't lose the chain at critical moments.


When Zhao Yun was watching, he suddenly saw a figure manifesting the world.

He is an old Taoist, and everything else is fine, except that there are no facial features on his face.

It was the old **** Wuxiang, with a strong sense, who immediately noticed the clues. After a quick look, it turned out to be a dream, the dream of an old enemy.

"I've been looking for you for a long time."

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The old **** Wuxiang snorted coldly, and struck with a sword.

Zhao Yun couldn't come to reality, so he had to retreat first.

This retreat made the old **** of Wuxiang extremely melancholy.

Apart from being melancholy, he was also more shocked.

As far as he knew, Zhao Yun had already been imprisoned by the ruler of the fairy world, so how can this **** come out? ... In just thirty years, he was able to comprehend the strange way of dreams to such a state. If he was given enough time, wouldn't he be going to heaven?

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