Eternal Gate

Chapter 2029: Viewing fee

boom! boom!

Today's God Realm is more lively than in the past.

The entire starry sky, the entire world, has been enveloped by thunder.

Even the normal operation of the Great Universe has been seriously disturbed.

I don't know how many people were shocked.

The original text comes from&from ^>塔*read small&say@塔*read small&say@

"You are not small! You can peek into the God Realm." Zhao Yun said.

"On weekdays, it's impossible to do it, but if there is a wild god, then it's another story." Lin Zhihua said, integrating three drops of the original blood of the eternal body into her body, and she added it after two or three seconds. After the second half of the sentence, "For now, it is a special period, and the perspective of God dominated by all walks of life is basically shared."

"If you open the back door for me like this, aren't you afraid that God will punish you?"

"Those few, have no time to talk to me, and the punishment is nothing more than a few lightning strikes."

Lin Zhihua stretched fiercely, her face beaming with glory.

Not to mention, with the fusion of three drops of original blood, her whole temperament has changed, and she has become more dreamy. Wisps of fairy clouds, like galaxies, linger around her body, and there are also visions, which are also derived from the sound of Dao evolution.


Just as he was speaking, the body of the tribulation crosser exploded and was clearly visible through the water curtain.

It was also at this moment that he lost his old state and became a young man.

Zhao Yun understood that it was the ultimate sublimation of an alternative.

The original text comes from Ta&Duxiao>Shuo app, for more *free good books, please download-~~>load*ta~Dunovel*a^>pp.

It's nothing more than exhausting everything, just to fight this battle.

If you can't get through, the body will die and the road will disappear.

If you pass through, you will be shoulder to shoulder with the sky.

"You can recognize the robber." Zhao Yun glanced sideways.

"Patriarch Kaitian." Lin Zhihua took a sip of tea.

Zhao Yun rummaged through his memory for a moment before shaking his head, "I haven't heard of it."

"It's normal if you don't know." Lin Zhihua said while performing the exercises, "He is from the same era as the Chess God, and his seniority is higher than that of the Moon God."

Zhao Yun was shocked when he heard that, how many years would he have to live in the same era as the chess god, no wonder he could attract the God of Desolation, he was originally a hardcore.

"No matter how senior he is, he will not escape death in this calamity," Lin Zhihua said.

"Don't be too arbitrary, what if we get through it?" Zhao Yun took a sip of wine.

Reader's ID card-Wu Lu 彡⑦④彡Lu ⑦ Wu

"No chance." Lin Zhihua's words were in an unquestionable tone.

"Looking forward to death so much?" Zhao Yun rolled his eyes.

"If I had the final say, everything would be simple." Lin Zhihua swallowed a small elixir, "As long as the way of heaven is not dead, it is impossible for the God of Rage to emerge in this era and in this universe. Of course, your master except."

"Why is this?" Zhao Yun was puzzled and looked all over for knowledge.

"The secret must not be revealed." Lin Zhihua said seriously.

"Let me do the math, you are short of money in the five elements."

Zhao Yun was clever and moved out of a big mountain.

The mountain made of fairy stones is still very dazzling.

easy to use.

This works.

Koukou five six three seven four three six seven five

Lin Zhihua put away the fairy stone with a flick of her sleeve, and sat cross-legged with her, and said slowly, "The capacity of the universe is limited, it cannot accommodate the seventh Rage God.

"I see." Zhao Yun stroked his chin.

"As for the Moon God, in the extremely special era of the Rongyu Era, if she returns to one for the ninth time, she can still stand shoulder to shoulder with the sky, but the chance of this is almost zero."

"Almost zero? Here's why."

"Secrets can't be leaked..."

"Give it." Zhao Yun moved out of another mountain.

"God will not allow her to nirvana." Lin Zhihua said slowly.

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