Eternal Gate

Chapter 2132: another one


Koukou five six three seven four three six seven five

In the Supreme City under the moon, the fragrance of wine is wafting, and the voices of people are buzzing.

After sixty years of reunion, wine tables were set up all over the mountains and plains.

When talking about this Jiazi, too many people sigh with emotion.

When it comes to the battle between gods and demons back then, there are also tears.

There were heavy casualties in the restricted area, so why not his **** dynasty.

However, if there is a war, people will die. In the future, there will be many **** battles. To survive the baptism of war is the real transformation.

"Damn it."

Compared with the gods, the restricted area, the supreme inheritance, and their allies, the roars were much more angry. There were three battles between gods and demons, and three defeats, all of which were not heavy casualties, and their foundations have been greatly damaged to this day.


It is still the call of the five forbidden areas, to reunite the gods and demons in the sky, and then fight in the lower realm.

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Embarrassingly, there were very few responses.

Loose cultivators are busy looking for their origin in the small universe.

The other supreme inheritances, especially the group of supreme beings who had just been released from prison, all huddled in their lairs, working hard to cultivate the world. In a short period of time, they really had no time to care about others, and even shouted to the end of the restricted area, and they were so lonely.

Three days and three nights of banquets.

Shenchao drank heartily.

On the fourth day, the strong people slowly dispersed.

The retreat of the retreat.

Discourse on the way.

However, there were also those who panicked and went out of the city to make an appointment.

Such as Zhan Tianxing and Immortal Divine Body, good friends who have not seen each other in 60 years, and have not discussed each other in 60 years.

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No win or lose.

After the first battle, Zhan Tianxing's face was completely distorted.

The Immortal Divine Body returned to the city clutching its crotch, with tears in its eyes.

A certain person doesn't talk about martial arts, so I don't know how many big moves he has used on his little brother.

For this reason, the ancient **** Chuyao was in a bad mood, and turned the mountain peak of Zhan Tianxing upside down, and by the way, gave that guy a serious meal.

boom! boom!

It's not just the two of them who make an appointment to fight, but also the ape **** and the regretful god.

They are all belligerent masters, fighting at the same level, the world is smashed.

Of course, there are also implicit discussions.

Such as longevity immortals and Taoist immortals, such as ancestor gods and Taoist masters.

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"See you soon."

Mengxian and Yunyan, one on the left and one on the right, formed seal formulas one after another.

To cross the universe and dream back to your hometown, you need two... people who practice the way of dreams to clear the way for them, and cooperate with the altar built by the moon **** and the emperor, so as not to get lost. After all, the outer universe is no better than the universe, and there are countless dangers lurking .

"See you soon."

Ji Ningshuang stood up gracefully, and the light of dreams lingered again.

With her last glance, she looked at the world. It has been many years since she came to the outer universe. Although most of the time is in a dream, in this world, she has fought and passed through nirvana. Those are all precious memories.


There was a slight breeze, and the altar trembled.

The divine pattern on it revived collectively in an instant.

As for Ji Ningshuang, her physique was blurred and disappeared like a dream.

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