Eternal Gate

Chapter 2136: ask questions

"Clean the battlefield."

When the battle was over, the shouts of the ancestor gods filled the land where the ancestors were buried in the sea.

Needless to say, the gods of the gods are also very real. Pieces of avatars rush to the distance, or from east to west, or from south to north, like a sea tide, sweeping the sky all the way, as long as they can be taken away, Such as exotic flowers and herbs, fragments of magical artifacts, blood bones of gods... none of them were pulled down, and they were all dried up.

Tut tut tut!

The people around the world sighed and sighed, that was nothing but sweeping, it was clearly a house-demolition-style move, a store was moved, except for the land...what else?

"Queen, you can see it."

Killing God General held the **** magic knife in one hand and spilled a piece of wine.

Cause and effect have their own reincarnation, and the price of blood was paid in the end for destroying the sea of ​​burial of the Celestial Clan.

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After a long time, I saw the brave spectators stepping cautiously, thinking about picking up some treasures or something.

However, after searching eight million miles of mountains and rivers, not to mention treasures, I didn't even find a single fairy stone.

When it arrived, there was only emotion left, the highest lineage of emotion was destroyed in the decline, and they were the witnesses.

Good Witness! earn money.

They had already photographed the scene of the scuffle earlier with memory crystals, and sold it, and some people bought it.

You can't watch dramas for nothing, these are the ways to make a fortune.


After searching for a long time without success, the spectators felt bored and retreated in groups.

But the sea of ​​burial is completely relegated to history, floating alone in the starry sky.

I don't know when, I saw a figure that manifested like a ghost.

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Naibu Haitianjun, who fled desperately before, is now abducted back.


His face was ferocious and terrifying, like a fierce ghost, his hoarse howling was a roar from the soul, it was unknown whether it was anger or pain.

Either way, a sense of sadness is indispensable.

The supreme inheritance! ...Continuing through the ages, on this night, he was the only one who was killed, how can he be worthy of the generations of ancestors.

"I will never die."

The furious roar of Buying Hai Tianjun collided with heaven and earth, causing thunder in the nine heavens.

He left, opened the way with the supreme artifact, went to the distant horizon, broke through the chaotic clouds, and landed on a mountain top, where there was a person sitting cross-legged, **** all over his body. dominate.

"A quasi-desolate artifact that wiped out the Moon God." Buried Hai Tianjun waved his hand, and a blood-stained magic mirror flew out of his sleeve.

How clever he is!

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